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EUPM -Public Opinion Poll in Bosnia and Herzegovina-

EUPM -Public Opinion Poll in Bosnia and Herzegovina-. J ul y, 200 9. PRISM RESEARCH Maršala Tita 6/III 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina Phone : + 387 33 251230 Fax: + 387 33 251238 prism@prismresearch.ba www.prismresearch.ba. Survey on the nationally representative sample of.

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EUPM -Public Opinion Poll in Bosnia and Herzegovina-

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  1. EUPM-Public Opinion Poll in Bosnia and Herzegovina- July, 2009. PRISM RESEARCH Maršala Tita 6/III 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina Phone: + 387 33 251230 Fax: + 387 33 251238 prism@prismresearch.ba www.prismresearch.ba

  2. Survey on the nationally representative sample of Research method citizens of B&H, using Face - to - face interviews in households "Random Walk Technique". Within a household, the Sampling procedure "Last Birthday Technique". Sample size Sample of 1500 respondents The sample is representative on the level of B&H, entities plus DB, 3 ethnic majority areas plus DB, 18 Sample representativeness geographic regions, type of settlement and age and gender, for adult citizens of B&H Mergin of error cca +/- 2.5% July 2009. Period of conduction of survey Research method Households randomly selected by using a method of respondent is randomly selected by using a method of

  3. N=1500 respondents % N FB&H 58,3 874 Entity RS 39,6 594 D Brčko 2,1 32 Bosniak majority 45,4 681 Croat majority 12,9 193 Area Serb majority 39,6 594 D Brčko 2,1 32 Urban 42,9 643 Type of settlement Rural 57,1 857 Male 49,0 735 Genderl Female 51,0 765 16 - 35 30,7 457 Age 36 - 50 25,6 381 51+ 43,8 652 No school, not completed primary school 14,7 221 Completed primary school 17,0 255 Secondary school/Gymnasium 55,4 831 Education College 7,8 118 University 4,2 63 Phd 0,3 4 Refusal 0,5 8 Working/Employed 29,8 447 Working status Not working/Unemployed 69,8 1047 Refusal 0,4 5 Bosniak 49,6 745 Serb 34,7 520 Ethnicity Croats 12,8 192 Other 2,2 33 Refusal 0,7 10 Demographiccharacteristics of the sample

  4. EUPMQ1. Using the scale from 1 “know nothing at all”, to 10 “know a great deal”, how much do you feel you know about European Union, its policies and its institutions?

  5. -Average values on the scale from 1 (“know nothing at all”) to 10 (“know a great deal”)- Total All respondents M 4,46 N=1453 FB&H M 4,53 N=851 Entity RS M 4,37 N=571 Urban M 4,77 N=622 Type of settlement Rural M 4,23 N=831 Male M 4,82 N=711 Gender Female M 4,12 N=742 Bosniaks M 4,62 N=717 Ethnicity Serbs M 4,37 N=509 Croats M 4,17 N=185 16 - 35 M 4,61 N=446 Age 36 - 50 M 4,71 N=371 51+ M 4,20 N=626 Primary M 3,67 N=459 Education Secundary M 4,76 N=804 Tertiary M 5,05 N=183 N = Number of respondents M= Average value (Mean)

  6. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey- scale

  7. Q2. Have you heard of...?

  8. -Only “Yes”- N = 1500

  9. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey--Only “Yes”-

  10. Q3. And for each of the following European bodies, do you think it plays an important role or not in the life of the Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  11. -All respondents- N = 1500

  12. -Federation B&H- N = 874

  13. -Republic of Srpska- N = 594

  14. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey- -Only “Important role”-

  15. Q4. What do you think are the two most important issues facing B&H at the moment?

  16. N = 1500

  17. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey-

  18. Q5. Do you think that the European Union plays a positive role, a negative role or neither positive nor negative role in B&H?

  19. N = 1500

  20. Q6. And for each of the following issues in B&H, do you think that the European Union plays a positive role, a negative role or neither positive nor negative role?

  21. -All respondents- N = 1500

  22. -Federation B&H- N = 874

  23. -Republic of Srpska- N = 594

  24. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey- -Only “Positive role”-

  25. Q7. Please look at the list of the following institutions and rank them by the influence they have in B&H . The first mentioned should be the one that has most influence and the last mentioned the one that has least influence, according to your opinion.

  26. -Average rank (the smaller the value, the higher the influence)- Rang N = 1500

  27. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey- -Average rank (the smaller the value, the higher the influence)- Rang

  28. Q8. Please choose the institution from the list for which you think is responsible for each issue?

  29. N = 1500 Data in table are showen in percentage

  30. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey--Only “EUPM”-

  31. Q9. How do you perceive each one of these reforms/projects regard to its effectiveness?

  32. -All respondents- N = 1500

  33. -Federation B&H- N = 874

  34. -Republic of Srpska- N = 594

  35. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey- -Only “Very effective”-

  36. Q9a. According to your opinion, which of the following questions present the highest priority for BiH.

  37. -Average rank (the smaller the value, the higher the influence)- Rang N = 1500

  38. Q10. According to your opinion, which of these institutions have: 1- very negative, 2- somewhat negative 3-neither positive nor negative, 4- somewhat positive or 5 - very positive role in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  39. -All respondents- N = 1500

  40. -Federation B&H- N = 874

  41. -Republic of Srpska- N = 594

  42. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey- -Average value on the scale from 1 (Very negative) to 5 (Very positive)-

  43. Q13. The mandate of EU Police Mission in B&H ends December 31st 2009. Do you think EU Police Mission should prolong it’s mandate in B&H after this date?

  44. N = 1500

  45. -Only “Yes”- N = 1500

  46. -Comparison with the results from 2007. and 2008. survey-

  47. Q14. Why do you think so?Only respondents who think that EUPM mandate should not be prolonged

  48. Only respondents who think the EUPM mandate should be prolonged N = 684

  49. Q15. Should the involvement of EU Police Mission in it’s new mandate should be greater, the same or lower than it is now?Only respondents who think the EUPM mandate should be prolonged

  50. N = 684

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