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GURME The WMO GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment project

GURME The WMO GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment project. Liisa Jalkanen, WMO Secretariat Greg Carmichael, GURME SAG Chair. World Meteorological Organization Independent technical UN agency 188 Members manage through WMO Congress and Executive Council

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GURME The WMO GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment project

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  1. GURMEThe WMO GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment project Liisa Jalkanen, WMO Secretariat Greg Carmichael, GURME SAG Chair

  2. World Meteorological Organization • Independent technical UN agency • 188 Members manage through WMO Congress and Executive Council • Secretariat in Geneva (staff 250) • Major Technical Programmes • World Weather Watch (WWW) and Applications of Meteorology • World Climate Programme (WCP) • Hydrology and Water Resources • Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme (AREP) • Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) • GURME

  3. THE GAW MISSION • Systematic monitoring of atmospheric chemical and physical parameters globally • Analysis and assessment • Development of predictive capability

  4. GAW MONITORING THEMES • Stratospheric Ozone • Tropospheric Ozone • Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs) • Reactive Gases (CO, VOC, NOy, SO2) • Precipitation Chemistry • Aerosols (chemical, physical, AOD) • UV Radiation • (Natural Radionuclides, Rn222, Be7,14CO)

  5. GAW Station Information System … GAWSISOnline - comprehensive information on all GAW stations • Database • Search / Update • Inventory / Audit (Supported by Switzerland)

  6. GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment GURME project

  7. Public Impact Chemical Weather Analysis Urban/Regional Prediction Global Assimilation Satellite Products Chemical Weather: A Challenge of Scales and Integration Requires Close Integration of Observations and Models Modified after Pierce NASA/Langley

  8. GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment Project (GURME) • To enhance the capabilities of NMHSs in providing urban-environmental forecasting and air quality services of high quality, illustrating the linkages between meteorology and air quality; • In collaboration with other WMO programmes, WHO and environmental agencies, to better define meteorological and air quality measurements focusing specifically on those that support urban forecasting; • To provide NMHSs with easy access to information on measurement and modeling techniques; • To promote a series of pilot projects to demonstrate how NMHSs can successfully expand their activities into urban environment issues.

  9. GURME Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) Chair:Greg Carmichael Members:Leong Chow Peng Alexei Liakhov Peter Manins Paul Mason Wang Jinxing Liisa Jalkanen

  10. GURME Air Quality Forecasting (AQF) • Workshops (WS) • Regional WS on AQF • August 2000, Kuching, Malaysia • Expert Workshop on AQF • October 2002, Cuernavaca, Mexico • Expert WS on AQF for Latin American project • October 2003, Santiago de Chile • Training WS on AQF (WRF Chem and Satellites) • 9-13 January 2006, Sao Paulo

  11. Air Quality Forecasting (AQF) GURME Expert Workshops on AQF, objectives • To review the current operational air quality forecasting tools and their requirements, including measurement needs; • To identify the current status of relevant research that can be expected to improve operational models in the next few years; • To develop recommendations for the direction of improving air quality forecasting; • To present the above information in such a way that it is useful for NMHSs and other authorities that are starting or developing their air quality forecasting activities; • To share best-practices regarding air quality forecasting, and to develop and deliver AQ training materials

  12. Important findings from the AQF workshops include: • There is growing experience and interest in air quality forecasting; • Air quality forecasting and management share a common science-base; • Improvements in AQ forecasting will come from: 1. Better understanding of local situations and of key processes (e.g., local winds, boundary layer dynamics); 2. Increasing accuracy in the meteorological forecasts; 3. The act of doing – increased experience will lead to enhanced capability; 4. Improvements in emission estimates. GURME Experts Meeting In Cuernavaca Mexico

  13. GURME Training Course on Chemical Weather Forecasting • Develop and deliver to staff in national meteorological services, scientists and others involved in air quality issues. • Designed to provide the background knowledge needed to design, develop, implement and evaluate a basic air quality-forecasting program. • The course contains practical advice, introduces the participants to available tools and methods, and provides reference materials for follow-on activities. • GURME Training Team (GTT) has been established, will develop training materials • The first training workshop is tentatively planned to be held in Lima

  14. DEVELOP MATERIALS FOR USE IN AIR QUALITY FORECASTING TRAINING GURME Plans to continue cooperation with other programs and complement these recent publications with additional guideline materials.

  15. Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation (IGACO) System Objectives: To ensure accurate, comprehensive global observations of key atmospheric gases and aerosols; To establish a system for integrating ground-based, in situ and satellite observations using atmospheric models; To make the integrated observations accessible to users. Implemented by WMO See Overleaf Observations Satellite IGACO System An international process: Panel of 19 experts from 12 countries and independent reviewers from 7 countries. Aircraft Products NO2 Ground-based Links to: Space agencies, WCRP, GCOS, IGBP, IGOS themes Ozone Depletion Climate Air Quality Lbarrie@wmo.int Joerg.Langen@esa.int

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