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F-Secure PSB Protection service for business vs. others ( McAfee , Symantec , MicroTrend )

22.12.2011. F-Secure PSB Protection service for business vs. others ( McAfee , Symantec , MicroTrend ). INTRODUCTION The comparison of 4 cloud service protection programs where carried out by the ICT-PRO team of Edupoli , Porvoo in December 2011.

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F-Secure PSB Protection service for business vs. others ( McAfee , Symantec , MicroTrend )

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  1. 22.12.2011 F-SecurePSBProtectionservice for business vs. others (McAfee, Symantec, MicroTrend)

  2. INTRODUCTION The comparison of 4 cloudserviceprotectionprogramswherecarried out by the ICT-PRO team of Edupoli, Porvoo in December 2011. TestedProgramswereprovidedby: F-secure, Symantec, McAfee, TrendMicro. Main testedpointsare : Portaldeployment, Control panelconfiguration, End-pointconfiguration, Reporting, Alerts, Upgrades and Supports 22.12.2011

  3. SELECTING PRODUCTSF-SECURE Competitorshavebetteraccess to documentation 22.12.2011 Info- Good Marketing- Computer magazines, resellers, internet Whitepaper- Difficult to find (no directlinkfromproductpage to documentationdownloads)

  4. PURCHASING 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- resellers SYMANTEC- Link on productpage MCAFEE & TRENDMICRO-resellers and home page

  5. GUIDING (TRIAL VERSION) Trial versionscanbeactivated 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- 30-day version (delay - 1 business day) SYMANTEC- 30-day version (no delay) MCAFEE- 30-day version TRENDMICRO- 30-day version (no delay)

  6. PORTAL DEPLOYMENT Trial versionscanbeactivated 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- Access to portal via subscriptionserialnumber SYMANTEC- Access to portalwithusernameand password. Portaladdress, username and passwordsentby E-mail MCAFEE- Access to portal via E-mail address and password TRENDMICRO- Access to portal via usernameand password

  7. F-SECURE USER INTERFACE Interfaceeasy to use. No possibility to modify layout. Mostcommon languagessupported. 22.12.2011

  8. SYMANTEC USER INTERFACE Interfaceeasy to use. Layout caneasilybemodified. Mostcommon languagessupported. 22.12.2011

  9. MCAFEE USER INTERFACE 1/3 of pagevisible on picture. Too muchinformation. Layout canbemodified. Mostcommon languagessupported. 22.12.2011

  10. TRENDMICRO USER INTERFACE Interfaceeasy to use. No possibility to modify layout. Mostcommon languagessupported. 22.12.2011

  11. CLIENT DEPLOYMENT 22.12.2011 MSI packetsprovidedbyallvendors? SYMANTEC- Local (URL), remote, AD and E-mail McAFEE- Local-, remote-, push-, installationagent and silentinstallations TRENDMICRO- Local, URL and MSI packet Installationoptions F-SECURE- Local- Remote tool in AD environment. Necessary?

  12. REMOTE INSTALLATION F-SECURE 22.12.2011 Management in Domain Client pushinstallationneeded for workgroup

  13. INSTALLATION MEDIA (supportedclients) F-SECURE 22.12.2011 System requirementsection in ”F-SecurePSB Administrator'sGuide” doesnotmention MAC supportwhileF-Securewebpagedoes.

  14. MAINTAINING CLIENTS 22.12.2011 SHARING POLICIES F-SECURE- Sharingpolicies to individualcomputersonly. Not to groups SYMANTEC- Easilymanaged MCAFEE- Easilymanaged TRENDMICRO- Easy, drag and drop MAINTAINING POLICIES F-SECURE- Easilymanaged SYMANTEC- Hardlyanypolicysettings MCAFEE- User interface, exhaustingpages TRENDMICRO- Easilymanaged

  15. MAINTAINING CLIENTS 22.12.2011 MAINTAINING POLICIES F-SECURE- Defaultrulesmustbechanged!Examples- allowtrustednetworkadapter (firewall)- allowusers to define new rules (firewallrules)- disallowuserchanges on everytab – 9 clicks!




  19. MAINTAINING CLIENTS 22.12.2011 REMOVING COMPUTERS F-SECURE- Easilymanaged SYMANTEC- Automaticallyremovedwhenclient is uninstalledfromcomputer(client to portal) MCAFEE- Whenclient is removedfrom the portal, the clientis notuninstalled(portal to client) TRENDMICRO- Whenclient is removedfrom the portal, afternextboot the clientuninstallsitself(portal to client) ADDING COMPUTERS F-SECURE- Automaticallyaddedbyclientinstallationsoftware SYMANTEC- Automaticallyaddedbyclientinstallation software MCAFEE- Automaticallyaddedbyclientinstallation software TRENDMICRO- Automaticallyaddedbyclientinstallation software

  20. MAINTAINING USERS 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- easy to addusers. Onlyadminorread-onlyuserrights SYMANTEC- userstab in portal, add new user -> 3 roles to choosefrom (user, administrator and accountadministrator) MCAFEE- newgroup administrators can be added with two different access levels (Read only, Read & Modify Reports) TRENDMICRO- no user management

  21. REPORTS 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- no possibility to createownreporttemplates SYMANTEC- pre-definedreports. User cancustomreport layout, scheduleddelivery MCAFEE- pre-definedreportsonly, scheduleddelivery TRENDMICRO- usercancreateownreporttemplate, scheduleddelivery

  22. ALERTS 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- no automaticreportdelivery, no scheduleddelivery SYMANTEC- byE-mail and SMS, scheduleddelivery MCAFEE- no scheduleddeliveryto recipients TRENDMICRO- automaticdeliveryto recipients

  23. SUPPORT SERVICES 22.12.2011 F-SECURE- confusing SYMANTEC- poor (sendrequestaboutproblem to tech. support) MCAFEE- good TRENDMICRO- good

  24. 22.12.2011 • CONCLUSION • F-SECURE • GOOD: • User interface • Policy management • IMPROVEMENT • F-Secure is the only software thatrequiresJava • F-Securehas no Active Directory support • F-Securereportservicecouldbeimproved (scheduledreportingnotavailable) • F-Securealertservicecouldbeimproved (scheduledreportingnotavailable) • F-Secureportalremains open evenithastimed out. Tested with Firefox • Computer group management

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