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U.S. History I

U.S. History I. Chapter 8 “The Progressive Era” Clockwise from left: Tenement, Children in Poverty, Industrial Pollution, Worker Unrest, Political Corruption, & Worker Conditions. Chapter 8 Section1. “The Drive for Reform” 2.3, 2.5, 3.6, & 3.8. Origins of Progressivism.

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U.S. History I

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  1. U.S. History I Chapter 8 “The Progressive Era” Clockwise from left: Tenement, Children in Poverty, Industrial Pollution, Worker Unrest, Political Corruption, & Worker Conditions

  2. Chapter 8 Section1 “The Drive for Reform”2.3, 2.5, 3.6, & 3.8

  3. Origins of Progressivism • Many felt that Industrialization and Urbanization caused social and political problems. • “Progress”ives: wanted to fix the “ills” of society • What is step in one in ALL 12-Step programs (AA…etc)? • http://dig.lib.niu.edu/gildedage/ (Illinois During the Gilded Age)

  4. What is “Muck”? What is a Rake? Muckraker: Writer’s who “exposed” America’s “dirt” (Problems) Lincoln Steffens: The Shame of the Cities-Exposed Political Corruption (Top Right) Jacob Riis: How The Other Half Lives-Exposed Immigrant Conditions Ida Tarbell: The History of Standard Oil-Criticized Rockefeller and Standard Oil Monopoly (Top Left) Upton Sinclair: The Jungle- Criticized meat industry (Bottom Right) Muckrakers “Reveal” the Need for Reform

  5. Walter Rauschenbusch: Christianity and the Social Crisis- America needed to follow The Holy Bible to “fix” society (Social Gospel) “Revive” Society *many protestant leaders followed the Social Gospel (Child Labor/Shorter Workweek) Jane Addams: 1889: Opened “Hull-House” in Chicago: “Settlement House” to aid urban poor (Women/Children) Have you ever the story of Rosemary’s Baby? Progressives Reform Society

  6. Hull House-Boo! What purpose would “devil baby” legend serve? Hint: Think about Social gospel

  7. Protecting Children and Industrial Workers • 1902: National Child Labor Committee • 1912: U.S. Children’s Bureau: Looked out for Health and Welfare of Children • John Dewey: Wanted children to think “critically” and not just memorize facts • Triangle Shirtwaste Company: 1911 146 Workers killed in fire • *Led to workplace safety laws • *many states also limited workday to 10 hours • 1905: Lochner v. U.S.: Ruled law “unconstitutional” “Right to work case”

  8. 1900: Galveston, TX Hurricane killed 8,000 People (Largest Natural Disaster in U.S. History) Led to change from Mayor to “Commission” system of power (5 member commission board) Reforming Government

  9. Robert La Follette: Gov. of Wisconsin Direct Primary: Citizens vote for “nominee” that can run in election Initiative: Citizens can use a petition to put issue on a ballot Referendum: Citizens can approve or reject laws on ballot Recall: Power to remove elected official before their term ended “Laboratory of Democracy”

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