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Agrobiodiversity Research Challenges: Sustainable Intensification, Buffers, Filters, and Land Sharing

This research explores the challenges of sustainable intensification in agrobiodiversity, including the use of buffers, filters, and land sharing. It discusses the impact of various factors such as rural-urban migration, control of water scarcity, and the role of elites. The study also examines the convergent and divergent models of territorial configuration and their effects on landscapes and livelihoods.

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Agrobiodiversity Research Challenges: Sustainable Intensification, Buffers, Filters, and Land Sharing

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  1. Agrobiodiversity research challenges: Sustainable Intensification, Buffers, Filters and Land SharingMeine van Noordwijk Diversitas/CCAFS/CRP6 Meeting Chiapas, Mexico December 2010

  2. UrLand Dominant DIVERGENT model of Territorial configuration Quality Rural Matrix Landscapes and livelihoods NatLand UrLand Land sparing Cheap massive (highly profitable) urban housing Rural-urban migraton Ag Land Control of Water excess and scarcity Elite Suburban residence Rural-urban migrants Low Quality Food provi-sioning Marginalized CONVERGENT model Rural poor Elite Ecotourism Wage laborers NatLand AgLand Eco- servants Fortress type conservation against masses Land sharing Cheap massive (highly profitable) industrial agribussiness Elite Organic food Control of erosion & Water excess and scarcity Luis García-Barrios et. al. 2009. Bioscience and 2010 La Jornada del Campo.

  3. Variability of climate Variability of water flows Human vulnerability to floods & droughts Vulnerability range Resiliency range Tolerated range Landscape filter & buffer functions Currently increasing Currently decreasing Focus of ‘adapta-tion stragegies’? Preventable increase in exposure

  4. Exter-nal influen-ces & their Pat-terns of va-riability Landscape as Socio-Agro-Eco-System I M P A C T System of primary interest Filters: reducing lateral flows and conse-quent external impacts Immediate response medium/long term Resistance/ tolerance: absorbing external shocks Vulnera-bility to external change & varia-bility + Trans-mis-sion E x p o s u r e Buffers: reducing varia-bility by tempo-rary storage Resilience: bouncing back from temporary disturbance Sustainagility: resource base for further change Adaptation: change in sys-tem properties, reducing vulner. Adaptive Capacity

  5. Social stressors originating within and among community/ies Persistence Change sustainagility Shielding networks Economic stressors due to market fluctuations & policy shifts Climatic stressors: means, variability and change Adapting/innovating Coping S Market access & insurance H Landscape buffers & filters 2 1 6 4 3 5 Pover-ty? P N F Resource accessibility Innovation support Access to under-utilized resources for innovative use Access to new markets, satisfying new types of demand

  6. Field-level intensification Landscape-level intensification

  7. Where would you like to see more trees?

  8. Configurational heterogeneity Compositional heterogeneity

  9. Participatory resource mapping followed by simulation board game with agents of change: seeking contracts for logging or oilpalm conversion, or agreements on forest protection and ecolabelling (Photographs: Grace Villamor)

  10. Extensively used landscape Fully intensified landscape components

  11. Terrain <20 km-2 ~50 km-2 ~200 km-2 1000 km-2 Malaria control

  12. Farms are decision points across spatial, temporal and institutional scales Global institutions But a major challenge remains in reconciling 3 time scales relevant to various decision makers: National institutions Globe  institutions National economy Nation Product value chains Water-shed  space Desakota network Land-scape Community  time Farm Persistence Efficiency Patch/field Change Population Organism Gene Jackson, L.E., van Noordwijk, M., Bengtsson, J., Foster, W., Lipper, L., Pulleman, M., Said, M., Snaddon, J. and Vodouhe, R., 2010. Biodiversity and agricultural sustainagility: from assessment to adaptive management. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2:80–87

  13. Initial use A Degra- dation B C Rehabilitation Critical loss of ecological functions EU Trade-off REF/RAF: convex, concave, win-win after lose-lose D Relative ecological function (REF) Relative agricultural function (RAF) - provisioning

  14. Landscape position Current dominant trend Biodiversity-ba-sed alternative pathway High terra incognita Core wilderness/ natural forest Zona de Mata, Brasil Agroforest domain Polyculture attractors Jambi, Indonesia Natural capital -NMDS2 La Sepultura, Chiapas, Mexico Pacaja, E. Amazone, Brasil W. Ghats, India Koubri, Burkina Faso Hoeksche Waard, NL Intensive agroecosys-tem domain Sacramento Valley California Degrading agricultural landscapes Degraded, aban-doned land Low High Low Ag reliance on ecological processes (-NMDS1) -NMDS1

  15. Sustainable Weighting of Economy-Ecology Tradeoffs: Organized Reduction or Stretching Our Use of Resources?  (SWEETorSOUR?) This may be societal optimum, but requires SWEET Production Possibility Frontier Getting here may turn SOUR

  16. We need empirical data, comparative analysis of how SWEET could be made to work and how SOUR can be avoided. Comparison of 8 sites in a global network starts to give insights… Jackson et al under review Old-growth forest

  17. Jackson et al., under review Reliance on natural capital & ecolo-gical processes for production Agrotechnical intensification

  18. Field-scale actions Landscape-scale actions Jackson et al., under review

  19. Key research challenges • Quantify buffer & filter functions at patch/ field/landscape scalesunder influence of ‘intensification’ (or alternative intensification pathways) • Quantify need for increase in buffer/filter functions in response to increased climate variability • Social & economic institutions to support SWEET and avoid SOUR

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