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Lesson 6 - Lesson objective

Lesson 6 - Lesson objective. Success criteria Build – to discuss the starter outcome, what ways have you accessed support/care.

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Lesson 6 - Lesson objective

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  1. Lesson 6 - Lesson objective Success criteria Build – to discuss the starter outcome, what ways have you accessed support/care. Apply – you will work in your groups and read a case study, highlighting the most important and useful parts of the text. You have also answered the questions linked to the case study. Finally, you have revised statutory, private and voluntary services linked to these areas. Secure - AfL as a group you are able to identify the importance of the human rights act, and the statutory rights in receiving care in the UK, and the processes people go through. To be able to understand different methods of referral and how individuals can take control of their life’s rather than relying on other people during illness, early education and health related issues .

  2. Task 1 Please note that this is a skill you will use during your timed controlled assessment • Read the case study you have chosen. Then highlight the evidence listed below and make notes in your booklets. • Why are you doing this? • Firstly, to find out how the client received care? • How the client was referred to that particular service? • What processes and referrals they had to go through • What barriers they came up against • How the services dealt with the clients needs • What treatments or assistance the client received? Lesson objective - To understanding different methods of referral and how individuals can take control of their life’s rather than relying on other people during illness, early education and health related issues .

  3. Task 2 Voluntary agencies for social care make notes – there are many services provided by the voluntary sector. Question - What is meant by the voluntary sector? Statutory services to care in the UK – there are many organisations that we as residents in the UK are automatically entitled to. Question – What are they, think about yourselves? Private care services in the UK - again there are many, both in early school provision ,health care and health care related services. Question – What are they, think about Little Acorns, is this privately owned or owned by the local Authority? Lesson objective - To be able to understand different methods of referral and how individuals can take control of their life’s rather than relying on other people during illness, early education and health related issues .

  4. Task 3 Questions What does empowerment mean? Why is it important that individuals take control of his or her life rather than relying on other people? Now - List the main points from page 28 What might prevent people from using the services they need? Now - List the six barriers from pages 29-30 and write up short notes for each • Discussion surrounding a clients empowerment during health care and early learning provision. Lesson objective – To be able to understand different methods of referral and how individuals can take control of their life’s rather than relying on other people during illness, early education and health related issues .

  5. Task 4 - Now work in your groups and find out how a professional could empower: • a child who has arrived for the first time at a playgroup • An older adult who is attending a day-care centre • An older adult in a residential home, who is trying to decided which treatment to have Share your answers!

  6. Do you know what the Human Rights Act is?

  7. Task 5 – Make notes from the slide surrounding the Human Rights Act – if you want to research this further go onto www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk or make notes from H&SC theory page 24 • Human Rights Act UK 2009 or Children Act 2004 Statement - We believe in fundamental rights and freedoms - shared values that protect every member of the human family and the society we seek to build together. The Human Rights Act is a written law (statute) passed in 1998 which is in force in England and Wales. The human rights that are contained within this law are based on the articles of the European Convention on Human Rights. That is why, when we talk about the rights granted by the Human Rights Act we often refer to them as ‘Convention rights’. • Remember you do notneed to know this policy inside out, but you do need to have an awareness of what it is and why it is in place.

  8. Glossary of Educational institutions – early learning provisions • Every Child a Talker is a Government programme to provide training and support to those working with young children on early language development • ‘Every Child Matter’ – government policy • ‘Sure Start’ early learning provision and day centres for parents, carers and children • eppe _ gov strategy for Early School Provision.ppt • Nursery school - early childhood education (USA); early years (UK); nursery school (UK) ages 2 to 5; preschool education (UK/USA), playgroups (UK), creche, kindergarten. • Infant schools - schools that cater for pupils age 5-7.

  9. Glossary of Health Care and Health Care related organisations – research links • Healthcare Glossary: Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) • www.wakefield.gov.uk under letter H • Also Community and Living left hand tag on web-site • Health and Social Care – left hand tag on the site • All Health Care Trusts will have large web-sites and interrelated Health Care policies

  10. Homework – using the next two slides to help with some of your research make notes or go onto: www.vivienneclark.co.uk Into Health & Social Care Unit 1 – Lesson 5 Read and carry out the tasks from there, remember the more research you have, and the greater your input, the higher your grade will be for this part of the unit! Lesson objective - To be able to understand different methods of referral and how individuals can take control of their life’s rather than relying on other people during illness, early education and health related issues .

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