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Pretest Review

Pretest Review. Scientific Method. Collaborate Share info Build upon other work. Direct Relationship. variable increases and other variable increases. Inverse Relationship. variable increases and other variable decreases. Linear Relationship.

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Pretest Review

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  1. Pretest Review

  2. Scientific Method • Collaborate • Share info • Build upon other work

  3. Direct Relationship variable increases and other variable increases

  4. Inverse Relationship variable increases and other variable decreases

  5. Linear Relationship each unit change in the x variable will bring about the same change in the y variable

  6. Non Linear

  7. 1000 g = 1 kg Kilo – 1000Centi – 1/100Milli – 1/1000

  8. 44 ml X 1 L 1000ml

  9. Importance of Nutrient Cycling • It prevents wastes, which would cause problems, from accumulating. • It assures that the ecosystem will not run out of essential elements.

  10. Carbon Cycle 1. Begin with a CO2. 2Photosynthesis 3. Food chains 4. Cell respiration

  11. Phosphorus Cycle

  12. Nitrogen Cycle

  13. All organisms are made of roughly the same organic molecules in similar proportions • A measure of their dry weight is a rough measure of the energy they contain.

  14. Biomass • A census of the population, multiplied by the weight of an average individual in it • Gives an estimate of the weight of the population.

  15. Trophic level Secondaryconsumers Human meat-eaters Cattle Primaryconsumers Human vegetarians Corn Corn Producers 0 • A production pyramid explains why meat is a luxury for humans • A field of corn • Can support many more human vegetarians than meat-eaters Figure 37.14

  16. Biomagnification • The increase of the concentration of a substance that occurs in the food chain. • Substances - pesticides or heavy metals • The substances become concentrated in tissues or internal organs because the substances are very slowly metabolized or excreted.

  17. Eutrophication • Occurs when a body of water acquires a high concentration of nutrients (phosphates and nitrates). • This increases amount of algae in water. • As the algae die/decompose, high levels of organic matter and the decomposing organisms deplete the oxygen from the water. • This causes the death of other organisms (fish).

  18. Greenhouse Gases • Carbon Dioxide – fossil fuels, solid waste, trees • Methane – production and transportation of coal, natural gas, and oil • Nitrous Oxide – agricultural and industrial • Fluorinated gases – industrial, commercial, and household uses

  19. Fossil Fuels • Fuels formed from remains of plants and animals • Ex: Natural gas, oil coal

  20. Ozone Layer • Ozone - 0₃ - naturally occurring in the stratosphere • Ozone layer - Protects earth from ultra violet rays • CFC’s –– destroy ozone by releasing chlorine into the atmosphere

  21. Atmospheric CO2 is reflecting heat back down to the planet’s surface. • Only by phasing out coal use, ending deforestation and reducing the use of other fossil fuels can the numbers be reversed.

  22. Other Causes • Clear cutting of forests • Increased use of fossil fuels • Methane pollution

  23. Greenhouse Effect • Car in summer • Greenhouse gases absorb some the energy radiated from the earth and trap it in the atmosphere. • Human activities have INCREASED the amount of greenhouse gases

  24. Robert Hooke • Coined the name cell • Looked at cork cells under microscope

  25. Photosynthesis • Carbon Dioxide + Water  Glucose + Oxygen

  26. Photosynthesis • Green plants and algae use the solar energy and molecules of CO2 into sugar/starch and 02. • CO2 + H20  C6H12O6 + O2

  27. Photosynthesis Recap

  28. Primary Productivity • is the production of organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic CO2 through the process of photosynthesis

  29. Meiosis • Occurs in plants and animals that reproduce sexually. • Usually occurs in specialized sex organs - Ovaries, Testes

  30. Prophase I • Chromosomes form • Homologous pairs come together • Crossing Over occurs

  31. Formation of Sperm

  32. Formation of an Egg

  33. Frederick Griffith - studying 2 strains of bacteria • 1 causes pneumonia, 1 harmless • When killed pathogenic bacteria and mixed with living healthy bacteria - some converted • Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey - showed that DNA was genetic material • Used radio isotopes to label DNA and protein in Phage T2 and ecoli cells • Sulfer - protein • Phosphate - DNA

  34. Genetic Engineering • The direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes

  35. Cloning • Nuclear Transplantation: replaces the nucleus of an egg cell or a zygote with a nucleus of an adult somatic cell • Cells divides  creates blastocyst • Reproductive Cloning: If animal is a mammal, the blastocyst is implanted into uterus for further development • Therapeutic Cloning: Produce embryonic stem cells for therapeutic treatments

  36. Recombinant DNA Technology • Combining genes from different sources into a single DNA molecule • Can use different species • Often uses plasmids

  37. Recombinant DNA • DNA from two different sources are combined into the same DNA

  38. PCR • Polymerase Chain Reaction • DNA is copied many times in a test tube. • Process can generate 100 billion copies of DNA in 4 hours

  39. Gel Electrophoresis

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