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Why TIE, why now?

Why TIE, why now?. Basic situations in our schools have changed. Teacher training and qualification needs to be changed too. National and international networks need to be supported. Teachers shall learn from, share with and meet educators, whose classrooms span Europe.

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Why TIE, why now?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why TIE, why now? • Basic situations in our schools have changed. • Teacher training and qualification needs to be changed too. • National and international networks need to be supported. • Teachers shall learn from, share with and meet educators, whose classrooms span Europe. • It is necessary to train teachers in the field of eLearning adequately today.

  2. TIE in brief… • Teachers in Europe (TIE) gives teachers the opportunity to examine and reflect upon their own teaching practices by analyzing student work. • TIE fosters peer-discussions about expectations, accurate evaluation and evidence of learning through an Internet communication platform. • Tie supports the exchange of education materials and of good national and international practice examples.

  3. AdvantagesFor Teachers… • ThroughTIE teachers see what is expected, taught and achieved in other countries. • TIE provides the resources to generate new strategies for improving teaching. • TIE demonstrates new techniques on measuring student learning and progress. • TIE increases and refreshes teachers’ subject knowledge.

  4. More Advantages… • TIE Associates can interact online (Learnlinc) with Teachers in Europe to discuss student work, expectations and successful outcomes. • TIE teachers will receive soft- and harware for the classroom in the area of measurement and control with a computer (Coach).

  5. Work plan • One student case per teacher until 31st of October, 2004 finished for the national database. • Several online conferences. • Two more student cases next year. • National conference. • International conference

  6. Outlook… • More participanting countries interested to broaden the international exchange. • More school-networks in each country. • Extended use of TIE methods for teacher training and qualification.

  7. Contact and further information… Andreas ReinholtzMBWFK Schleswig-Holstein (Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein)- III 4 TIE -Brunswiker Straße 16-2224105 KielTelefon: 0431/988-2428Mail: Andreas.Reinholtz@kumi.landsh.de Internet: http://tie.lernnetz.de/

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