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DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Initial feedback from the Regional Tour on possible ESF interventions directly managed by Regions (2007-2013). DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. I. Current IROP HRD Measures II. Other HRD Measures III. New innovative HRD activities IV. Overall findings

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DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

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  1. Initial feedback from the Regional Tour on possible ESF interventions directly managed by Regions (2007-2013) DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

  2. I. Current IROP HRD Measures II. Other HRD Measures III. New innovative HRD activities IV. Overall findings V. Recommendations

  3. I. Current IROP Measures ERDF ERDF

  4. I. Current IROP Measures -questions • New shape of some Measures? • 2.1 Observatories for regional labour market and educational offer? Self-standing Measure ? • 2.1 Development of competences linked to the regional labour market + 2.3 Vocational re-orientation of people leaving agriculture + 2.4 Vocational re-orientation of workforce affected by restructuring and anticipating change ? Integration into one Measure? • Extending menu of some Measures, for example: M 2.2 Scholarships. Scholarships for best performing students? • Reconsideration of inclusion of some 2.5 and 2.6 –related activities in ROPs of those few Regions who had not proposed their financing from ESF in current drafts?

  5. II. Other HRD Measures majority most most c.50% c.50% a few 2 regions

  6. II. Other HRD Measures -questions

  7. II. Other HRD Measures -questions

  8. III. New innovative HRD activities included in one or a few ROPs-questions

  9. IV. Overall findings As regards programming: • Preference for regionalised implementation of current ESF IROP Measures. • No concerted view yet on the content of some "other" HRD measures (Measures outside current IROP). • Divergences as regards views on the best level of implementation of some "other" HRD Measures (SOP or regionalised implementation) As regards implementation: • Legal arrangements should be in place before Regions take over new tasks. • Public Finance should evolve ensuring budgetary capacities of Self-Governments to co-finance regionalised Measures. • Regions should be given sufficient time to build up their administrative capacity to take over management tasks.

  10. V. Recommendations • Demarcation line and content of Measures is still subject to discussions. • Would a common menu approach be acceptable? • Harmonising thematic priority axes in programmes with priorities identified in ESF Regulation (ideally one priority axis from programme should correspond to maximum one priority from ESF Regulation). • Implementation concerns to be addressed as soon as possible and simplification efforts to be continued.

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