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Fit4Generations. Product Description. Fit4Generations “A multi-dimensional approach to conquering childhood obesity” A joint venture- COPA MyMedInfo MedText Publishing Galen Press. Contributing Factors to Childhood Obesity. Genetics Environmental factors Home environment Childcare

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  1. Fit4Generations

  2. Product Description • Fit4Generations • “A multi-dimensional approach to conquering childhood obesity” • A joint venture- • COPA • MyMedInfo • MedText Publishing • Galen Press

  3. Contributing Factors to Childhood Obesity • Genetics • Environmental factors • Home environment • Childcare • Schools • Community influencers • Accessibility to physical activity • Behavioral factors • Energy intake • Physical activity • Sedentary behavior

  4. Obesity Trends • 80% of obese children grow up to be obese adults • Often tied to socio-economic factors • Prevalent in certain ethnic backgrounds

  5. Consequences • 70% of obese children have at least one of the following risks, 39% have 2 or more • Cardiovascular disease • Cholesterol • Blood pressure • Diabetes (kidney failure) • Other health implications • Liver issues • Asthma • Sleep apnea • Psycho-social risks • Low self-esteem • Hinder academic & social functioning

  6. What is Fit4Generations? Data in the Public Domain Society-Generated Data Proprietary Data User-Generated Data Mobile Apps Integration with LMS (Learning Management System) Content Creation/ Enhancement Tools E-mail Alert Service Professional Accreditation Educational Tools

  7. Fit4Generations • It’s a Portal Solution • With apps • Gaming • Social networking • Direct data entry • With content enhancement capabilities • With e-mail alert services • With educational tools • Multimedia • Videos • Podcasts • Webinars

  8. Fit4Generations • With LMS (Learning Management System) integration • With professional development/ accreditation (i.e., CMEs, etc.) • Data & research capacities • With customizable components • Search by role (e.g., clinician, parent, etc.) • Materials provided are based on user-specified role

  9. Market Scope • Medical /Allied Health Schools • Associated health facilities • Healthcare Providers • Family practices • Pediatricians • Clinics • HMOs, Insurance Providers • K-12 School Districts, Private Institutions • School nurses • Nutritionists • Parents • Students

  10. States to Target • Highest obesity in children 2-18 • Mississippi – 31.4% • Alabama • West Virginia • Tennessee

  11. Economic Model • Core product • Aggregator- subscription based model • Plus product • Core + addition of specific, applicable functionalities • “a la carte” • Premium product • All-inclusive

  12. Why should you invest? • Gap in market • No link between practitioner & patient • Enable children & their parents by providing them tools to get fit • Resources are not centralized today • Aggregate and synthesize to add value to content for uses at many levels • Federal initiative that require K-12 programs are implemented to screen, prevent & correct childhood obesity

  13. Why should you invest? • Childhood obesity has a direct impact on long-term public health & healthcare costs • Eases burden on administrators • Portal will create more childhood obesity data • Fit4Generations empowers users for life in the fight against obesity • Utilizes a variety of interactive tools • Publicly available funding/grants available

  14. Capital Request • $10M in first year • $2.5M at start • $2.5M at 6 months • $5M at 9 months • Provide usage metrics, feedback from user groups, etc. • $15M more over the next 2-5 years • Show sustained, measurable growth • Will supplement with other grants/publicly available funding

  15. Thank You! • Ray Alba • Michele Ayers • Carolyn Hassett • Barbara Chin • John Tagler • Evelyn Jabri • Chris Beckett

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