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Modeling AADL Flows in Real Time Model Checkers

Modeling AADL Flows in Real Time Model Checkers. ComS 512 Project John Altidor Michelle Ruse Jonathan Schroeder. Outline. Tools AADL Overview UppAal Overview Generating the Real Time Model from Flows Demo (Partial). Tools Used. OSATE AADL Editor Checks safety properties for the model

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Modeling AADL Flows in Real Time Model Checkers

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  1. Modeling AADL Flows in Real Time Model Checkers ComS 512 Project John Altidor Michelle Ruse Jonathan Schroeder

  2. Outline • Tools • AADL Overview • UppAal Overview • Generating the Real Time Model from Flows • Demo (Partial)

  3. Tools Used • OSATE • AADL Editor • Checks safety properties for the model • UppAal • Real-Time Model Checker • Verifies Timing properties for the systems

  4. AADL

  5. AADL Overview • Architecture Analysis & Design Language • Developed Originally for Avionics • A language to model the interactions of software and hardware components of embedded real-time systems

  6. AADL Models • What can we model • Software Components • Threads / Thread Groups • Processes • Data • Subprograms • Hardware Components • Processor • Memory • Device • Bus • Composite • System process Encryption features input_a: in data port storage; output_a: out data port storage ; input_b: in data port storage; output_b: out data port storage ; end Encryption; process implementation Encryption.basic end Encryption.basic;

  7. Component Communication • Components send and receive data through ports • Data • Event • Components interact with each other through connections • Connections are directional • Each input port can only have 1 incoming connection • Each output port can have multiple outgoing connections

  8. Controller Example Data Port Connection Event Port

  9. Flow Specifications • We can track how the data is moving through the system with flows • Flow elements • Source: Where is the data coming from • Sink: Where the data will eventually end up • Flow Path: The route the data takes through a component • End to End Flow: A flow path beginning at a source and ending at a sink

  10. Controller Flow fp: end to end flow Sensor_a.fp -> c1 -> Controller.fp -> c2 -> Monitor_a.fp; fp: flow path input_a -> c1 -> Encryption.fp -> c2 -> output_a;

  11. What can we do with Flows? • Latency Calculations • Connections and some subcomponents can have latency information • Currently statistics are generated for each individual flow • Max Latency from source to sink • What if we want to check more interesting properties?

  12. Modeling Flows • Transform the flows into a real-time model • Use a simplified CTL query to check model for interesting properties • UppAal: Tool for validating real time systems

  13. UppAal

  14. UppAal Overview • System Editor • Draw Automata: locations, edges, etc. • Declare global and local const, vars, functions • Create instances of system and processes • Simulator • Traces: next, prev, replay, open, save, random • Message sequences (nice visual) • Verifier • Loads .q or manually input query comment

  15. UppAal Files • UppAal 4.0.6 (March 2007) supports .ta, .xta formats and .xml • Ver 3.2 GUI-supported • Ver 3.4 verification supported • Trace files .xtr (linked to model) • Query files (verification) .q

  16. UppAal .xml • Process (aka Templates) <declaration>process procName… /* c-code */ </declaration> <template> <name>tName</name> </template> • Instantiation occurs in <declaration> System sysName; </declaration> • Inter-process synchronization occurs via channels (think Spin!) or shared memory. chan orurgent chan (no delay)

  17. UppAal CTL Verifier

  18. UppAal Symbolic Traces • We assume (incorrectly) • A[ ] beginflow imply endflow • Timed automata: delays and timing • Backward Stable • given a symbolic trace with states {A, B} s.t. A is before B, every state in B can be reached by a state in A. • not Forward Stable • given a symbolic trace with states {A,B} s.t. A is before B, every state in A can reach a state in B. • Solution: urgent and committed locations! • However, we want timing information

  19. Flow1 Model

  20. Example: Flow1.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <nta> <declaration>clock c; chan mychan; </declaration> <template> <name> Encryption</name> <parameter> </parameter> <declaration> clock t; </declaration> <locationid="id1"> <name> Encryptioninput</name> </location> <location id="id2"> <name> Encryptionoutput </name> </location> <init ref="id1"/> <transition> <source ref="id1"></source> <target ref="id2"></target> <label kind="guard">t < 3</label> <label kind="synchronisation">mychan! </label> </transition> </template> <system>system Test,Encryption;</system> </nta>

  21. Flow1.q /* The system is deadlock free. But here deadlock occurs at end of flow! */ A[]not deadlock /* Whenever eventually SensedData (beginning) to Monitorinput (end) will fail. */ Test.SensorSensedData --> Test.Monitorinput /* Eventually from end to beginning? */ A<> Test.Monitorinput imply Test.SensorSensedData /* Potentially always flows does info get to port p in time t? */ E[] Test.ControllerInput and c<5 /* potentially always flows does info get to port p in time t? */ E<> ((Test.SensorSensedData imply Test.Monitorinput) and c < 5) /* is there at least one path where info gets to port p in time t? */ E<> Test.ControllerInput and c<5


  23. AADL to UppAal

  24. AADL to UppAal Transformation Real-Time Model Verification OSATE AAXL Project UppAal AADL Text Counter-Example CTL Formula

  25. Aadl to UppAal • Controller  System instance defined in template • Process  System instance defined in template (or could be process) • Ports  locations • Transitions  edges with timing location • edge properties: guard, sync, select, update used for timing check • Edges used to sync with sub-systems

  26. Transforming a Flow to a Real-time Model • Flow Structure • Port -> Connection -> Port -> Subcomponent -> … • UppAal Model • Location -> Transition -> Location -> Transition -> … • Let Locations be the Ports • Let Subcomponents be their own Template • Use channels to synchronize the subcomponents • We will let our transitions be the connections that have the associated latency timing information

  27. Demo

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