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Greek Gods

Greek Gods. Lecturer : Wu Shiyu. 课程参考书籍 Hesiod’s Works and Days , Theogony Homeric Epics : The Iliad , The Odyssey 三大悲剧作家 奥维德: 《 变形记 》 Greek mythology Apollodorus ,周作人翻译: 《 希腊神话 》. 希腊的地理. 多山 靠海 土地贫瘠 多岛. 《 神谱 》 的由来.

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Greek Gods

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  1. Greek Gods Lecturer:Wu Shiyu

  2. 课程参考书籍 Hesiod’s Works and Days, Theogony Homeric Epics:The Iliad, The Odyssey 三大悲剧作家 奥维德:《变形记》 Greek mythology Apollodorus,周作人翻译:《希腊神话》

  3. 希腊的地理 多山 靠海 土地贫瘠 多岛

  4. 《神谱》的由来 “伟大宙斯的能言善辩的女儿们,从一颗粗壮的橄榄树上摘给我一根奇妙的树枝,并把一种神圣的声音吹进我的心扉,让我歌唱将来和过去的事情。” 赫西俄德:《神谱》 Hesiod: Theogony

  5. First Beginnings • Chaos: void, murky, empty • Gaia: broad-bosomed • Tartaros: gloomy, underworld • Eros: Sexual desire (birth) motor, drive mating Gods then came into existence through birth

  6. 大地盖亚 古希腊的盖亚是大地之神,也是众神之母,宙斯等诸神都来自她。 中国的女娲是众人之神。

  7. First Generation

  8. Greek Gods Hestia Cronos and Rhea Demeter Hera Hades Poseidon Zeus

  9. Castrate: 阉割,去势 : 镰刀

  10. 生殖器里产生的神 厄里倪厄斯(Erinyes):复仇三女神 阿勒克图(不安)(Alecto) 墨纪拉(妒嫉)(Megaera) 底西福涅(报仇)(Tisiphone) Walk in darkness, pitiless of heart 癸干忒斯Gigantes:巨人

  11. 生殖器里产生的神(2) 阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite):生殖器在大海的浪花里,诞生了一位少女,被称为美神,罗马语为venus。

  12. The Olympians • Zeus’ affairs to settle: divide the conquered universe provide himself with a consort

  13. The “Triple Division” • Hades: lord of Tartaros, king of the dead • Poseidon: ruler of the seas and waters (earthquake) • Zeus: ruler of the sky (most powerful) • Hera: goddess of marriage and married women • Hestia: goddess of the hearth • Demeter: goddess of grain and agriculture

  14. Zeus’s Mating (With different goddesses) • Metis (only time, fate): Athena • Themis: Horai, the Moirai (Fates) • Eurynome: Graces • Demeter: Persephone • Mnemosyne: the Muses • Leto: Artemis, Apollo • Hera: Hebe, Ares, Eileithuia

  15. Mortal women • Alcmene: Heracles • Leda: Helen • Semele • …

  16. Revenge of Hera • Leto • Semele • Io • Alcmene

  17. 宙斯的第一任妻子:墨提斯 最聪明的神 十二提坦的女儿 雅典娜的母亲 据预言,墨提斯要生一位众神和人类之王,因此 被宙斯吞进腹中,从此宙斯 有了她的智慧。

  18. 宙斯的第二任妻子:忒弥斯(law, order) 蒙眼 天秤 利剑 白袍 蛇 狗 书 Nemesis Justitia

  19. 宙斯与忒弥斯的后代

  20. 命运三女神(Moirae) 克洛索(Klotho)纺线 拉赫西斯(Lachesis)分配给每个人长短 阿特洛泊斯(Atropos)剪线

  21. 宙斯最后的妻子:赫拉(Juno) 赫拉是宙斯的姐姐 嫉妒 妇女之神、丰产之神

  22. 赫拉与宙斯的后代

  23. 宙斯与欧律诺墨(Eurynome)的女儿 美惠三女神(Charites graces) 光辉女神阿格莱亚(Aglaia) 激励女神塔利亚(Thalia), 欢乐女神欧佛洛绪涅(Euphrosyne) Beautiful and charming Muses and Aphrodite

  24. 宙斯和谟涅摩绪涅的女儿 缪斯九女神 Calliope (Epic Poetry)史诗 Clio (History)历史 Erato (Love Poetry)爱情诗 Euterpe (Music)音乐 Melpomene (Tragedy)戏剧 Polyhymnia (Hymns)合唱 Terpsichore (Dance)舞蹈 Thalia (Comedy)戏剧 Urania (Astronomy)天文

  25. 奥林匹亚山的十二主神 Zeus (Jupiter) Hera (Juno) Poseidon (Neptune) Demeter(Ceres) Apollo Athena (Minerva) Artemis (Diana) Hestia(Vesta) Ares (Mars) Aphrodite (Venus) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Hermes (Mercury)

  26. 云上的日子 • That hour then • And on god’s hunger lacked a share of the handsome banquet • Or the gorgeous lyre Apollo struck or the Muses singing • Voice to voice in choirs, their vibrant music rising. • At last, when the sun’s fiery had set, • Each immortal went to rest in his own house, • The splendid high halls Hephaestus built for each • With all his craft and cunning, the famous crippled Smith. • And Olympian Zeus the lord of lightning went to his own bed • Where he had always lain when welcome sleep came on him. • There he climbed and there he slept and by his side • Lay Hera the Queen, the goddess of the golden throne.

