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MMK277 – Marketing Management

MMK277 – Marketing Management . Donate Life Presentation. Marketing Strategy.

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MMK277 – Marketing Management

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  1. MMK277 – Marketing Management

    Donate Life Presentation Created By: Jane Gloyne, Jess Strange, Alice Shakespeare & Casey O'Brien
  2. Marketing Strategy

    Donate life is positioned as a non for profit government organisation raising awareness of organ donation Australia wide. Donate life promotes three concepts discover, discuss & decide, these concepts encompass the marketing strategy of the organisation. Donate life is committed to educating people to become aware of all relevant information that can save lives. This will encourage more people to donate and ultimately benefit Donate Life. It also promotes the discussion and ultimately the decision on tissue and organ donation and advices people to making family members aware of your choice. The aim is to target the age group Generation Y situated in Victoria and NSW to increase the organ and tissue donation rate by 15%. Victoria and New South Wales are the two most populated states in Australia therefore boosting the biggest population of generation Y members that can be targeted. This will Provide the largest benefit to Donate Life.
  3. Marketing Strategy- product line

    To increase organ donation by 15% within the Generation Y age group situated in NSW and Victoria as These two states had the lowest donation rates. By improving these figures it will greatly benefit Donate Life as they are the biggest problems for Donation rates. Raising the public profile of Donate life will create a higher awareness of how the donation of organ tissue will help save lives as well as increase donation. By raising awareness and educating the public donate life will build its brand power this in turn will help attract more donors and benefit them greatly.
  4. Marketing Strategy -Distributionoutlets

    The majority of services available will be displayed online in a user friendly web page. In addition donate life will broaden and increase the awareness scope by using the following: Popular social media sites e.g. Face book, Twitter & My space. Net bank advertising with the four major banks in Australia ANZ, Commonwealth, National & Westpac bank Organised sponsored flash mob promotions with Subway promoted on You tube. Advertising in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Cleo, Famous, Shop til you drop & FHM Magazines Tertiary environments
  5. Marketing Strategy -Distributionoutlets/Service Major music festivals - Big Day Out & Falls festival Radio – Hamish and Andy endorsing donate life T.V – MTV, 7pm Project, The footy show, Sunrise and The Morning Show to promote donate life Service Increase awareness on all aspects of Donate life by using a targeted advertising campaign. Make information widely available through all the outlets listed above and ensure the online based applications are user friendly, quick and easy.
  6. Marketing Strategy- Integrated Marketing Communication

    Donate life will integrate the following marketing concepts over the next 12 months: By using advertising space and creating addresses/pages/links on popular social media sites Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Donate life will reach a large and ever growing amount of generation Y users. Having an advertising agreement with the four major banks in Australia to advertise organ and tissue donation would provide widespread exposure. Having the convenience of learning something new whilst you’re doing your internet banking appeals to the multi tasker inside every gen Y member.
  7. Marketing Strategy- Integrated Marketing Communication

    Entering into a joint venture with Subway to produce a flash mob dance appearance, which will be promoted on You tube. The event will be performed at Federation square Melbourne and The Sydney Opera house along with both Subway and donate life logo and banners displayed throughout the filmed performance. Ending the promotional flash dance with a short message on the facts and figures of organ and tissue donation and how anyone willing can help. Set up Promotional tents at various locations e.g. Big day out, Falls festival and University campuses handing out wristbands and creating awareness to all festival goers. This strategy targets locations where a majority of gen Y members populate. Have a government funded rebate for donors.
  8. Marketing Strategy- Integrated Marketing Communication/Synchronous

    Research shows T.V, Magazines and Radio heavily influences the Gen Y age group. Also by using prominent figures such as Hamish and Andy (who are across all the mention media outlets) to promote donate life’s message would only add to the influence, exposure and brand power donate life would have, furthermore increasing awareness and donation rates. Synchronous Donate life will develop and integrate a new website that will continuingly upgrade and update. The website will reflect the current product positioning statement by using interactive strategies e.g. links to the various publicity marketing events (Big day out & Hamish and Andy promotions)and provide (at certain times of the day) a question and answering segment on live chat for anyone with concerns or enquiries about donation. Easy sign up for donation process plus show facts and figures in interesting format (graphs and pictures with a modern youthful feel etc.) and track the amount of hits on the website and what people are mostly drawn to when visiting.
  9. Marketing Strategy- Research & Development/Marketing Research

    Research and development Increase expenditure by 20% to develop better data and research techniques. Use the results from the research to improve the awareness and knowledge of the Gen Y age group and improve technology to monitor the website usage. This will benefit Donate Life’s Donation base. Marketing research Develop online polls and track number of hits on web page, how long they are spending on each page, eye tracking technology to see where people are most drawn to on the web page. This will determine which advertising methods are effective and ultimately benefit Donate Life by showing what strategies are working and what are not.
  10. Objectives of Donate Life

    By taking advantage of social networking tools such as Facebook donate life will be able to increase overall awareness amongst generation y, and as a result, donate life will be able to gradually increase the amount of donors in Victoria and NSW.
  11. Financial Objectives

    By forming a solid relationship with generation y so that they can provide a future benefit to the organisation through the process of donation will benefit Donate Life as it will result in an overall increase in generation y donation rates. It will also enable Generation y to educate others on how they can donate and encourage others to be involved.
  12. Marketing Objectives

