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TROI – 5500, 5700, 7700 3D SPI Series

TROI – 5500, 5700, 7700 3D SPI Series. Training Presentation. This document is intended for training purposes only. While the majority of features are covered. Please consult any given manual for detailed explanations. Contact Information: Prepared By : Keith Johnson

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TROI – 5500, 5700, 7700 3D SPI Series

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  1. TROI – 5500, 5700, 7700 3D SPI Series Training Presentation Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  2. This document is intended for training purposes only. While the majority of features are covered. Please consult any given manual for detailed explanations. Contact Information: Prepared By: Keith Johnson Direct Email: keith.johnson@pemtron.com Support Email: support.US@Pemtron.com “Send us your feedback and questions.” Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  3. Table of Contents • 1) GENERAL OPERATION • - Logging In • - Getting to Know SPI software • - User Management • - Changing Units of Measurements • - Safety • 2) CONVEYOR • - SPI Home and Inspection Position • - Conveyor Adjustment • - How to set By Pass Mode • 3) PROGRAMMING • - Creating a New Program • - CAD Importing (Reference ID) • - Multiple Array Programming • 4) TEACHING • - Teaching Fiducial Marks • - Teaching Barcodes • - Teaching Bad Marks • - Teaching Defect Tolerances • - Teaching Default Defect Tolerances • - LED Luminance Optimization • - Changing Board Data • - Bare Board Teaching • 5) ROI ANALYSIS • - Live Cam View • - How to Apply all Pad Offset • - Color Algorithm • - Analysis 3D Viewer • 6) SPI INSPECTION • - Opening a Job Program • - Starting Automatic Inspection • - NG Viewer Explanation • - Example of Defects • 7) CALIBRATION • - Reference Test • - PZT 3D Calibration • 8) SPC • - SPC Client • - SPC Server Doc. USTP0213 Rev1


