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Maximizing PMF Reviews in NDCs: A Case Study in Nottingham

This case study explores the development of a performance management approach in Nottingham NDC, focusing on maximizing the use of PMF reviews within NDCs. It highlights the past experience, evidence, involvement of major partners, and ongoing performance management practices.

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Maximizing PMF Reviews in NDCs: A Case Study in Nottingham

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  1. National data – local knowledge NDC National Evaluation Workshop B: Maximising the use of PMF reviews within NDCs Case study: NottinghamNDC

  2. Developing a Performance Management Approach Marguerite Adewoye Performance & Evaluation Coordinator 0115 9648364 marguerite@ndcnottingham.org.uk

  3. Past Experience • Pioneered a Citizens’ Jury approach for scoring process. • 20 residents involved each year. • Training in team working. • Some project visits. • Evidence presented by “witnesses” from NDC staff and partner organisations. • Panel type scoring.

  4. Past Experience + • Some residents became involved in other parts of the NDC programme. • High level of transparency in the process of scoring. • Residents did not feel prepared enough to deal with such a large amount of information. • Some partners felt uncomfortable with the confrontational style of assessment. • Impact measurements were incomplete possibly leading to poor decisions. -

  5. Beat Team wardens project Evidence • Outcome statistics where new information is available. • Output analyses of the projects contributing to the theme. • A progress report on each project currently active in each theme. • Other selected MORI Household Survey analyses as required to evidence the various parts of the PMF criteria. • The contents and results of consultation on this evidence by residents, partners and staff.

  6. Performance Groups • Mid January – Six themed performance groups. • 8-10 participants in each: residents, NDC staff and partner organisations. • Resident training to take place early January. • Provide provisional thematic scores, however the emphasis is on making suggestions for improvement plan. • Plan was for briefing events on statistical evidence to be held in December.

  7. Involving Major Partners • Recent groundwork in linking NDC outcomes with LAA targets. NDC interventions identified in Local and City Action Plans. • ONENottingham’s Block Leads who are from various public sector partners will be participating in the performance groups as part of the development of performance management across the city. • This will give them the opportunity to examine the interactions of various public and voluntary sector interventions at a neighbourhood level.

  8. Involving Major Partners • GOEM have been involved in the development of this approach from the start and are kept informed on progress through monthly strategic management meetings. • They have been instrumental in encouraging partnership working with the LSP. • The final scoring and composition of the PMF Report will be negotiated between the NDC Partnership and GOEM in February after the performance groups.

  9. regular project evaluation feedback Project improvement support sessions Theme level evaluation recognition of good practice Regular indicator updates output analysis staff IPAs Ongoing Performance Management • Now receiving several sets of information on a rolling basis, from local sources and national evaluation team. • Information on delivery (monitoring and evaluation) being collected on an ongoing basis. • Performance Groups will meet again approximately 6 months after current PMF. • Improve responsiveness of programme management.

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