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Level F Unit 6

Level F Unit 6. bizarre. Adjective Definition: extremely strange, unusual, atypical Synonyms: grotesque, fantastic, outlandish Antonyms: normal, typical, ordinary, expected Sentence: The fashion models dress was so bizarre because it really looked like a strange umbrella dress.

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Level F Unit 6

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  1. Level F • Unit 6

  2. bizarre • Adjective • Definition: extremely strange, unusual, atypical • Synonyms: grotesque, fantastic, outlandish • Antonyms: normal, typical, ordinary, expected • Sentence: The fashion models dress was so bizarre because it really looked like a strange umbrella dress. .

  3. Cajole • Verb • Definition: to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises • Synonyms: wheedle, soft-soap, sweet talk • Antonyms: coerce, force, strong-arm • Sentence: He tried to cajole the creature by coaxing him with the promise of a treat.

  4. Castigate Verb Definition: to punish severely; to criticize severely Synonyms: chastise, rebuke, censure, upbraid Antonyms: reward, honor, praise, laud Sentence: Punishment for crimes in the early 1800’s often meant that prisoners were flogged with a whip, castigated for their crimes they bore the scars for years.

  5. contrive Verb Definition: to plan with ingenuity; to bring about through a plan Synonyms: think up, devise, concoct, fabricate • Sentence: Putting on their thinking cap, the sneaky students contrived a plan to cheat on the test. How can I cheat?

  6. Fetter Noun or Verb Definition: (n.) a chain or shackle placed on the feet (often used in plural); (v.) to chain or shackle; to render helpless or impotent Synonyms: (n.) bond, restraint; (v.) bind, hamper Antonyms: (v.) free, liberate, emancipate Sentence: The prisoner’s legs were fettered, shackled in an effort to keep him from running away.

  7. Heinous Adjective Definition: very wicked, offensive, hateful Synonyms: evil, odious, abominable, outrageous Antonyms: excellent, wonderful, splendid Sentence: The Joker, Batman’s enemy, was responsible for many heinous crimes, he wrecked havoc on the citizens of Gotham City with his odious crimes.

  8. insurgent • Noun or Adjective • Definition: (n.) one who rebels or rises against authority; (adj.) rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority; surging or rushing in or on. • Synonyms: (adj.) revolutionary, rebellious, mutinous • Antonyms (adj.) loyalist, loyal, faithful • Sentence: George Washington and his troops, revolutionaries were insurgents against the British.

  9. Megalomania • Noun • Definition: a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc…, far in excess of reality. • Synonyms: delusions of grandeur • Antonyms: humility, modesty, self-abasement • Sentence: The kitten had delusions of grandeur seeing itself more as a lion instead of a harmless kitten these feelings of megalomania made its meow a roar.

  10. Surreptitious • Adjective • Definition: stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud • Synonyms: furtive, covert, clandestine, concealed • Antonyms: open, frank, aboveboard, overt • Sentence: Buzz Lightyear surreptitously concealed under a traffic cone crosses the street trying to avoid detection.

  11. Vicarious • Adjective • Definition: performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another • Synonyms: surrogate, substitute, imagined, secondhand • Antonyms: real, actual, firsthand • Sentence: The rat Ratatouille lived the life of a chef vicariously until he was discovered under Linguini’s hat.

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