  5. Logging In Win 7 OS Login Screen TROI SPI Software The Default Password is = “pemtron” Default User = “administrator” Default Password = “admin” Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  6. Getting to Know SPI Software “New” To create or update a job program “Save” Saves current job data program “Inspect” Run an inspection “Teach” Teach Fiducial, barcodes, bad marks, and tolerances “SPC” Open SPC client “Open Job” To create or update a job program Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  7. User Management 1.- To Enter User Management go to “File” menu -> “Log User” option -> “User Modify” User Permissions Explained Job(Save/as) – Save Job Data Pad Condition – Board Info Tolerance Pad Control – Gerber Programming Insp_Setup – Inspection Setup Settings Admin_Setup – Admin/System Setup Menus Safe setup – Change Alarm/Lamp condition Manual Inspect – ROI Analysis Access Repeat Inspect –Opens Repeat mode function Debug Inspect – Opens Debug mode Function User modify – Access to modify user accounts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  8. Changing Units of Measurements Go to “Edit” -> “Setup” -> “System” Navigate to the “Configuration” Tab. Locate “Unit Setup” Change from “mil” = Standard “Um” = Metric Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  9. Safety If any safety device is triggered the machine will not operate until the reset button is pressed. Emergency Stop Button. Do not place Hands near conveyor. Opening doors will trigger a safety alarm and shut down operation. Shut PC down before turning off. Always shut down the system before performing any work inside Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  10. CONVEYOR Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  11. SPI Home and Inspection Position Once the TROI SPI software begins it’s start up process. The “moving to point origin” window is now displayed. Once this process is complete the “Align Conveyor” to inspection position window will be appear. Once “OK” is selected the TROI system conveyor will align to the inline load and unloading position. This position will always stay the same to match all linked conveyor systems. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  12. Conveyor adjustment For Manual Adjustment: 1. Open the front Door 2. Turn Controller Wheel to the left or right as needed to adjust the Rail width For Software Adjustment: Unload any board from conveyor. Go to “Edit” menu -> “Setup” option -> “System Setup” option -> “Conveyor” Tab Input desired rail width at “Rail Width” box. Click “Apply” to execute. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  13. Conveyor Bypass mode Go to “Inspect” Then Click “BYPASS” Current rail width will be displayed. Click “OK” to use this rail width or cancel to keep the current rail width Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  14. PROGRAMMING Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  15. Creating a New Job Program To create a new job first select “New” Select “Cancel” to start new. Selecting “Ok” will allow you to update the actual job data Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  16. Creating a New Job Program Programming Outline Once in the Pad Control View tool, this are the steps to follow to create a new Job: Step 1: Select the button “Gerber” then load the “Gerber Stencil Mask File” Step 2: Select “Board Size and Origin” and draw the size of the PCB. Step 3 : Select “Flash” and or “Trace” ; highlight fiducial marks with mouse then right click and “add fiducial” markings to save. Step 4: Select “Work Area”, highlight the inspection area with your mouse. Then select “Create Pattern” to save the chosen arrays for 3D SPI. Step 5: Select “Create FOV”. Then enter PCB information and then “OK” to save & complete. Note: Every time you finish a step it will be indicated in green at the bottom of the screen. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  17. Programming Outline Step 1 – Pad selection for 3D SPI inspection Navigate to “Gerber” Select “Stencil Mask” browse button Browse for Gerber File and select “Open” Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  18. Programming Outline Step 2 - Select Board Size Step 1: Activate “Board Size & Origin” Now with the Mouse Draw a box around the PCB area. Drag box around PCB area Step 2: Once the box is drawn click “OK” to have the measurements automatically calculated. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  19. Programming Outline Step 3 – Set Fiducial Marks as needed Step 1: Activate “Trace” and or “Flash” Step 2: Highlight Fiducial mark Step 3: Right click with mouse then thenSelect “ADD Fiducial” Verify Fiducal information then click “Ok” to save. Repeat steps for second Fiducial mark. Only two marks are required. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  20. Programming Outline Step 4 –Work Area Step 1: Select “Work Area” Then drag a box around the desired inspection area. Step 2: Click “Create Pattern” Work area is now drawn Drag box around Work area Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  21. CAD Importing (Reference ID) Note: Ifyou do notneedtoimport CAD data, Pleasecontinuetonextsection. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  22. CAD Importing for Reference ID This section will review how to import CAD data so that Reference Designators will be displayed in inspection results for better coordination of data. Note: It is best to exercise this step if required right after creating the work area and before creating multiple arrays Step 1: Create work area then click CAD Continue to next slide Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  23. CAD Importing for Reference ID Step 2: Select the appropriate file format such as .xls or space, tab, comma delimited And Input the correct scale; mm, um, mils? Step 3: Select Open and load the correct CAD data file. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  24. CAD Importing for Reference ID Step 4: We should now see something similar. Tip: Some editing may be required if some the characters are unrecognizable, try to open it first as excel format. Step 5: Assign the appropriate label for each column. As pictured here you should have ID, Part Name, Y, X and Angle only. Once complete Select “Apply” Note: Delete any rows that provide unusable data if not previously edited from the cad file. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  25. CAD Importing for Reference ID Step 6: We should now see the list of components. Use the “Right Mouse Button” to release the components Please note it does need to be exact we will align the components with the pads on the next step Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  26. CAD Importing for Reference ID Step 7: Select PAD and Comp. Then highlight the appropriate pads with the correct components that should be place in the location Right Click the selected items and execute “Transfer Coordinates” This will automatically align all pads with the correct component data Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  27. CAD Importing for Reference ID Step 8: The final step will be to register the pads with the components. Using the same steps as before. Select “PAD” and “Comp. “ Then highlight the appropriate pads and components together. Note: You must have Administrative privileges to perform this.” Now after highlighting PAD and component together. Hit “F2” Verify the pad layout is correct and make desired changes then hit “F2” again to register. Repeat this process till all desired components are registered. Then continue to the normal programming procedure. You may now go to “PAD Control” then click “Auto Reference Info.” to complete registration Note: “Auto Reference info. “ function will be asked to be ran after saving program information. Not Registered Example Waiting to Register Fully Registered Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  28. Multiple Array Programming Note: Ifyou do notneedtoaddmultipleArraysorModels, Pleasecontinuetonextsection. