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Types of Braces for Teeth

These are the oldest of the types of braces for teeth. One of the most common of the braces used today, these have metal wires and brackets, are highly effective and the least expensive of all the types. The con associated with them is that come with their fair share of issues.

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Types of Braces for Teeth

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  1. Types of Braces for Teeth

  2. Metal braces These are the oldest of the types of braces for teeth. One of the most common of the braces used today, these have metal wires and brackets, are highly effective and the least expensive of all the types. The con associated with them is that come with their fair share of issues. They’re very evident, leave your mouth feeling sore, and need to be worn 24x7 for a minimum of two years.

  3. Ceramic braces Ceramic braces are almost the same as traditional metal braces, the only difference being the raw material. The ceramic used to make these blends into the natural color of your teeth which makes the braces slightly less noticeable than the metal ones. Thought, just as effective as its metal counterpart, people prefer these because of their color.

  4. Lingual braces Made out of metal, these braces are attached to the inside of the teeth and therefore cannot be seen easily. Lingual braces although less visible than the ceramic and metal ones are not as effective and take longer to achieve the desired alignment. They can often be uncomfortable for patients as the tongue comes in direct contact with them. Their position also makes it difficult to clean and maintain them.

  5. Invisible aligners The most distinct type of braces, invisible aligners do not have brackets and wires and instead use a series of plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth. These are custom-made according to the measurement of the patient's mouth and are very easily removable. They let you eat or drink whatever you want to and with them, the treatment usually goes on for only about 6-8 months.

  6. Self-Ligating braces These are one of the many types of metal braces. They look very similar to the traditional ones but use clips instead of elastic bands to keep the wire of the brace in its place. This results in less friction on the braces and helps the individual keep the braces and teeth cleaner. Although the effect is similar to traditional metal braces, it may give you increased control over the appliance for more precise teeth alignment which is more expensive.

  7. Thank You

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