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Jesse Yli-Huumo , 0326806 Ville Kytömäki , 0326660

CT60A7000 Critical Thinking and Argumentation in Software Engineering Patterns in Game Design Chapters 1-2. Jesse Yli-Huumo , 0326806 Ville Kytömäki , 0326660. Introduction. Purpose of book is to give a tool for understanding and creating games .

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Jesse Yli-Huumo , 0326806 Ville Kytömäki , 0326660

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  1. CT60A7000 Critical Thinking and Argumentation in Software Engineering Patterns in Game Design Chapters 1-2 Jesse Yli-Huumo , 0326806Ville Kytömäki, 0326660

  2. Introduction • Purpose of book is to give a tool for understanding and creatinggames. • Help to make design choiceswhencreatinggame. • Therearedifferenttools for designing and analyzinggames. • Bookfocuses on themostessentialpart: Gameplay. • Gameplay: Structures of playerinteractionwiththegamesystemand otherplayers.

  3. Gamedesingpattern • Collectionof possible design choices in games. • Examplepatterns: Bossmonsters, levels, weaponsetc. • Eachpatterndescribes a part of theinteractionpossible in game. • Togetherwithotherpatternstheydescribethepossiblegameplay in thegame.

  4. Gamecomponentframework • Book presents a framework for describing games based on the activities of the player • The framework provides the concepts about the physical and logical components of game design • These components are used to describe the game design patterns. • Framework is based on an idea that player makes quantitative changes in the state of the game

  5. Holisticcomponents • Player concentrates on the all components working together and not as single components • Game instance : Everything from starting the game to closing the game • Game session : Player specific activity • Play session: In long and complex games, time spent for playing is divided

  6. Boundarycomponents • Limits the actions of the players. • Rules: Describe and lay out theboundaries of thegame. • Modes of play: Manygameshaveseveraldifferentmodes of play. • Goals and subgoals: Giveplayermotivation for theiractions.

  7. Temporalcomponents • Describesflow of thegame. • Actions: Player input to thegamestatethroughownactions. • Events: Gamestate output throughactions. • Closures: Quantifiable and meaningfulplayerexperiences. • Endconditions: Requirements for ending a state is fulfilled. • Evaluation functions: Algorithms for determiningtheoutcome of game.

  8. Structuralcomponents • Basic partsthataremanipulatedbyplayers and system. • Gamefacilitator: Setsupthegame and synchronizesthegamestateduringthegameplay. • Players: Person(s) playing thegame. • Interfaces: Givinginformationaboutthestate and possibleactions in thegame. • Gameelements: Physical and logicalcomponentsthataremanipulatedbytheplayers. • Gametime: Timeline to describethegameevents.

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