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郝红军 田俊龙

Probing the properties of nuclear matter by deep sub-barrier fusion hindrance. 郝红军 田俊龙. 安阳师范学院 物电学院. Outline. Introduction Theoretical Method Result Conclusion. 1. Introduction. The fusion hindrance takes place below a certain threshold incident energy (Es).

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郝红军 田俊龙

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  1. Probing the properties of nuclear matter by deep sub-barrier fusion hindrance 郝红军田俊龙 安阳师范学院 物电学院

  2. Outline • Introduction • Theoretical Method • Result • Conclusion

  3. 1. Introduction • The fusion hindrance takes place below a certain threshold incident energy (Es). C.L.Jiang,et al. [Phys.Rev.Lett.93,012701(2004)] 58Ni+58Ni,64Ni+64Ni, 60Ni+89Y,64Ni+100Mo, 90Zr+90Zr,89Zr+89Y, 90Zr+92Zr 极端垒下 熔合截面陡峭压低现象。

  4. The correlation between deep sub-barrier fusion hindrance and the properties of nuclear matter

  5. There is a strong correlation between the touching energy VTouch and the threshold energy Es. T.Ichikawa, et al. [Phys.Rev.C75:064612(2007) ]

  6. different Skyrme force, differentVb,Rb; Vp,Rp; Vtouch,Rtouch different incompressibility K0 64Ni+64Ni 表示prox曲线 表示skyrme力 *

  7. 2. Theoretical Method

  8. 2. Theoretical Method Skyrme energy-density functional are Skyrme parameters . Min Liu, Ning Wang, et al.[Nucl. Phys. A768,80(2006)]

  9. Woods-Saxon 分布 2. Theoretical Method Extended Thomas-Fermi (ETF) approach Brack M, Guet C and Hakansson H. Phys. Rep. 1985, 123: 275

  10. 3. Results and discussions 17 reaction systems are investigated with the Skyrme Forces SkM*.

  11. 3. Results and discussions Rv is the distance between the two nuclei at which the potential is Es .

  12. 3. Results and discussions 47 Skyrme Forces are adopted in calculations of fusion barriers : The level lines are Es and errors . The vertical lines denote touch positions of the two nuclei.

  13. 4. Conclusion • In the scenario of the correlation between the touching pointand the threshold energyEs, the Skyrme parameters SLy6, SLy10,MSk2,SkP,SKT1-3 are satisfied .

  14. Thanks a lot!

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