  27. 太阳初起,时光三女神卷起笼罩在宫殿上的迷雾与乌云,开启神圣的大门,诸神陆续来到万神殿,参加每日的宴饮,人间献祭的牛羊香味,随风而上,飘入宫殿里,供诸神享用。青春女神赫柏给他们盛倒甘美的琼浆,阿波罗用他无以伦比的琴技,献上一曲曲动人的歌曲。神殿的中央,缪斯女神轻轻吟唱,歌颂那不朽的神灵,卡里忒斯翩翩起舞,宴会到日落才结束,时光三女神在众神离去后,乌云重新锁住天庭。夜幕来临,赫斯提亚点燃神殿中的每一盏蜡烛,诸神散去,日日如此,周而复始。太阳初起,时光三女神卷起笼罩在宫殿上的迷雾与乌云,开启神圣的大门,诸神陆续来到万神殿,参加每日的宴饮,人间献祭的牛羊香味,随风而上,飘入宫殿里,供诸神享用。青春女神赫柏给他们盛倒甘美的琼浆,阿波罗用他无以伦比的琴技,献上一曲曲动人的歌曲。神殿的中央,缪斯女神轻轻吟唱,歌颂那不朽的神灵,卡里忒斯翩翩起舞,宴会到日落才结束,时光三女神在众神离去后,乌云重新锁住天庭。夜幕来临,赫斯提亚点燃神殿中的每一盏蜡烛,诸神散去,日日如此,周而复始。

  28. 宙斯是这一切的中心,他高坐在神殿中央,俯视诸神,正义女神毗邻而坐,随时准备对诸神之间的纷争做出公正的裁决。彩虹女神伊利斯则随时待命,她是宙斯的信使,有风一般的速度,荷马说她就像冰雹和雪花一样,冲破云层,一泄千里,为了传递天庭的任务,她可以“上穷碧落下黄泉”,到宇宙的任何一个地方。宙斯是这一切的中心,他高坐在神殿中央,俯视诸神,正义女神毗邻而坐,随时准备对诸神之间的纷争做出公正的裁决。彩虹女神伊利斯则随时待命,她是宙斯的信使,有风一般的速度,荷马说她就像冰雹和雪花一样,冲破云层,一泄千里,为了传递天庭的任务,她可以“上穷碧落下黄泉”,到宇宙的任何一个地方。

  29. Features of the gods • Have actual bodies (larger and more beautiful); • eat ambrosia and drink nectar; • Move vast distance; disguise • Defining difference: dividing line, immortal; humans must die • The most powerful oath, by the River Styx

  30. Immortals and Mortals: The Story of Pandora

  31. Hesiod doesn’t tell us where the men came from; • Men and gods met at Mekone • The way men offer sacrifice to the gods • Prometheus tricked Zeus • Done the first time, done forever • Punish men by hiding fire • Prometheus stole fire away

  32. Prometheus punished • (permanent) • Zeus punished men by giving them woman. • Gods and goddess gave her something • irresistibly beautiful • Epimetheus, a jar, all the evils • Evils flies out, but hope remains.

  33. Pandora的魔盒 宙斯的惩罚并未停止 Zeus命令Hephaestus造个女人 一个宝盒,神命令不能打开 Epimetheus娶Pandora为妻 好奇杀死猫 魔盒打开,死亡、忧伤、疯狂等跑向人间 关上时,只有hope还在盒子里

  34. Punishment by Zeus Punish human for Prometheus’s mistake Denying fire Giving Woman (“beautiful evil”) irresistibly beautiful Pandora and Eve

  35. What a Trouble Women are They are worthless They are a burden. You can’t have any children. There is no way to escape the will of Zeus

  36. Discussion Think about what Hope is doing in the jar. Why is Hope in the jar? How to interpret Pandora’s box? Judeo-Christian tradition, three cardinal virtues: faith, hope, and charity.

  37. The jar representing Pandora’s womb • Pandora and all women are responsible for evil in that they are responsible for life itself. They give birth. • Birth also provides the only hope, by providing a new generation.

  38. Reflecting male anxieties about and resentments of sexual reproduction • Common in Greek literature • All important for men to have sons • Pandora can choose to open but could have chosen to leave closed the jar.

  39. 人的五个时代

  40. 宙斯毁灭世界 霹雳火,付之一炬,国王,人肉 大水 丢卡利翁和他的妻子是唯一幸存的人类 石头扔入大地,长出新的人类

  41. 还是大洪水的故事 Baucis and Philemon 小亚西亚,贫穷,鹅。 Zeus 和Hermes访问 破衣服 敲了100次的门 老夫妇门口 洪水、宫殿、愿望 看门人,一起死亡

  42. 神话故事:Echo和Narcissus Echo是nymph,喜欢说话 偷情,Hera,只能重复他人的话的最后几个字 爱上Narcissus,遭拒 Narcissus不爱任何人 “愿他只爱自己,永远享受不到他所爱的东西”(P61) 水边的,再见。

  43. 皮刺摩斯和提斯柏 邻居 墙,裂缝 桑树底下约会 提斯柏,雄狮、牛,衣服 外套,宝剑,自杀 提斯柏也自杀,桑树浆果变红

  44. 其他著名的神话故事 雅典娜和波塞冬之争 雅典娜和阿拉恪涅,蜘蛛 Venice和阿多尼斯 Dianna和俄里翁、塞勒涅 麦德斯和黄金、驴子耳朵 丹妮伊德的惩罚 西西弗斯的石头

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