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Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco April 3, 2009

This presentation explores the need for new models in understanding what's interesting and how machines can understand influence in the online world. It discusses the importance of influencers and the role of audience in spreading information.

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Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco April 3, 2009

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco April 3, 2009 Gregor Hochmuth dotgrex.com / @grex Finding and applying INFLUENCE

  2. Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco April 3, 2009 Gregor Hochmuth dotgrex.com * This is not aGoogle presentation. This is independent ponderingprior to my current work at Google.

  3. We need new models for understanding what’s interesting

  4. We need new models for understanding what’s interesting (right now)

  5. While some have been busy building “recommender systems” for the last 20 years …

  6. … others just brought our best recommender system online:

  7. People we know

  8. People we trust

  9. People we #follow

  10. We don’t need machinesanymore to tell us what’s interesting.

  11. Our friends do that now.

  12. The new problem is:

  13. Making machines understand what’s interesting

  14. Making machines understand who’s interesting

  15. Making machines understand who’s important

  16. Making machines understand who’s connected

  17. Making machines understand who’s safe to ignore

  18. Making machines understand INFLUENCE

  19. Understanding influence↓who’s interesting ↓what’s interesting

  20. Understanding influence↓who’s interesting↓what’s interesting

  21. Understanding influence↓who’s interesting ↓what’s interesting

  22. Understanding influence ↓interesting people↓interesting content

  23. Understanding influence ↓interesting people↕interesting content

  24. We need new models for understanding what’s interesting (right now)

  25. We need new models for understanding what’s interesting right now

  26. sort by:Most Recent

  27. sort by:Most Recent

  28. sort by:Most Recent

  29. sort by:Most Recent

  30. sort by:Most interesting

  31. sort by:Most timely

  32. sort by:Most influential

  33. Influencers havethings to spread

  34. Influencers havethings to spread.

  35. Influencers areeverywhere.

  36. Influencers areeveryday people.

  37. Influencers arein every social circle.

  38. But influencers need…people who listen

  39. people who listen.

  40. people who follow them.

  41. = Audience

  42. Audience

  43. Audience

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