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David Tulloch Department of Landscape Architecture Cook College

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Developing a Landscape Change Research Agenda and Program Through Research, Teaching, and Outreach. David Tulloch Department of Landscape Architecture Cook College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. INTERNET DISCLAIMERS.

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David Tulloch Department of Landscape Architecture Cook College

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  1. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Developing a Landscape Change Research Agenda and Program Through Research, Teaching, and Outreach David Tulloch Department of Landscape Architecture Cook College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

  2. INTERNET DISCLAIMERS This presentation has been altered for the purposes of posting these materials online. Some materials, particularly graphics, have been removed (hence blank spots). Other materials require explanation to make sense. Still, we hope you find this more useful than annoying.

  3. Football Fields of Open Space “New Jersey loses nearly 50 acres of land to development each day.  In the time it takes to watch a football game, the equivalent of six football fields of forest, open space or wetlands is lost forever.” --  New Jersey Governor James McGreevey

  4. Outline Thinking Nationally Rutgers’ Landscape Change Research Program Challenges for CELA

  5. It Is a Big Problem It Requires Big Solutions

  6. Looking at Change • How is landscape change occurring in the landscape? • What are the causes and consequences of that change? • How is it perceived? • What can we do about? • What should we do about it?

  7. Looking at Policies • Do landscape and planning policies and practices have the impacts that many believe they do? • Are they having unintended or unnoticed impacts? • What policies are being used? Where?

  8. Responses to Landscape Change A national (or international ) dialog is necessary to advance this effort Significant support is needed to coordinate and accelerate research

  9. Landscape Change Workshop An NSF-sponsored workshop was held on “Landscape Change” in Jan 2001 The workshop sought to develop a research agenda promoting landscape change work The workshop was multidisciplinary with representatives from geography, landscape architecture, ecology, sociology, and planning

  10. Workshop Focus • The workshop openly stated as a goal an interest in seeing a national center for landscape change research • Four distinct areas of emphasis emerged: • Information technology • Decision-making • Landscape perception and assessment • Environmental and social science

  11. Workshop Outcomes • Final Report was published • Panels and papers have reflected the activities at the workshop • NSF has openly appealed for additional efforts • A White Paper has been written to promote these efforts • LAF White Paper on Landscape Intervention • Treats NSF as a primary audience

  12. It Is a Big Problem But New Jersey Has a Corner on the Market

  13. In New Jersey, the change we are most familiar with is land use change

  14. Responses to Landscape Change We have been leaders in measuring landscape change MEASURING

  15. We Live in a Changing Landscape Every year New Jersey adds nearly 16,600 acres of new development while losing more than 9,600 acres of farmland, 4,200 acres of forest, and 2,600 acres of wetlands.

  16. Recent Landscape Changes in New Jersey

  17. Responses to Landscape Change Making the decision makers and the public aware of issues is an important element in Rutgers’ landscape change research COMMUNICATION

  18. Buildout - 2050 • New Jersey will, in all likelihood be the first state to reach complete build-out • A recent study by Rutgers suggested it could happen around 2050

  19. Responses to Landscape Change New Jersey has made land use a statewide political issue POLITICAL/REGULATORY

  20. Developing a Research Program There are many questions to answer: What is being done at Cook and Rutgers that should be included? What themes will be featured in such a research program? How should it be organized and housed?

  21. Developing a Research Program There are many questions to answer: What opportunities exist for advancing this research program? What audience(s) should be targeted?

  22. Creating Our Own Agenda Rutgers approach has included participants from a variety of departments including: Landscape Architecture Environmental Science Human Ecology Geography Ecology, Evolution and Nat. Res. Ag., Food, and Resource Econ. Extension – NJAES Urban Policy and Planning

  23. Creating Our Own Approach Four major efforts: • Internal meetings and establishment of consensus on a research agenda • Meetings with stakeholders from throughout New Jersey • Visits from nationally-notable speakers to present their work and review ours • Regularly submitting proposals to NSF and elsewhere that seek funding explicitly under the umbrella of landscape change

  24. Landscape Brochure • How can you promote a research program without a brochure?

  25. Putting Landscape Change on the Web • New Jersey’s Landscape Change • Mapping and monitoring change in New Jersey • http://www.crssa.rutgers.edu/projects/lc/ • The Workshop on Landscape Change • More than a workshop, but not yet a new movement • http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/landscape-2/landscape.htm

  26. It Is a Big Problem CELA Can Help

  27. Do We Need This? • The NSF workshop used McHarg’s work as a theme for discussing where we have gotten • But how far have we advanced since that work? • Could a research agenda really promote new advances in our understanding and practices? • Is this just about money?

  28. Challenges for CELA • Can CELA promote a research agenda? • Who would they partner with? • What would it be about? • Could they really leave some research out? • Is it an “agenda” if it includes everything?

  29. “Watch Out! He’s Got an Agenda” • We can (and should) bias this process • My Agenda: • I Want to Change the World (Landscape Intervention) • More/Better Information Will Have an Impact (GIS bias) • Better Science and Information Get Us the Respect That We Need to Have an Impact

  30. CELA Action Items? • Actively seek, solicit, identify, and support research agendas advancing the cause of multi-institutional scholarly work in landscape architecture • Aggressively pursue (lobby) financial support for the agenda(s) • Create an annual forum (a panel perhaps) for the discussion of new agendas

  31. Getting In Touch David Tulloch, PhD Department of Landscape Architecture Cook College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, NJ 08901 732.932.3611 dtulloch@crssa.rutgers.edu www.crssa.rutgers.edu/davet

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