    Encouraging Generation Y to donate by increasing awareness through public media it will result in an overall increase in donation rates in Victoria and NSW. This will benefit Donate life greatly as there will be a higher donation rate than usual and as a result more lives will be saved. Increase the amount of donations contributed by generation y in Victoria and NSW by 15%. This would increase donations by generation y in these states from 37 to 42 people. This will greatly benefit Donate life as they will save around 420 people and significantly improve the lives of many others as a result.
  13. Marketing Objectives

    Of the 15% increase, achieve a 9% increase in the amount of female donors from 11 females to 12 to try to improve their participation rates. By increasing overall female donation donate life’s figures will increase significantly. Create a Facebook page that includes information about organ donation, statistics and information on Generation Y’s participation rates in organ donation as well as links to the Donate Life website to allow them to learn more information about the organisation. Aim to have at least 5,000 members by 2012. This will help assist donate life in improving donation rates as a great deal of generation y would use Facebook.
  14. Action Program

    Figure 1.1
  15. Action Program

    The action program is shown in Figure 1.1 and is explained in more detail below: Dr Gerry O’Callaghan, National Medical Director, has responsibility for the new marketing and awareness strategy outlined in this report A special purpose committee will be formed in each state and territory from staff with expertise in donor awareness. The committee will also comprise additional people from the corporate/medical sector with marketing experience.
  16. Action Program

    The special purpose committee is to establish the program target and budget expenditure for each of the four activities shown in Figure 1.1. Staff will be co-opted from within the organisation to form one of the four teams and will be allocated specific rolls within this plan. The special purpose committee in each state will meet via video conference on a monthly basis to assess the progress of each of the four activities.
  17. Awareness Program- Media/Social

    Donate life will implement media promotion which will include success transplant stories and Donation awareness advertising online: on net banking for all banks. It Will also establish an enhanced presence on Facebook.com, Twitter.com and Youtube.com. The advertising campaign implemented on Youtube.com will also be advertised at music festivals around Australia.
  18. Awareness Program- Corporate Sector

    Donate Life will promote awareness through the corporate sector of organisations, these include supermarkets, such as Coles and Safeway. They will also promote awareness through Fast food outlets, such as MacDonald’s and KFC, as well as pizza chains. Lastly, they will promote through chain bakeries such as Bakers Delight and Brumby’s. Awareness through the corporate section will include advertising on packaging, e.g. on plastic bags, pizza boxes, etc.
  19. Awareness Program- Tertiary Institutions

    The team assigned to tertiary institution awareness will work with the student associations at each university (and each campus). They will raise awareness by organising events like free BBQ’s with guest speakers and handout brochures.
  20. Awareness Program- State and Territory specific

    There will be teams formed in each state and territory that will have responsibility for an awareness program in their respective state or territory. They will work with the road authorities in each state/territory to organise letters (and include a registration form) to be placed in license renewal letters and car registration letters, which are sent out yearly. Once the initial process is complete this can be an ongoing strategy.
  21. Fundraising teams action programfor the year

    January & February 3. Tertiary Institutions Team Contact first university in each state (if the universities have returned for the year) 4. State and territory specific Team Contact state marketing manager Organise information to be put in letters January & February 1. Media/Social Team Promote Donate Life Week Produce information brochures Produce YouTube videos promoting Donate Life Organise advertising for music festival: Big Day Out 2. Corporate Sector Team Contact supermarkets: Coles/Safeway Contact fast-food companies: McDonald’s/KFC
  22. Fundraising teams action programfor the year

    March & April 3. Tertiary Institutions Team Contact first/second university in each state 4. State and territory specific Team Finalise letters May & June 1. Media/Social Team Issue media release on Donate Life success story March & April 1. Media/Social Team Set up Facebook page for Donate Life Set up Twitter page for Donate Life Organise advertising for music festival: Groovin in the Moo 2. Corporate Sector Team Contact bakery companies: Bakers Delight/Brumby’s
  23. Fundraising teams action programfor the year

    July & August 1. Media/Social Team Issue media release on Donate Life success story 2. Corporate Sector Team Follow up on bakeries contacted 3. Tertiary Institutions Team Contact forth university in each state (if applicable) 4. State and territory specific Team Check-up on how program is going May & June 2. Corporate Sector Team Follow up on supermarkets Follow up on fast-food companies 3. Tertiary Institutions Team Contact second/third university in each state 4. State and territory specific Team Start sending letters and registration forms with license renewal letters and car registration letters when required, this is now an ongoing strategy
  24. Fundraising teams action programfor the year

    November & December 1. Media/Social Team Issue media release and promote Donate Life Week Organise advertising for music festivals: Pyramid Rock Festival and the Falls Festivals 2. Corporate Sector Team Finalise follow up on fast-food companies Finalise follow up on bakery companies September & October 1. Media/Social Team Issue media release on Donate Life success story 2. Corporate Sector Team Finalise follow up on supermarkets 3. Tertiary Institutions Team Follow-up on universities contacted 4. State and territory specific Team Check-up on how program is going
  25. Fundraising teams action programfor the year

    November & December 3. Tertiary Institutions Team Universities will be finishing up for the year 4. State and territory specific Team Check-up on how program is going Monthly Date TBA: Each four of the teams are to report to the Awareness Program Committee on progress to date.
  26. Summary Donate Life will be able to influence, educate and attract many generation y donators from the action plan, objectives and marketing strategy that have been created and will be implemented. By the development of new ideas Donate Life will be able to attract new donors who will hopefully, in turn, attract even more donors from generation y to donate and save lives.
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