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  29. Multiple Array Programming Note: Once your Gerber file has been loaded continue to the next slide. Please notice how there are 4 arrays on this one PCB. We will treat the top and bottom as different models because their orientation differs. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  30. Multiple Array Programming Recommended First Step: Setup Board Size and Origin as Normal, then add fiducial marks. This is also a good time to remove any unwanted pads. Next: Create your work area by selecting only the specific region of the PCB. For example we will select the upper left array as our Model 1 and this will also be our Array 1. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  31. Multiple Array Programming After creating your first work area. Continue by selecting Array. This will bring up the window shown to the left. Please notice only model 1 is present because we have only created 1 work “model” area so far. By selecting add will produce additional models. For this demonstration please click “Add Rot.” short for add rotation. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  32. Multiple Array Programming After selecting “Add Rot.” you should see something similar. Select “Trace” to highlight Then highlight your first measurement location then select “Source” to key in the first location then “Center” to key in the next measurement. You will be selecting same pad and rotating at 180 degree. You should see the Yellow Circle present like so before hitting “OK”. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  33. Multiple Array Programming After Selecting OK you should be prompted by the “Add Model” window. For this example we will just name it Model 2 as default. Click “Save” You should now a second model created within “Array Board” window and also see your second model is now active on the Gerber. This completes creating our second model. Now we will cover how to create a second array for each model to complete our Gerber programming for this PCB. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  34. Multiple Array Programming Highlight Model 1 then select the “Array” tab. Like before you will need to have “Flash” selected to highlight. Then Highlight your first pad then click “Source” to key in your measurement. Then Select the same pad of orientation on the next array and select “Offset” to key in your measurement. After this click “Add”. Key in C/R instructions (Columns/Rows). For this example we will key in 2 in the “C” section. Then Apply to all models. Tip: Think of C (Columns) and R (Rows) Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  35. Multiple Array Programming The image to the right is demonstrating our source and offset measurement marks used to add an Array for each model. Tip: Use zoom in feature to get a better view of pads if resolution is limited. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  36. Multiple Array Programming If all is done correctly your new job programming should now show 4 total work areas which are categorized into 2 different models and 4 arrays. Like shown. Please proceed to make any further adjustments, ADD FOV, then Save Job as needed. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  37. Programming Outline Step 5 – Create FOV and Save Data Step 1: Select “Create FOV” Step 2: Input desired Group and Board name along with the correct stencil thickness; then click “Save” and then “OK” Say yes to all prompts unless otherwise instructed You should now have a job data programmed with your PCB board information. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  38. Creating a New Job Program Additional Notes when saving a New SPI Job file. Tolerance compensation for smaller and larger pads The same changes may be made after programming Job Data if you are unsure what to enter. Enter board dimensions in this screen. Checking “Set Gerber in the setting area” will use the board outline from the gerber data. Set PCB Origin Point. Name you job anything using the format Group > Board Name. Stencil Thickness is also entered here. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  39. TEACHING MODE Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  40. TEACHINGFiducial Marks Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  41. Teaching Fiducial Marks After programming a new job file; you may be prompted that fiducial marks have failed. This is normal for the first time. We simply just need to teach and save them into the system. 1. First select the “Teach” tab. 2. Then select the “Fiducial” button. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  42. Teaching Fiducial Marks Step 1: Select Fiducial 1 in the “Fiducial information” field Then click “Move” Step 2: Drag a box around the Fiducial area. Then adjust ROI settings for best contrast. Step 3: Click “Teach” then repeat each step for the second Fiducial. After this is done click “Inspect” to verify Fiducial teaching. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  43. TEACHING Barcodes Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  44. Teaching Barcodes 1. First select the “Teach” tab. Select Teach then select Barcode with the mouse. This will open up the Barcode Teaching window. 2. Then select the “Barcode” button. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  45. Teaching Barcodes Teaching a Barcode is similar to the Fiducial teaching process. 1.Select desired Barcode Array, then select Move. 2. Select Barcode Type. 3.Check Inspection Box 4. Draw a box around the Barcode area. 5.Click Teach 6.Click All inspection to verify & test barcode read 7.Your barcode should now be ready to use in inspection. Troubleshooting:If the correct barcode type is not reading try changing the LED value or adjusting the size of the box. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  46. TEACHING Bad Marks Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  47. Teaching Bad Marks 1. First select the “Teach” tab. To begin teaching a Bad mark location. First Select Teach then select “Bad Mark” button 2. Then select the “Bad Mark” button. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  48. Teaching Bad Marks Bad mark Teaching also happens to be similar to fiducial teaching. Please follow these steps. 1.Select the desired array; then select move. 2. Check Enable 3. Locate the desired location that the bad mark will be placed. 4. Draw a box around this location then click Teaching 5. Click Auto Add with Array 1 selected 6.All inspection to check and test. 7. Your bad mark location should be set. Tip; Adjust the LED setting if needed only. Use a Mark that is of different contrast. (Example – Green & ; White & Black; or Red & Light Blue) Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  49. TEACHING Defect Tolerances Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

  50. Teaching Defect Tolerances To teach PCB tolerance information Go to “Teach” then “Board Info” 1. First select the “Teach” tab. 2. Then select “Board Info.” button. Doc. USTP0213 Rev1

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