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FRISS Service Breakdown

FRISS Service Breakdown. ASB FIP (Respect). CP FIP (Reduce Worklessness). YCAP FIP (Reduce Offending). CP FIP. Option 2. YCAP FIP. High end families with complex needs who are known to a range of services including HASBET, Housing, CSC.

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FRISS Service Breakdown

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  1. FRISS Service Breakdown ASB FIP (Respect) CP FIP (Reduce Worklessness) YCAP FIP (Reduce Offending) CP FIP Option 2 YCAP FIP High end families with complex needs who are known to a range of services including HASBET, Housing, CSC. Persistent anti-social behaviour; at risk of eviction; Homelessness. Inter-generational unemployment/no parent in work, poor housing/overcrowding, mental health issues, DV, Low income, material deprivation. (Disadvantages identified in ‘Think Family’ as common themes preventing children being lifted out of poverty) Families where parents/older children are involved in offending/criminal behaviour AND children have low school attendance/exclusion/behaviour issues. Families who are known to adult drug treatment services and children are at risk of negative ECM outcomes (particularly the disadvantages identified through ‘Think Family’ as barriers to ending child poverty.) Families where a parent is known to the PPO team. Also where children are at risk of offending and producing potential negative ECM outcomes. Family must be at point of crisis. Have allocated social worker. Risks must be such that children will be subject to CP plan or removal. Drug & Alcohol issues. One or more parent must be willing to make changes. Referral Criteria Referral From HASBET team and CSC CSC, EWO’s, PSA’s YHN, Hill Court, Health Visitor YOT, YISP, Probation, Police, CSC, EWO Adult Drug Treatment services and CSC CSC Prolific Offenders Unit, Probation Referral Process Request for Intervention sent direct to FIP for consideration Enquiry Ivan Rowell: ivan.rowell@yhn.org.uk Tel: 0191 2771370 Gina Waites: gina.waites@yhn.org.uk Tel 0191 2771371 Wendy Brigstock Jacqui Finlay ‘Emails as above’ Henry Smith: henry.smith@ yhn.org.uk Tel: 0191 3771372 Julie Ions: julie.ions@yhn.org.uk Claire Stewart: claire.stewart@ yhn.org.uk Tel: 0191 2771369 +1 Elaine Smylie elaine.smylie@ newcastle.gov.uk Tel: 0191 2771367 Barnardo’s Worker x 1 Josephine Cushnahan Charlotte Blenkiron Michael Wood Wendy Whitehill Julie Graham Tel: 0191 2771376 Tom Simpson tom.simpson @newcastle.gov.uk Tel: 0191 2771361 Workers Manager Rachel Green: rachel.green@yhn.org.uk (0191) 2771380 Joanna Noon: joanna.noon@newcastle.gov.uk (0191) 2771381

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