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Discuss the following questions with your partner .

Discuss the following questions with your partner . Also ask further questions and see where the topic takes you . . Does everybody have the right to carry a firearm ?. Why do people smoke ? Should smoking be banned in all public places ? How about smoking on balconies ?.

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Discuss the following questions with your partner .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discuss the followingquestions with yourpartner. Alsoaskfurtherquestions and seewhere the topictakesyou. 

  2. Doeseverybodyhave the right to carry a firearm?

  3. Whydopeoplesmoke?Should smoking bebannedin allpublicplaces?How aboutsmokingon balconies?

  4. Discuss.

  5. Whatotherspecialtalentsdosomepeoplehave?

  6. What’syourstand on tattoos?

  7. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  8. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  9. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  10. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  11. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  12. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  13. Talkabout the teachingprofession.

  14. Discuss.

  15. Discussthispicture.

  16. What’syourfavouritemake of car and why?

  17. How muchmathcanyoudowithouta pocketcalculator?

  18. Areyoumoreinterested inthe American way of lifeor life here in Europe?

  19. How wouldyoulike to live whenyoueventuallymoveawayfrom home?

  20. How wouldyou look for informationiftherewas no Internet?

  21. The Genie of The Lampgrantsyouthreewishes! Whatarethey?

  22. Discuss.

  23. Whatwouldbe the best Rock Song ever?

  24. Name thebestrock festivalstoday. Whyaretheysopopular?

  25. Discuss.

  26. Namesomejobsyoucouldneverconsiderdoingyourself. Givegrounds.

  27. Does money bringhappiness? Discuss.

  28. Whenhave the stakesbeenhigh in your life?

  29. Discuss.

  30. Why is bikinga better optionthangoingbycar?

  31. Whendidyoulastfeelreallyfrustrated?

  32. Ifyouhada timemachine, whatwouldyoudo with it? Wherewouldyoulike to go?

  33. Haveyoueverconsidered science as a career?

  34. He’saboutto jump.What is hethinking?

  35. Doyouthinkthere’s life in space? Discuss.

  36. Whichqualitiesorskillswouldyouliketo have?

  37. Share a nicememory with yourpartner.

  38. Whatareyourplansafter senior highschool?

  39. Discuss.

  40. Discuss.

  41. How cluttered is yourdesk?

  42. Areyouinterested in science?

  43. Doyouagree?

  44. How doyoudeal with stress?

  45. Dogenesorenvironmenthave a greaterrole in whatyouare? In otherwords: Natureornurture?.

  46. Whichpiece ofgoodnewswouldyouliketo hear?

  47. Name a piece ofmusicthatsurelymuststrenghthenthe brain.

  48. How responsibleareyouaboutyourhomework?

  49. Doyouthinkthatmanwillever live on otherplanets?

  50. How muchmathshouldeverybodyknow?

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