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Observation of OH rotational temperatures with GRIPS at ALOMAR

Observation of OH rotational temperatures with GRIPS at ALOMAR. Carsten Schmidt, Verena Kopp, Christoph Pilger, Sabrina Wildner, Christoph Harsch, Sabine Wüst, Kathrin Höppner and Michael Bittner German Aerospace Center (DLR-DFD). outline. instrument

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Observation of OH rotational temperatures with GRIPS at ALOMAR

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  1. Observation of OH rotational temperatures with GRIPS at ALOMAR Carsten Schmidt, Verena Kopp, Christoph Pilger, Sabrina Wildner, Christoph Harsch, Sabine Wüst, Kathrin Höppner and Michael BittnerGerman Aerospace Center (DLR-DFD)

  2. outline • instrument • GRIPS 9, ground-based infrared p-branch spectrometer • OH(3-1) rotational temperatures (~87 km height) • ndmc • network for the detection of mesopause change • measurements and data obtained at ALOMAR • NICC-1, ndmc intercomparison campaign 1 • preliminary results • future activities

  3. 30 cm 30 cm The GRIPS instrument • detector: 512 element InGaAs PDA, TE cooled (-60°C) • polychromator: focal length f = 163mm, f-number F# = 3.7 • Etendue: ~ 1.85 * 10-3 cm2sr • λ/Δλ @ λ=1550nm: 505 • Compact design: Bittner et al. (2010)

  4. rotational temperatures estimated from transitions of OH(3-1) p-branch GRIPS – GRound-based Infrared P-branch Spectrometer

  5. instrument located in dome 3,next to the LIDAR facilities sensors for ambient temperature (3) entrance slit detector protective shutter coolant recirculator Instrument setup at ALOMAR instrument completely housed “inside” the ceiling

  6. The network for the detection of mesopause change • Is the climate of the mesopause region (80-100km) changing?If so, how and why? • NDMC objectives: • promote international cooperation among research groups investigatingthe mesopause region • Early identification of changing climate signals (identifying and quantifying climate changes by monitoring key parameters e.g. mesopause temperature, airglow brightness) • Validation of satellite-basedmeasurementsand its use for intercomparison of ground-based instruments • Answering other scientific questions related to atmospheric dynamics at different time scales including the description and the causes of the variability of periodic and quasi-periodic processes (e.g. gravity or planetary waves) • Detection of solar activity effects at all time scales (“Space Weather”) • Cooperation in the development of instrumentation • Is the climate of the mesopause region (80-100km) changing?If so, how and why? • NDMC objectives: • promote international cooperation among research groups investigatingthe mesopause region • Early identification of changing climate signals (identifying and quantifying climate changes by monitoring key parameters e.g. mesopause temperature, airglow brightness) • Validation of satellite-basedmeasurementsand its use for intercomparison of ground-based instruments • Answering other scientific questions related to atmospheric dynamics at different time scales including the description and the causes of the variability of periodic and quasi-periodic processes (e.g. gravity or planetary waves) • Detection of solar activity effects at all time scales (“Space Weather”) • Cooperation in the development of instrumentation • Is the climate of the mesopause region (80-100km) changing?If so, how and why? • NDMC objectives: • promote international cooperation among research groups investigatingthe mesopause region • Early identification of changing climate signals (identifying and quantifying climate changes by monitoring key parameters e.g. mesopause temperature, airglow brightness) • Validation of satellite-based measurements and its use for intercomparison of ground-based instruments • Answering other scientific questions related to atmospheric dynamics at different time scales including the description and the causes of the variability of periodic and quasi-periodic processes (e.g. gravity or planetary waves) • Detection of solar activity effects at all time scales (“Space Weather”) • Cooperation in the development of instrumentation current activities at ALOMAR and near future activities at ALOMAR

  7. current GRIPS instruments GRIPS stations planned in 2011Sicily, Tel Aviv, Mallorca (campaign) NDMC NDMC is currently composed of 50 ground-based research stations initial emphasis on the airglow in the mesopause http://wdc.dlr.de/ndmc

  8. GRIPS measurements at ALOMAR • performed since 2010-11-24 (every night) • temporal resolution: 15 seconds, uncertainty ~ 2% to 6% • status 2011-03-18: • 115 nights, successful measurements longer than: • 2 hours: 104 (90%) • 6 hours: 93 (81%) • 12 hours: 62 (54%)

  9. high resolution data • quicklooks and related information available via • http://wdc.dlr.de/ndmc • scientific interests • gravity wave activity • search for infrasonic waves • comparison with other sites • first statistics of wave activityfor two Alpine stations • identical instruments used: GRIPS 5,6,7,8,9 • instruments have performed intercomparison measurements

  10. preliminary results infrasonic wave activity? τB τa

  11. preliminary results gravity wave activity?

