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Preparing for the edTPA in Health and Physical Education

Preparing for the edTPA in Health and Physical Education. Stacy Furness University of Wisconsin, River Falls.

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Preparing for the edTPA in Health and Physical Education

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  1. Preparing for the edTPA in Health and Physical Education Stacy Furness University of Wisconsin, River Falls

  2. The edTPA or Education Teacher Performance Assessment, is a pre-service assessment that takes place during student teaching which is designed to determine whether or not a new teacher has the skills to become a licensed teacher. • The assessment includes a review of the teacher candidates’ authentic materials during student teaching, including lesson plans, videotapes and student assessments. • (Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, & Equity, 2012) What is the edTPA?

  3. Who is completing the edTPA?

  4. What are the required elements of the edTPA?

  5. Artifacts represent authentic work completed by teachers and students. These include the context for learning, lesson plans, copies of instructional and assessment materials, video clip(s) of teaching, and student work samples. • Commentaries are opportunities to describe artifacts, explain the rationale behind their choice, and analyze what you have learned about your teaching practice and your students’ learning. Note that although your writing ability will not be scored directly, commentaries must be clearly written and well focused. • (Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, & Equity, 2012) What are the required elements of the edTPA?

  6. HEALTH - How do the candidate’s plans build student use of functional health knowledge, demonstration of health-related skills, and development of beliefs and norms to help students adopt and maintain healthy behaviors? • PHYSICAL EDUCATION - How do the candidate’s plans provide for a safe environment and build on each other and include tasks that develop students’ competencies in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains related to: • movement patterns • performance concepts and/or • health-enhancing fitness How is the edTPA unique in Health and Physical Education?

  7. Activity – Mind Map – List all words/phrases/concepts/ideas that come to mind when you think of this standard. Activity….

  8. Other ways edTPA Unique in Health/PE • Our Standards - NASPE/NHES • skill/behaviors in health • Psychomotor/affective domain in PE • Our Theories • Videotaping guidelines (in a gym) • Videotape assessment in PE – Keep it simple (three examples) How is the edTPA unique in Health and Physical Education?

  9. Map the edTPA across the curriculum to determine where each area is being covered and where you have holes • Faculty need to use common language across programs • Embed assessments across your curriculum • example – assessment content – build assessment into a lesson plan – assess learning in a field experience • example – case studies – of students and schools in field experiences to prepared for completing the Context for Learning • Practice modified edTPA’s in various courses leading up to student teaching • Provide many opportunities for writing deep reflections on lessons learned and observations How can we embed the edTPA into our programs?

  10. Adopt a lesson plan format that aligns to the edTPA • Utilize terms found in the edTPA: central focus, content standards, goals, objectives, prior knowledge, launch, procedure, engagement, content/strategies, skills and concepts(strategies), differentiation, planned support, research/theory, academic language/language function, feedback, informal/formal assessment and commentary How can we embed the edTPA into our programs?

  11. Utilize lesson planning as a formative assessment: • Model completing the lesson plan template with candidates • Work up to completing the entire template for a lesson • Provide detailed feedback to candidates • Scale back the level of detail required in lesson plans as candidates demonstrate proficiency in an area • Select anonymous samples for peer revision • Organize candidate roundtables for peer-to-peer critiques • Evaluate a lesson plan from a peer for ideas to use when planning • Ask for advice from peers on an area of lesson planning that has not yet been mastered by the candidate How can we embed the edTPA into our programs?

  12. www.aacte.orgedTPA Resource LibraryFormative Lesson Plan Model

  13. Modify your own Health and PE lesson template to include terms from the edTPA

  14. Use Pearson scoring to identify weaknesses based on the edTPA rubric – Where are you finding students underperforming? • Train faculty in local evaluation to gather qualitative data on specific areas to inform curriculum How can the edTPA inform programs?

  15. SCALE, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity, https://scale.stanford.edu/ • AACTE, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, http://edtpa.aacte.org/faq#17 Resources

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