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走进肥城. 旅游景区. 魅力肥城 www.fcta.com.cn. 肥城指南. 节庆活动. 走进肥城. Feicheng is a cultural resort and peach there enjoys tremendous popularity throughout the world. Its peach almost has a history of one thousand years and gets the Genice reward “ The Peach Garden of The World ”. 全国明星市 综合实力百强县 (市)

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  1. 走进肥城 旅游景区 魅力肥城 www.fcta.com.cn 肥城指南 节庆活动

  2. 走进肥城 Feicheng is a cultural resort and peach there enjoys tremendous popularity throughout the world. Its peach almost has a history of one thousand years and gets the Genice reward “The Peach Garden of The World ”.

  3. 全国明星市 • 综合实力百强县 (市) • 山东省经济强县(市) • 精神文明建设先进市 • “佛桃之乡” • 肥城是连接泉城济南、东岳泰山、圣地曲阜、水泊梁山四个旅游胜地的一大特色景区,处于“山水圣人”旅游热线的中心地带。 

  4. 旅游景区 肥城美食 肥城胶东庄户城 • 肥城市泰西宾馆肥城市金杯大酒店 出租车收费标准 肥城市公交车路线 桃木旅游商品 肥桃酒 • 肥城市盛世佳和购物肥城市人民商厦

  5. 起步 价3元(2公里之 内),2公里至5公 里,每公里加收1元, 5公里以上,每公 里加收1.6元。

  6. It’s my home It’s Liuping’s home

  7. 中国肥城桃木旅游商品城 桃园温泉 桃源世界风景区 国电山东石横发电厂

  8. World resort of the peach gardenis the succinct of the ten thousand mu yield. It is embosomed in hills and peach blossom, deep purples and bright reds, are well arranged coherent. It creates its touring characters by the really green ecology-original mountain, original scenery, original air.

  9. The stone steps stretches to the top of the Mountain Niu, which can be a proper place to go on a leisure touring. Especially, primitive tang is very dense, and the natural vegetation is not suffered from the destructive development. 牛山穆柯寨旅游区

  10. Mountain Tao is very steep. Business saint Fanli settled here in his old age. And Feicheng became the birthplace of Chinese business culture. There are a lot of caves, and every cave has a beautiful legend. 陶山商圣文化园

  11. In the peach garden- manor, Liutai people designed several interesting and novel yards, which are adopted by locally traditional stone house and every room is named by all kinds of peach.

  12. 龙山塔

  13. 节庆活动 4月10日,第八届肥城桃花节在山东肥城举办。 旅游与招商 “三个相结合” 旅游与经济 旅游与文化 第八届肥城桃花节以提高游客参与程度为特色,举办了“女儿节·桃花缘”大型演出,其中贯穿桃木旅游商品设计大赛、桃文化书画展、桃乡民俗文艺汇演等活动,让人们在享受绚丽桃花的同时,领略桃乡文化的厚重与魅力。

  14. Bathed in the golden rays of the morning sun, strolled along the meandering bank and breathed the spring breeze, you can disburden your exhaust to devote yourself to nature.

  15. 让我们相约肥城,热情好客的桃乡人正以更加完备的基础设施,更加优美的旅游环境,更加动人的城市韵律,欢迎四海宾朋的到来。让我们相约肥城,热情好客的桃乡人正以更加完备的基础设施,更加优美的旅游环境,更加动人的城市韵律,欢迎四海宾朋的到来。 Welcome!

  16. Thank you ! 贾俊 2009.06.03

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