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iFluka : a C++ interface between Fairroot and Fluka

Motivations Design The CBM case: Geometry implementation Settings for radiation studies Global diagnosis Conclusion and Outlook. iFluka : a C++ interface between Fairroot and Fluka. Non intrusive interface Fluka used in analogue or biased mode

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iFluka : a C++ interface between Fairroot and Fluka

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Motivations Design The CBM case: Geometry implementation Settings for radiation studies Global diagnosis Conclusion and Outlook iFluka : a C++ interface between Fairroot and Fluka

  2. Non intrusive interface Fluka used in analogue or biased mode C++ programming using Fairroot Class Library Generators ( Urqmd, etc ... ) Field maps definition Standardized IO using Fairroot file structure Parameters containers Motivations

  3. Design FairRoot

  4. Fluka version 2006.3b C++ FairRoot interface to native Fluka Enable usage of FairRoot class library directly precise field maps info (CbmFieldMap) external generators ( CbmUrqmdGenerator etc ..) etc ... FairRoot IO supported All Root IO + Stack info: (CbmMCTrack) Detector scoring info stored using CbmMCPoint General Fluka mesh normalization routine directly linked with Fluka executable Fluences -> Dose Fluence -> 1 MeV n-eq etc .. iFluka Features

  5. Geometry: CBM cave ( based on technical drawings + modifs ) Magnet + (1% ) target + MUCH ( compact design ) taken from CbmRoot Primary sources: DPMJET-III (delta rays + beam / beam dump ) UrQmd (Au-Au central collisions ) Secondaries (transport): Delta –rays: 50 KeV, hadrons 100 KeV Low-energy neutrons library activated Magnetic field map from CbmRoot 1 Mev n-equivalent fluence normalization Radiation study settings

  6. New Geometry of the CBM Cave

  7. Scoring planes MDV+STS Scoring planes Much scoring planes

  8. CBM Detectors (2)

  9. CBM Cave Geometry ZY view XZ view

  10. Displacement damage on Si lattice proportional to non ionizing energy transfer (NIEL) ( n, p, π+/-,e). To characterize the damage efficiency of a particle at E Use of the normalized damage function D(E)/D(1Mev) Tables taken from A.Vasilescu and G. Lindstroem ( http://sesam.desy.de/menbers/gunnar/Si-func.htm) Normalization of hadron fluence Φ : Φ (1 MeV n-eq) = ∫ (D(E)/D(1 MeV)) Φ(E) dE with D(1 MeV) = 95 MeV mb. Φ (1 MeV n-eq) : equivalent 1 MeV-n fluence producing the same bulk damage NIEL (1)

  11. NIEL (2)

  12. Cave charged particles fluence DPM UrQmd

  13. Cave neutrons fluence DPM UrQmd

  14. The electronics cave

  15. Much : Energy density

  16. Much: Charged particles fluence

  17. Much: neutrons particles fluence

  18. iFluka ready to be used for radiation level studies On going work: More detailed Geometry run time conversion to ROOT format for all Fluka estimators Normalization routine in C++ Comparison with TFluka (Validation) ( Collaboration with ALICE ) Conclusion

  19. Detectors MVD + STS MUCH Estimators: Energy density ( GeV/cm3/primary ) Fluence ( 1 Mev n equivalent : n-equiv/cm2/primary) CBM radiation environment

  20. CBM detectors radiation level

  21. Geometry

  22. Scoring planes MDV+STS Scoring planes Much scoring planes

  23. MVDs energy density

  24. STS Energy density (1) Sts 2 Sts 1 Sts 3 Sts 4

  25. Sts energy density STS 6 STS 5 STS 8 STS 7

  26. MUCH energy density MUCH2 MUCH 1 MUCH 4 MUCH 3

  27. MUCH energy density MUCH 5 MUCH 6

  28. MVDs Charged particles fluence MVD 1 MVD 2

  29. STS charged particles fluence STS 2 STS 1 STS 4 STS 3

  30. Sts charged particles fluence STS 6 STS 5 STS 8 STS 7

  31. MUCH charged particles fluence MUCH 1 MUCH 2 MUCH 4 MUCH 3

  32. Much charged particles fluence MUCH 6 MUCH 5

  33. MVDs neutrons fluence MVD 2 MVD 1

  34. Sts neutrons fluence STS 2 STS 1 STS 4 STS 3

  35. Sts neutrons fluence STS 6 STS 5 STS 7 STS 8

  36. MUCH neutrons fluence MUCH 1 MUCH 2 MUCH 3 MUCH 4

  37. MUCH neutrons fluence MUCH 6 MUCH 5

  38. iFluka used to estimate fluences for MVD , STS and MUCH Need to overlay results from UrQmd with DPM (beam dump) Need more input from detector groups Compare with real data ( TRD ... ) and other MC ? Conclusion

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