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Programming distributed application using TCP/IP

U de Chile, Santiago, Sem. 2011-2 Nelson Baloian, Teaching assistant: Jonathan Frez. Programming distributed application using TCP/IP. Content. 0. Introduction (concepts of distributed systems) 1. TCP/IP client & server programming Client programming: a simple client (date, echo)

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Programming distributed application using TCP/IP

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  1. U de Chile, Santiago, Sem. 2011-2 Nelson Baloian, Teaching assistant: Jonathan Frez Programming distributed application using TCP/IP

  2. Content 0. Introduction (concepts of distributed systems) 1. TCP/IP client & server programming • Client programming: • a simple client (date, echo) • a pop3 client • A SMTP client 2. Server programming (and their clients) • Simple client-server example with serializing example • File Servers: simple whole file iterative server (not secure) • Simple whole file robust server • Simple whole file concurrent server • Stateless random access file server • TCP/IP Chat with awareness • A simple extensible web server • Parallel downloading techniques • Awareness in a TC/IP peer to peer environment and the latecomers problem

  3. Content 3. UDP programming • simple UDP client-server example • a "ping" program – • multicasting • multicasting chat • awareness in a multicasting environment • broadcasting vs. multicasting 4. RMI Client-server programming • a simple example will be used to show: remiregistry, concurrency automatic stub distribution • a sequential file server with state • Automatic teller machine example • RMI-based chat with awareness 5- Introduction to servlets and jsp • principles - parameters (from request and parameter file) • using forms • implementing state with cookies/sessions 6- JDBC

  4. Evaluation • Attending to classes (at least 80%) • 2 Controles (1 al terminar el capitulo UDP, 2 en semana antes de que se acabenlasclases • Participation in classes • Our webpage at • Jonathan will also assist you in every doubt you may have regarding assignments

  5. Schedule • Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm to 3:15

  6. How to follow the lectures • During classes: • Download and run the examples by yourself • Keep the programs in your computer and write comments (many do not have any) • Follow the class: I will ask you to tell me what do the programs do • After classes: • Read the lecture again,

  7. Why distributed systems - Share resources (25 years ago) - Communicate people (now) • Performance, scalability (always) • Fault tolerant systems (always)

  8. Which distributed programs do I use daily ? 1- Chat 2- email 3- p2p file sharing 4- web browser-server 5- database software 6- file server

  9. Can we deduce how were they developed ? 1- Programming language and resources used 2- Connection style 3- Communications architecture 4- Software architecture 5- Server design (if any)

  10. Internet : two different ways to deliver a message to another application Applications’ programmers decide on this according to their needs The UDP: User Defined Package: like writing a letter TCP or UDP

  11. A CLIENT A SERVER A CLIENT A CLIENT Every layer has the illusion of talking to the same one located at the other host The UDP: User Defined Package: like writing a letter Read write sequence 4444 UDP or TCP communication Internet frames and addresses electric pulses

  12. Implementation of Communications in a TCP/IP Network • At a low level (¿future “assembler of the communications”?) • Based on the “sockets” & “ports” abstractions • Originally developed for BSD UNIX but now present in almost all systems (UNIX, LINUX, Macintosh OS, Windows) • The destination of a message is determined by the computer’s IP number and the port number • Every machine has 2**16 ports • The origin of the message is also a socket but most of the times the port number is not important • Ports are associated to services (programs)

  13. The 3 basic communication forms • UDP communication reflects almost what really happens over the internet. An application sends a packet trough a socket addressed to a certain IP number and port. There should be another application on that host listening to packets coming to that port (which is agreed beforehand) • TCP simulates a data flow. A client must establish a communication with the server before starting sending/receiving data. The server must be waiting for such request. • Multicast fits well for group communication when the group is not well defined beforehand (spontaneous networking). It is also based in the sending of UDP packages but all “interested” applications may receive it. It does not require a central server

  14. Protocolos for communication • Every service is normally identifyed by a port • Web: HTTP (port 80) • Mail: SMTP (port 25) • File transfer protocol: FTP (21) • telnet: 22/23More common services ports at:http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~rakerman/port-table.html • Servers with/without Connection • connectionless style: UDP • connection-oriented style TCP

