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Sectionalism Standard Indicator 8-4.2

This article explores the origins of sectionalism in the United States, with a focus on the differences between the North and South. It discusses how geographic locations, economic systems, and the issue of slavery led to a two-party system and increasing tensions. The article also highlights important events such as the Denmark Vesey Plot and the Abolitionists Movement.

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Sectionalism Standard Indicator 8-4.2

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  1. Sectionalism Standard Indicator 8-4.2

  2. What is sectionalism? A: Restriction of interest to a narrow sphere; undue concern with local interests or petty distinctions at the expense of general well-being. How did this come about? Sectional differences & Geographic locations

  3. Differences • North developed as a trading region of small farmers • South developed as a plantation system • North slowly emancipated all of their slaves through laws after the Revolutionary War • South became more reliant on slave labor due to the cotton gin • Different interests resulted in a two-party system…..Do you remember them?

  4. The South Grows • By the 1720’s, slave population surpassed the white population in the south • After the end of international slave trade – the slave population continued to grow b/c of high birth rate & smuggling • This high growing population caused fear of a slave revolt

  5. The Denmark Vesey Plot • Slave Codes-Stono Rebellion • Nat Turner Rebellion in Virginia was similar • Fear of northern political holds-leaving the south with a large black population that could not be controlled Slaves Fought Back: Denmark Vesey –“Take Notes” (6:00)

  6. Abolitionists Movement • Goal: to outlaw slavery throughout the US • Abolitionists who were active in SC before the Denmark Vesey plot, were forced to leave the state or stay silent • Movement grew with publications of Anti-Slavery newspapers (The Liberator-William Lloyd Garrison) • SC postmasters removed Anti-Slavery or controversial items from mail delivery • Southern slavery a “positive good” vs. Northern “wage slaves” • Abolitionists play a role in all the incidents that further caused tension between the North & South

  7. Northern Economy & Politics • Northern industry attracted European immigrants • High immigration resulted in the North having larger representation in the House of Representatives • Whigs (Former Federalists) • Result of northern representation caused the south to push for rigorous admission of new states as slave states to balance out the number of slave and free states in Senate

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