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Mammal...or Not?

PowerPoint for an educational technology class I'm taking, based off a lesson plan I made.

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Mammal...or Not?

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  1. Mammal…or Not?

  2. Directions Go forward Go back Types Go back to “Types” Quiz Go to the Quiz

  3. What Makes a Mammal? All mammals have two things in common: • Mammary Glands • Hair

  4. Mammary Glands All mammal mothers have mammary glands that make milk for their babies to drink.

  5. Hair All mammals have hair, even if they only have a little bit.

  6. What else do mammals have? Mammals also share these traits with other animals: • Live Birth • Vertebrae • Warm-blooded

  7. Live Birth Mammals carry their babies inside while the baby grows. After the baby has developed, the mother gives “live birth,” which means the baby moves and has a heartbeat when it’s born.

  8. Vertebrae Mammals are all vertebrates, which means they all have a backbone, or vertebrae.

  9. Warm-blooded Mammals can control their own body temperature. If they’re too hot, they sweat If they’re too cold, they shiver to keep warm This is called being warm-blooded.

  10. What are the different types of mammals? • Monotremes • Marsupials • Placental

  11. Monotremes Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs. Examples: Duck-billed Platypus Spiny Anteater

  12. Marsupials Marsupials give birth to immature babies. The babies are kept in the mother’s pouch until they’re big enough to survive by themselves. Examples: Kangaroo Koala

  13. Placental Placental mammals are mammals that get everything they need while growing from a placenta, an organ the mother has. The placenta gives the growing babies food and oxygen.

  14. There are 9 different types of Placental Mammals FlyingHoofed CarnivoresTrunked RodentsMarine Insect-eatersToothless Primates

  15. Flying The only flying mammal is the bat. Bats: • Sleep during the day • Eat insects and fruit Quiz Types

  16. Carnivores Dogs, tigers, raccoons, and otters are all carnivores. Carnivore mammals are at the top of the food chain and eat meat. They have sharp teeth and are usually very fast. Quiz Types

  17. Rodents Mice, rats, squirrels, and chipmunks are all rodents. Rodents have oversized front teeth and chew on anything they can get their paws on! Types Quiz

  18. Insect-Eaters Hedgehogs, moles, and shrews are all this type of mammal. Insect-eaters are very similar to rodents – can you figure out how they’re different? That’s right! It’s because insect-eaters eat only insects, and rodents eat mostly grain. Quiz Types

  19. Hoofed Cows, giraffes, hippos, horses, pigs, deer, camels, and sheep are all hoofed mammals. Hoofed mammals have toes that are hard and stuck together, called hooves. Hoofed mammals either have an odd number or even number of toes. Which kind is this hoofed mammal shown, odd or even? Quiz Types

  20. Trunked The only trunked mammal is the elephant. The elephant’s trunk is a stretched out nose and mouth. Have you ever fed an elephant a peanut at the circus or zoo? They use their long trunk to grab the peanut from your hand! Quiz Types

  21. Marine Dolphins and whales are marine mammals. Marine mammals live in the water, but they have lungs and breathe air like you and me. That’s why sometimes you see them go to the surface of the water – so they can breathe! Dolphins and whales do have hair all over their bodies, but it’s not very thick and hard to see, even if you get close to them at the zoo. Can you think of any famous marine mammals from movies or stories? Types Quiz

  22. Toothless Sloths, armadillos, and anteaters are toothless mammals. Toothless mammals have no front teeth. Can you think of some ways toothless mammals can eat without having front teeth? Types Quiz

  23. Primates Primates have opposable thumbs and flexible fingers. Look at your hand. See your thumb and fingers, how you can hold the mouse you’re using for this project? That’s using your opposable thumb and flexible fingers! YOU are a primate. Can you think of other mammals that are primates like you? Types Quiz

  24. Time for a Quiz!! Types

  25. What do all mammals have? • Mammary Glands • Live Birth • Hair • Mammary Glands & Hair

  26. Good try! Mammals do have mammary glands, but they also have one other thing in common with each other. Back

  27. Good try! Some mammals do give live birth, but there are other things they all have in common. Back

  28. Good try! Mammals do all have hair, but they also have one other thing in common with each other. Back

  29. Great job!! All mammals have mammary glands AND hair all over their bodies. Next

  30. Is this a mammal? YesNo

  31. Good job!! A mouse is a rodent, which is a placental mammal. Next

  32. Try again! What is a mouse? Back

  33. What type of mammal is this? • Marsupial • Monotreme • Placental

  34. Great job! A koala is a marsupial. Mother koalas have a pouch that they keep their babies in until the babies can take care of themselves. Next

  35. Good try! Monotremes are animals like the duck-billed platypus. They lay eggs. Back

  36. Oops! Koalas have pouches they keep their babies in until the babies can take care of themselves. What type of mammal does this? Back

  37. What type of placental mammal is a horse? • Insect-eater • Hoofed • Carnivore • Toothless

  38. Oops! Insect-eaters are pretty small and they only eat insects. Horses eat things like hay and apples. Back

  39. Great job! Horses have two toes fused together to make a hoof. Next

  40. Good try! Horses eat hay and fruit. They can travel far distances without their feet getting tired. Back

  41. Oops! When you go for a ride on a horse, you put a bit between its teeth so you can make it go where you want. Back

  42. What type of mammal are you? • Carnivore • Primate • Both

  43. Try again! You may eat meat, but there’s a type of mammal you fit better! Back

  44. Great! Humans have opposable thumbs and flexible fingers, just like monkeys and chimpanzees. Next

  45. Sorry! You may enjoy a steak every once and awhile, and you might like swinging from trees, but you fit one of the choices better! Back

  46. You did it!! Good job!!

  47. What did you learn today? Mammals all have: • Hair • Mammary glands What are the three different types of mammals? • Monotremes – the egg-layers • Marsupials – the pouched • Placental – the ones that develop inside their mother What are the different types of placental mammals? Flying Primates Carnivores Rodents Marine Trunked Insect-eaters Hoofed Toothless

  48. Great job! See you next time!!

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