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UN Energy Access Facility (UN-EAF) Expanding access to modern and clean energy services

UN Energy Access Facility (UN-EAF) Expanding access to modern and clean energy services for the poor “beyond the grid”. Objective Expand access to modern, clean energy services for the poor living “beyond the grid” to reduce poverty, empower women and accelerate progress on the MDGs. ).

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UN Energy Access Facility (UN-EAF) Expanding access to modern and clean energy services

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  1. UN Energy Access Facility (UN-EAF) Expanding access to modern and clean energy services for the poor “beyond the grid”

  2. Objective Expand access to modern, clean energy services for the poor living “beyond the grid” to reduce poverty, empower women and accelerate progress on the MDGs. • )

  3. Focus – COUNTRY LEVEL • Drive in-country dialogue, coordination, planning for universal energy access (linked to the Global Campaign) • Scale up “field-proven” decentralized energy solutions (cum business models). • Capacity development – Institutions and individuals • Promote productive uses of energy • Knowledge: “Connect the dots” • )

  4. Capacity development matters ---Key to Scale up Micro-hydro in Nepal: Programme cost per kW between 1998 and 2006 Capacity development costs $20,000 Cost per kW (US$) $10,000 Hardware costs 0 2006 1998

  5. Modalities • Joint programme(s) under UN Resident Coordinator • Coordinated, demand driven technical support by UN organisations • Funding through a UN Multi Donor Trust Fund: • A single channel that eliminates multiple agreements by projects or agencies • Aggregate reporting of results (in support of the “global universal energy access action plan”) • Proven track records & transparency (UN-MDTF Office manages over 30 MDTFs worth US$ 4 billion currently, e.g. UN-REDD)

  6. Targets • Additional 100 million people gaining energy access during 2010-20. • Initial grant funding target: US$ 100 million for 2011-12. • In about 10~20 countries: • National action plans for universal energy access • Scaling up decentralised field-proven solutions • )

  7. Some Governance elements • Policy board composed of donors, reps from programme countries, and UN. • Advisory group drawing from AGECC and others. • Joint Technical Secretariat: UNDP, UNEP and UNIDO • )

  8. Next steps • Aligning UN-EAF to the Global Campaign (@ Technical session this afternoon). • Resource mobilization • Launch and Implementation in time for the launch of the Global Campaign (3rd/4th Q 2011)

  9. “Implementation is the chariot of genius”Thank you

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