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International Day 19 June 2014

International Day 19 June 2014. Greece. Welcome to Abbey Hill International Day 2014! This year, our International Day is all about. Greece. Greek dance Stephenson Hall 9.10-9.50 5CR , 5VB , 6VL, 6KP , 6AP Sheraton Groups 1,2, 3,8 ( 103 students , if all attend).

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International Day 19 June 2014

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  1. International Day19 June 2014 Greece

  2. Welcome to Abbey Hill International Day 2014! This year, our International Day is all about Greece

  3. Greek dance Stephenson Hall 9.10-9.50 5CR, 5VB, 6VL,6KP, 6APSheraton Groups 1,2, 3,8 (103 students , if all attend) 19th June 2014 International Day Programme Greece Stephenson and Walker students: Greek Café run by Sue in the courtyard Greek dance Stephenson Hall 10.00-10.50 7KB, 7CP,8ST, 8MW, 9MF, 9RS,6AC,6KF (91 students if all attend) Sheraton students: Greek food with Steve in the Sheraton Kitchen in the morning. ‘Throwing the discus’ competition with Mark Rhodeson the MUGA in the afternoon at 1.05. Greek dance Stephenson Hall 11.05-11.45 10AG, 10MB, 11SB, 11SP, 6KF, Sheraton groups 4,5,6 (101 students if all attend) Sweet Stall: Stephenson corridor various prices, open to all students (Stephenson, Walker and Sheraton) England v Greece football matchwith Adam in the gym. for Year 10 at 1.05 and for Year 11 at 2.00 Greek Music ‘taster session’ with Matt in the Music Room 1.05 7CP 1.25 7KB 1.45 9MF 2.05 9RS 2.25 8ST 2.45 8MW Fancy Dress: each form tutor to choose the best two students from their tutor group and send to Helenat Stephenson Reception at 2.15.

  4. Pick a topic to find out more. Use the Greek flag in the bottom corner to get back here.

  5. Ancient Greeks More

  6. This is the Greek flag. Have you seen it flying on our flag-pole? How about making your own copy of the Greek flag and pinning it up in your classroom ?

  7. In Greece they use a different alphabet. You can see some Greek writing next to the picture. ... γιατί έχει μια μικρή γεύση από οτιδήποτε φαντάζεστε Θαυμάστε το απέραντο γαλάζιο, μυρίστε το μεθυστικό άρωμα των πορτοκαλεώνων, περιπλανηθείτε στα πλακόστρωτα σοκάκια και αποδράστε από νησί σε νησί.

  8. Greek Alphabet

  9. Hello/Bye Yassou Γεια Thank you Efharisto ευχαριστώ

  10. This is one of the most famous buildings in Greece. It is called the Parthenon.

  11. People like to go on holiday to Greece, to places like this.

  12. Or like this

  13. Or this? Do you know anyone who has been to Greece on holiday? Would you like to go to Corfu? Look at this site to find out about Athens Rhodes Kos

  14. Greek Food Click here to go to the Greek Food booklet

  15. Ancient Greeks Find out more about the Ancient Greeks here. Read the Story of Medusa and Athena here What is the link between Greece and the Olympics?

  16. Ancient Greek colouring pages As the Greek goddess of victory, the Goddess Nike has been depicted on Olympic medals since 1928. We have two Nike colouring pages here.

  17. This PowerPoint was brought to you by the International (IT) Team of Andy Pearson, Kathryn Lindop and Amanda Ogden. Events during the day provided by Sue Burton and team, Richard Murray, Matt Blount, Adam Gascoigne and Steve Cropper. Enjoy your day!

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