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Model of Water Inputs, Flow Processes, Storage Components and Outputs in a Watershed

recipitation [rain, snow]. evapo-transpiration. Model of Water Inputs, Flow Processes, Storage Components and Outputs in a Watershed. snow accumulation [snow water storage]. channel precipitation. snowmelt. SURFACE. interception and surface moistening. through fall and stem flow.

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Model of Water Inputs, Flow Processes, Storage Components and Outputs in a Watershed

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  1. recipitation [rain, snow] evapo-transpiration Model of Water Inputs, Flow Processes, Storage Components and Outputs in a Watershed snow accumulation [snow water storage] channel precipitation snowmelt SURFACE interception and surface moistening through fall and stem flow VERTICAL FLUXES channel storage and routing overland flow soil surface storage [depression storage…] infiltration soil moisture recharge [capillary water] UNSATURATED basin outflow soil water flow gravity water storage and flow percolation groundwater in upper horizons [shallow, perched] LEGEND capillary rise ground water flow LATERAL FLUXES systems storages SATURATED deep percolation groundwater in deeper horizon [large scale aquifers] delayed ground water flow fluxes Reference: Allen, R.G. et al 1998: Crop Evapo-transpiration – Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56.

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