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Intonation patterns and word stress

Intonation patterns and word stress. Accentuation et sens de la phrase. « The teacher can’t have struck the 5th grade student with a paddle ! » L’accentuation de CAN’T est la plus probable, elle renforce le sentiment d’incrédulité exprimée par la négation.

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Intonation patterns and word stress

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  1. Intonation patterns and word stress

  2. Accentuation et sens de la phrase « The teachercan’t have struck the 5th grade studentwith a paddle ! » L’accentuation de CAN’T est la plus probable, elle renforce le sentiment d’incrédulité exprimée par la négation. Il est cependant possible d’imaginer d’autres accentuations, ce qui modifie le sens de la phrase:

  3. « The teachercan’t have struck the 5th grade studentwith a paddle ! » = the administratormay have doneso but not the teacher. • « The teachercan’t have struck the 5th grade studentwith a paddle ! » = He my have threatened the pupils but cannot have dealt the blow. • « The teachercan’t have struck the 5th grade studentwith a paddle ! » = He may have paddled an olderstudent but not a 5th grader. • « The teachercan’t have struck the 5th grade studentwith a paddle ! » = He must have usedsomethingelse (e.g. a rod, a stick).

  4. Practising Emphasize the wordsprinted in red: Walter wasPAddled ! WAlterwaspaddled, or washe ? Yes, hewaspaddledwith a WOOdenboard. He waspaddledeight times by the principal. He waspaddled by the PRINcipal, not by any of histeachers!

  5. Mise en valeur de l’information • Le locuteur va mettre l’accent sur l’information nouvelle et non sur ce qui a déjà été dit ou sur ce qui découle de ce que l’on a dit: • Disrespect in thisschoolis a hugeproblem. It is a problembecauseithampersacademicachievement. Because of misbehaviourhalfourstudentsdo not meet AYP requirements. Wecannottoleratedisrespect in thisschoolanymore. Unrulychildrenwill not getawaywithmisbehaviour.

  6. Intonation • L’anglais est une langue mélodique: l’intonation (the voice-pitch) varie au cours d’une phrase et d’un dialogue. • De manière générale, l’intonation descend à chaque fin d’unité sémantique sauf • Dans les questions fermées (YES / NO questions) • Quand on parsème le discours oral d’interjections • Quand on répète soit mot pour mot soit à peu près ce qui a déjà été dit.

  7. Observez et préparez la lecture du dialogue suivant: A: «I amdeeplyconvincedthatreinstating corporal punishment in thisschoolwouldcontribute to reducing violence. » B: « Reinstating corporal punishment! Are youserious? Do youreallybelievethat the pupilswill alter theirbehaviors? » A: « Oh yestheywill ! Theywillbecausepaddlingispainful and humiliating. Most parents wanttheirchildren to bepunished ». B: Theywantyou to striketheir kids, or do they? A: Yes. Whatother solution do we have? B: Well, there are alternative solutions, and otherschools in the district are experimentingthem.

  8. Gettingit right A: «I amdeeplyconvincedthatreinstatingcorporal punishment in thisschool wouldcontribute to reducingviolence. » B: « Reinstating corporal punishment! Are youserious?  Do youreallybelieve that the pupils willaltertheirbehaviors?  » A: « Oh yestheywill ! Theywill becausepaddlingispainful and humiliating. Most parents  wanttheirchildren to bepunished ». B: Theywantyou to striketheir kids ,  or do they? A: Yes. Whatother solution do we have? B: Well, there are   alternative solutions, and otherschools in the district are experimentingthem.

  9. WORD STRESS • Work on the pronunciation of the followingwords. Mind the stress! PUnishmentPUpilseduCAtion a CHIEVement suc CESSful beHAViorTEA cher

  10. WORD STRESS • Re-play the dialogue payingparticular attention to word stress (the stressedsyllableisprinted in green). A: «I amdeeplyconvincedthatreinstatingcorporal punishment in thisschool wouldcontribute to reducingviolence. » B: « Reinstatingcorporal punishment! Are youserious?  Do youreallybelieve that the pupils willaltertheirbehaviors?  » A: « Oh yestheywill ! Theywill becausepaddlingispainful and humiliating. Most parents  wanttheirchildren to bepunished ». B: Theywantyou to striketheir kids ,  or do they? A: Yes. Whatother solution do we have? B: Well, there are   alternative solutions, and otherschools in the district are experimentingthem.

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