  15. A SERVER 1 A SERVER 2 A SERVER 3 The SOCKET When a server wants to start listening it must create a socket bound to a port. The port is specified with a number. www.informatik.de 4444 3333 5555 If a client wants to communicate with server 1 should try to communicate with computer www.informatik.de through port 4444

  16. A CLIENT A SERVER UDP: communication with datagrams DATAGRAM: an independent, self-contained message sent over the internet whose arrival, arrival time and content are not guaranteed (like regular mail in some countries....) Once a server is listening, the client should create a datagram with the server’s address, port number and, the message www.informatik.de www.waseda2.jp ? 4444 www.waseda1.jp 4444 message

  17. A CLIENT A SERVER Sending datagrams with UDP protocol Then it should open a socket and send the datagram to the internet. The “routing algorithm” will find the way to the target computer www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de ? 3333 4444

  18. Sending datagrams with UDP protocol A CLIENT A SERVER Before the datagram leaves the client, it receives the address of the originating computer and the socket number www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de ! 3333 4444

  19. A CLIENT A SERVER Sending datagrams with UDP protocol After the datagram is sent, the client computer may start hearing at the port created for sending the datagram if an answer from the server is expected www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de ? 3333 4444

  20. A CLIENT A SERVER Sending datagrams with UDP protocol The server can extract the client’s address and port number to create another datagram with the answer www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de ? 3333 4444 answer

  21. A CLIENT A SERVER Sending datagrams with UDP protocol Finally is sends the datagram with the answer to the “client”. When a datagram is sent there is no guarantee that it will arrive to the destination. If you want reliable communication you should provide a checking mechanism, or use ... www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de ? 3333 4444

  22. A CLIENT A SERVER TCP: communication with data flow With TCP a communication channel between both computers is built and a reliable communication is established between both computers. This allows to send a data flow rather tan datagrams. www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de ? 3333 4444

  23. A CLIENT A SERVER TCP: communication with data flow After the client contacts the server, a reliable channel is established. After this, client and server may begin sending data through this channel. The other should be reading this data: They need a protocol !!!! www.waseda2.jp www.informatik.de bla bla bla bla 3333 4444

  24. TCP: How is reliability achieved ? The internet itself works only with the datagram paradigm. Internet frames are may “get lost” (destroyed): For every frame delivered carrying a part of the data flow there is a confirmation! Sending bla blabla Sending 1st bla Ack 1st bla Sending 2nd bla Ack 2nd bla Sending 3rd bla Ack 3rd bla

  25. What if a message get lost ? The server waits a certain amount of time. If it does not receive any confirmation it sends the message again. Sending 1st bla Sending bla blabla Ack 1st bla Sending 2nd bla LOST !!! Sending 2nd bla again No confirmation !!! Ack 2nd bla

  26. The Window for improving efficiency The transmitter will handle a set of not acknowledged packets Sending 1st bla Sending 2nd bla Sending 3rd bla Ack 1st bla Ack 2nd bla Ack 3rd bla

  27. TCP or UDP Protocol: decision at the transport level • What does it means for the programmer/designer: • By choosing one or the other protocol for establishing a connection between machines the programmer/designer decides about the reliability and speed of the communication. • TCP provides high reliability: data are only sent if the communication was established. An underlying protocol is responsible for retranslating, ordering, eliminating duplicate packages • UDP reflects just what the internet does with the packages: best effort delivery, no checking. • Also the programming style is quite different : • With TCP the data is sent a flow (of bytes, in principle) which can be written, read as if they were stored in a file. • With UDP the programmer must assemble the package and send it to the internet without knowing if it will arrive its pretended destination

  28. When to use one or another • Considerations • TCP imposes a much higher load to the network than UDP (almost 6 times) • We can expect high package loss when the information travels trough many routers. • Inside a LAN UDP communications may be reliable is there is not much traffic. Although with some congestion we can expect some packages to be lost inside the LAN • In general, it is recommended especially for beginners (but also to skilled programmers) to use only TCP to develop distributed applications. Not only it is more reliable but the programming style is also simpler. UDP is normally used if the application needs to implement hardware supported broadcasting or multicasting, or if the application cannot tolerate the overload of TCP

