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Stacks (Continued) and Queues

Stacks (Continued) and Queues. Array Stack Implementation Linked Stack Implementation The java.util.Stack class Queue Abstract Data Type (ADT) Queue ADT Interface Queue Design Considerations The java.util.Queue interface Reading L&C 3 rd : 4.4, 4.6, 5.1 2 nd : 7.1-7.8.

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Stacks (Continued) and Queues

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  1. Stacks (Continued) and Queues • Array Stack Implementation • Linked Stack Implementation • The java.util.Stack class • Queue Abstract Data Type (ADT) • Queue ADT Interface • Queue Design Considerations • The java.util.Queue interface Reading L&C 3rd : 4.4, 4.6, 5.1 2nd: 7.1-7.8

  2. Array Stack Implementation • We can use an array of elements as a stack • The top is the index of the next available element in the array Object of type T top T [ ] stack Object of type T Object of type T null

  3. Array Stack Implementation • push – O(n) public void push (T element) { if (size() == stack.length) expandCapacity(); stack [top++] = element; } • worst case: O(n) • How about the average case: almost constant time.

  4. Array Stack Implementation • pop() – O(1) public T pop() throws EmptyStackException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyStackException(); T result = stack[--top]; stack[top] = null; // removes “stale” reference return result; } • The “stale” reference stored in stack[top] would prevent garbage collection on the object when the caller sets the returned reference value to null – ties up resources

  5. Linked Stack Implementation • We can use the same LinearNode class that we used for LinkedSet implementation • We change the attribute name to “top” to have a meaning consistent with a stack Object of type T count null top LinearNode next; T element; LinearNode next; T element; Object of type T Object of type T

  6. Linked Stack Implementation • push – O(1) public void push (T element) { LinearNode<T> temp = new LinearNode<T>(element); temp.setNext(top); top = temp; count++; } • Note the difference between the stack push method and the LinkedSet add method • There is no check for already present or not

  7. Linked Stack Implementation • pop – O(1) public T pop () throws EmptyStackException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyStackException(); T result = top.getElement(); top = top.getNext(); count--; return result; } • Note the difference between the stack pop method and the LinkedSet remove method • There is no specified target as a parameter

  8. The java.util.Stack Class • The java.util.Stack class is part of the Java collections API. • It is a subclass of the java.util.Vector class which is a subclass of java.util.AbstractList • java.util.Stack inherits some methods from its superclasses that are inappropriate for a stack collection – a bad design decision! • A good programmer will avoid using those methods on a Stack object

  9. The java.util.Stack Class • java.util.Stack has a search method that returns the distance from the top of the stack to the first occurrence of that object on the stack, e.g. search returns 1 for the top element of the stack • If the object is not found, search returns -1 • The search method is O(n) • Does this method violate the principles of a stack as a data structure?

  10. Queue Abstract Data Type • A queue is a linear collection where the elements are added to one end and removed from the other end • The processing is first in, first out (FIFO) • The first element put on the queue is the first element removed from the queue • Think of a line of people waiting to be served at RMV.

  11. A Conceptual View of a Queue Rear of Queue (or Tail) Front of Queue (or Head) Removing an Element Adding an Element

  12. Queue Terminology • We enqueue an element on a queue to add one • We dequeue an element off a queue to remove one • We can also examine the first element without removing it • We can determine if a queue is empty or not and how many elements it contains (its size) • The L&C QueueADT interface supports the above operations and some typical class operations such as toString()

  13. Queue ADT Interface <<interface>> QueueADT<T> + enqueue(element : T) : void + dequeue () : T + first() : T + isEmpty () : bool + size() : int + toString() : String

  14. Queue Design Considerations • Although a queue can be empty, there is no concept for it being full. An implementation must be designed to manage storage space • For first and dequeue operation on an empty queue, this implementation will throw an exception • Other implementations could return a value null that is equivalent to “nothing to return”

  15. Queue Design Considerations • No iterator method is provided • That would be inconsistent with restricting access to the first element of the queue • If we need an iterator or other mechanism to access the elements in the middle or at the end of the collection, then a queue is not the appropriate data structure to use

  16. The java.util.Queue Interface • The java.util.Queue interface is in the Java Collections API (extends Collection) • However, it is only an interface and you must use an implementing class • LinkedList is the most commonly used implementing class • For a queue of type objects: Queue<type> myQueue = new LinkedList<type>();

  17. The java.util.Queue Interface • The names of the methods are different • Enqueue is done using: boolean offer(T element) // returns false if full • Dequeue is done using either: T poll() // returns null value if empty T remove() // throws an exception if empty • Peek is done using either: T peek() // returns null value if empty T element() // throws an exception if empty

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