  12. NDMC Network intercomparison • NICC-1, NDMC intercomparison campaign • comparison of GRIPS 9 at ALOMAR with Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM, Mike Taylor) – ongoing • comparison of ground-based OH rotational temperatures with satellite data • GRIPS 9 OH(3-1) • AMTM OH(3-1) • ENVISAT Sciamachy OH(3-1) (IUP Bremen, Christian von Savigny) • comparison of ground-based GRIPS OH rotational temperatures andSABER v1.07 temperatures • GRIPS temperatures vs. Na-LIDAR temperature profiles • Satellite validation • estimation of the impact of geophysical variability - expressed as mistime and misdistance – on the comparison between ground- and satellite-based data – • NICC-1, NDMC intercomparison campaign • comparison of GRIPS 9 at ALOMAR with Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM, Mike Taylor) • comparison of ground-based OH rotational temperatures with satellite data • GRIPS 9 OH(3-1) • AMTM OH(3-1) • ENVISAT Sciamachy OH(3-1) (IUP Bremen, Christian von Savigny) • comparison of ground-based GRIPS OH rotational temperatures andSABER v1.07 temperatures • GRIPS temperatures vs. Na-LIDAR temperature profiles • Satellite validation • estimation of the impact of geophysical variability - expressed as mistime and misdistance – on the comparison between ground- and satellite-based data – • NICC-1, NDMC intercomparison campaign • comparison of GRIPS 9 at ALOMAR with Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM, Mike Taylor) – ongoing • comparison of ground-based OH rotational temperatures with satellite data • GRIPS 9 OH(3-1) • AMTM OH(3-1) • ENVISAT Sciamachy OH(3-1) – ongoing (IUP Bremen, Christian von Savigny) • comparison of ground-based GRIPS OH rotational temperatures andSABER v1.07 temperatures • GRIPS temperatures vs. Na-LIDAR temperature profiles • Satellite validation • estimation of the impact of geophysical variability - expressed as mistime and misdistance – on the comparison between ground- and satellite-based data – • NICC-1, NDMC intercomparison campaign • comparison of GRIPS 9 at ALOMAR with Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM, Mike Taylor) – ongoing • comparison of ground-based OH rotational temperatures with satellite data • GRIPS 9 OH(3-1) • AMTM OH(3-1) • ENVISAT Sciamachy OH(3-1) – ongoing (IUP Bremen, Christian von Savigny) • comparison of ground-based GRIPS OH rotational temperatures andSABER v1.07 temperatures – first results • GRIPS temperatures vs. Na-LIDAR temperature profiles • Satellite validation • estimation of the impact of geophysical variability - expressed as mistime and misdistance – on the comparison between ground- and satellite-based data – • NICC-1, NDMC intercomparison campaign • comparison of GRIPS 9 at ALOMAR with Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM, Mike Taylor) – ongoing • comparison of ground-based OH rotational temperatures with satellite data • GRIPS 9 OH(3-1) • AMTM OH(3-1) • ENVISAT Sciamachy OH(3-1) – ongoing (IUP Bremen, Christian von Savigny) • comparison of ground-based GRIPS OH rotational temperatures andSABER v1.07 temperatures – first results • GRIPS temperatures vs. Na-LIDAR temperature profiles – first results • Satellite validation • estimation of the impact of geophysical variability - expressed as mistime and misdistance – on the comparison between ground- and satellite-based data – • NICC-1, NDMC intercomparison campaign • comparison of GRIPS 9 at ALOMAR with Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM, Mike Taylor) – ongoing • comparison of ground-based OH rotational temperatures with satellite data • GRIPS 9 OH(3-1) • AMTM OH(3-1) • ENVISAT Sciamachy OH(3-1) – ongoing (IUP Bremen, Christian von Savigny) • comparison of ground-based GRIPS OH rotational temperatures andSABER v1.07 temperatures – first results • GRIPS temperatures vs. Na-LIDAR temperature profiles – first results • Satellite validation • estimation of the impact of geophysical variability - expressed as mistime and misdistance – on the comparison between ground- and satellite-based data– first results (near future: Patrick Espy) (Sam Yee, John Hopkins, APL) (Ulf Peter Hoppe, Oslo)

  13. preliminary results! GRIPS 9 vs. SABER 1.07 • Coincidence criteria:misdistance: ±500 km • Intercomparison starts2011/01/15 due toSABER Yaw-Cycle • SABER data weighted with OH 1.6µm VER profile • 58 overpasses • TSABER-TALOMAR : -0.7K ± 6.3K GRIPS 9 SABER temperature [K] date Δ GRIPS nocturnal mean (uncertainty < 1K)+ SABER 1.07 temperature (uncertainty 3-6K)

  14. preliminary results! satellite validation • non-perfect coincidence: • mistime / misdistance • quantify impact of natural variability • mean difference explainedby mismatched measurements mean differences in SABER temperatures (1,6µm OH VER)

  15. Na Lidar data courtesy by Prof. Hoppe preliminary results! altitude [km] GRIPS 9 temperatures OH temperature [K]v ~15K adiabatic heating due to downwelling? uncertainty [K] number of averages

  16. Lidar – GRIPS comparison preliminary results daytime • comparison of coincident Lidar/GRIPS measurements during ECOMA 2010 • good agreement concerning temperature variation • comparison of absolute temperatures still ongoing 87 km centroid height of OH layer daytime GRIPS 9 Na Lidar data courtesy by Prof. Hoppe

  17. preliminary results! Comparison with Na LIDAR data *issues with Laser modes led to higher temperatures

  18. Future activity GRIPS 9 (ALOMAR) • UFS – ALOMAR cooperationUFS: Environmental Research Station „Schneefernerhaus“ • Project BHEA: study of orographic gravity waves observed with different viewing anglesstarted: 2011/02/15 Kjølen GRIPS 6 Alps GRIPS 7,8 (UFS)

  19. summary and conclusion • successful operation of GRIPS 9 instrument during its first season • measurements will be continued during the next winter seasons • first results indicate very good agreement between SABER 1.07 and ground-based GRIPS 9 temperatures • mean differences may be explained with geopysical variability • obtained results agree with other similar stations, • ALOMAR 69°N OH(3-1) vs. SABER : -0.7K ± 6.3K • Davis 68.6°S OH(6-2) vs. SABER: -1.5K ± 1.5K* • detailed analyses still ongoing • first examples of Na Lidar and GRIPS 9 temperatures intercomparisons indicate agreement • more data needed for a reliable comparison • subsequent activities and projects already started • * presentation by Wildner et al. at EGU GA 2010

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