  29. Mark with a + the applications to use TCP and with a = those to use UDP Video conference E-Mail Web server and client Stock values every 5 seconds Temperature every second

  30. Theweb server program Web resources Theweb client program The client-server paradigm(do you remember the WEB ?) answer request THE INTERNET answer request

  31. A SERVER Web resources A CLIENT 1- The server opens a channel and starts listening to requests. ? 1 THE INTERNET

  32. A SERVER Web resources A CLIENT 2- A client who knows it, sends a request and waits for the answer 2 THE INTERNET 2

  33. A SERVER Web resources A CLIENT 3- The server, analyses the request and answers properly according to the protocol 3 THE INTERNET 3 This may involve the reading of a file

  34. Why Client/Server ? It is a communication protocol model (listener/caller) • TCP/IP does not provide any mechanism which would start running a program in a computer when a message arrives. A program must be executing BEFORE the message arrives in order to establish a communication (daemons). • Is there really no other mean to communicate ? • Multicasting (but the sender does not know who is receiving and in this case there is no dialogue) • Most programs do not act as pure servers or client • It very frequent to have a server of o a certain program act as a client of another • Sometimes a group of programs are client and servers from each other at the same time!

  35. Servers as Clients • Programms do not behave as pure servers or as pure clients. For example, a file server can ask another compter for a timestamt to register the last change of a file. • When all application must behave at the same time as client and server we can organize the communication in two basic ways: • Every application can open a communication channel with each other application (network configuration): P2P applications • There is a commincation server and all applications open one communication channel with it (star configuration): multiple chat servers. Communication Architectures for Distributed Applications

  36. Server 2 Client Server 1 Client Server 3 The Client-Server Model request answer

  37. Server 1 Client Server 2 Client Server 3 Services Provided by Multiple Servers

  38. Server 1 Client Proxy/cache Client Server 2 Proxy servers & caches

  39. Application + Coordination Application + Coordination Application + Coordination Peer-to-peer Applications (p2p)

  40. Every application opens an exclusive channel qith each other application present in the session • There may be up to n*(n-1)/2 channels open for n applications • Advantages: • It avoids bottlencks in the communications • Drawbacks: • All applications must be aware of all other taking part in the session • The dynamic is more complicated when managing consistency when applications enter and quit the session Network communication architecture

  41. The applications open a channel with the server and send their communication requests to the server. This server takes the message and forwards it to its final destination • There are up to n channels open for n applications • Advantages: • The managing og the communication parameters is more easy to manage • The problem of incomming and outgoing of applications is more easy to tackle • Drawbacks: • The server can get oveloaded • The channels may get overloaded. Star communication architecture

  42. Every application has a copy of the application and the data • The modifications (data) are distributed to all participants in some way • Synchronization is normally achieved by distributing the events, not the state of the data • Problems with latecommers • Communication architecture may be that of a star or network type Replicated Architecutres

  43. view Data Appl Replicated Architecture Data Data Data

  44. Data are kept centralized by a single application • Every client mantains its own actualized view of the data • There is a single data model, while the views and controllers are replicated • Permits the use of different interfaces (browser) • Synchronisation by events or by state • Communication architecture normaly centralized (the data are located at the server) Semi-replicated Architectures

  45. Semi-replicated Architecture Data Data Data

  46. Data and view are mantained centralized • Every client has a graphic server for displaying the view • Synchonization by state (the view) • Communications architecture centralized • It provoques a big traffic of data over the network (the whole view is transmitted) • Are frecuently of general use (like netmeeting) Centralized Architecture

  47. Full centralized Architecture view / commands view / commands

  48. Libraries for distributed programming (middleware) Nowadays there is a lot of middleware which make distributed programming much easier RPC, CORBA, RMI

  49. Goals of the Middleware • Provide a framework for making development of distributed system easier • Hide (encapsulate) communications details • Make distributing programming similar to local programming • Standardization of communication protocols and data format • This help comes not for free !!!

  50. Web-Based Distributed Systems • Applications talk to each other using HTTP protocol • Trough port 80 (usually the only available) • Thin clients – Fat Servers • Use of Web and Application servers • The server is “extended” to implement new services

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