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Paragraph Writing (pisanje sestavka)

Paragraph Writing (pisanje sestavka). Nada Vukadinović. Pisanje sestavka on-line. V tej učni enoti se boste seznanili s pisanjem sestavka in uporabo stavčnih povezovalnikov. Zakaj je pisanje sestavka pomembno?.

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Paragraph Writing (pisanje sestavka)

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  1. Paragraph Writing(pisanje sestavka) Nada Vukadinović

  2. Pisanje sestavka on-line V tej učni enoti se boste seznanili s pisanjem sestavka in uporabo stavčnih povezovalnikov.

  3. Zakaj je pisanje sestavka pomembno? Sestavek je temelj pisanja esejev in poročil. Znanje pisanja sestavkov vam bo koristilo pri pri projektnem delu v drugem semestru.

  4. Splošna navodila • Vse informacije in navodila za pisanje sestavka se nahajajo v tej datoteki. Potrebno je, da ostanete on-line. • Preprosto sledite navodilom v zaporedju ter rešujte naloge. • Predvideni čas za učenje in pisanje sestavka je 2-3 ure.

  5. Pomoč • Če vam kaj ni jasno, ali če imate težave, se obrnite na učitelja: vida.vidmar@guest.arnes.si

  6. Kaj je sestavek? • Sestavek je besedilo v obliki daljšega odstavka. Ima jasno in logično strukturo. • V sestavku bodisi nekaj opisujemo, razvrščamo, pojasnjujemo ali primerjamo (npr. funkcijo neke stvari, zaporedje dejanj, itd). • Stavki v sestavku so med seboj povezani s t.i. povezovalniki. Ti povezujejo misel iz prešnjega stavka.

  7. Zgradba sestavka Zgradbo sestavka lahko primerjamo s sendvičem. Tisto, kar je v sendviču žemljica, je v sestavku glavna tema, izražena v prvem stavku. Ostale sestavine (sir, salama, majoneza) senvič dopolnjujejo, mu dajejo specifičen okus, zato jih imenujemo podporni stavki. Prirejeno iz: http://www.gigglepotz.com/para.htm

  8. Oglejmo si primer Why I want to Learn English There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English. (Source: http://www.english-zone.com/writing/strctr-quiz.html) Q: Kaj je “žemljica ” v tem sendviču? Kaj je glavna ideja ali tema? Katere ostale sestavine to temo podpirajo?

  9. Struktura sestavka Klikni na podčtani naslov: • Glavni stavek • Prvi podporni stavek • Drugi podporni stavek • Tretji podporni stavek • Zaključek Dodatna informacija Dodatna informacija Dodatna informacija

  10. Glavni (idejni) stavek There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English. Ta stavek nam napove, o čem bo govora v sestavku (razlogi, zakaj je znanje angleščine potrebno)

  11. Prva podporna točka There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language.It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English. Prvi podporni stavek, označen z rdečo podaja utemeljitev naše trditve. V naslednjem stavku je ta misel še dopolnjena.

  12. Druga podporna točka There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries.The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English. Drugi podporni stavek podaja dodatno utemeljitev k našim prejšnjim trditvam.

  13. Tretja podporna točka There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future.I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English. V teh stavkih je podana še ena dodatna utemeljitev k našim trditvam.

  14. Zaključek There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English. Naprej Zaključek povzema vse prejšnje trditve.

  15. Glavni (idejni) stavek • Glavni (idejni) stavek je prvi stavek v sestavku. • Njegova vloga je opredeliti glavno temo sestavka. • Glavni (idejni) stavek ima funkcijo napovednika. Bralcu pove, o čem bo govora v sestavku.

  16. Podporni stavki Podporni stavki sledijo takoj zaprvim idejnim stavkom in tvorijo jedro sestavka. Njihova funkcija je še dodatno opredeliti uvodno misel. Podporni stavki ponavadi vsebujejo dodatne informacije ali primere.

  17. Zaključni stavek • Je zadnji stavek v sestavku. • Funkcija zadnjega stavka je povzemanje glavne ideje. • Napišemo ga tako, da ponovimo izhodiščno idejo, vendar z drugimi besedami.

  18. Have a look at these: Dodatne razlage Po tej razlagi si oglejte še druge primere. Kliknite na povezavo in si oglejte s puščico iznačene strani, potem se vrnite na predstavitev. http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/tips/paragrap/

  19. Povezovalniki stavkov (sentence connectors) • Povezovalniki stavkov imajo funkcijo povezovanja stavkov v tekoče berljivo besedilo. Povezujejo prejšnjo misel in bralčevo pozornost logično vodijo naprej.

  20. Primeri Oglejte si rdeče označene besede. To so povezovalniki stavkov. Why I want to Learn English There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English.

  21. Useful words Več o povezovalnikih • Kliknite na povezavo. Oglejte si povezovalnike za različne vrste sestavkov. http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/tips/paragrap/

  22. Interaktivne vaje Kliknite na povezavo in naredite vaje. Program vam omogoča preverjanje rešitev. Zatem se vrnite nazaj na predstavitev. http://www.smccd.net/accounts/sevas/esl/gramcheck/9-10.html

  23. Vrste sestavkov • Razvrščevalni sestavek (Classification paragraph (razvrščanje stvari/pojmov) • Opisovalni sestavek (Description paragraph) (opisovanje stvari, ljudi, krajev) • Razlagalni sestavek (Explanation/evaluation) (pojasnjuje stvari, dogodke, daje mnenje) • Primerjalni sestavek (Compare/contrast)(opisuje podobnosti in razlike) • Opisovanje zaporedij (Sequence) (npr. opisovanje postopokov, procesov)

  24. Analiza sestavkov • Kliknite na povezavo in naredite vajo. (opomba: morda bo zaradi določenih karakteristik vašega računalnika vaja “mrtva”, zato kliknite za rumeno polje na vrhu vaje, kjer piše Click here for options.... In izberite “Allow blocked content”)

  25. Sedaj pa k pisanju sestavka Izberite si enega od spodaj naštetih sestavkov: • Classification paragraph (“Making Textiles”) • Explanation/evaluation paragraph (“Fibre properties”) • Compare/contrast paragraph(“Natural fibres: vs. Synthetic fibres”) • Sequence paragraph(“How to send an SMS message”) • Description paragraph(“Production line in a textile factory”)

  26. Kako začeti • Kaj bo glavna ideja sestavka? • Zapišite si podporne ideje. • Kako boste zaključili sestavek? • Glede na tip sestavka izberite primerne povezovalne besede. • Napišite sestavek (80-100 besed) Pojdite po vrstnem redu:

  27. Navodila za oddajo sestavka • Sestavek oddajte v računalniški obliki (Word format) • Preden delo oddate, še enkrat preverite črkovanje besed. • Preštejte število besed. • Ne pozabite napisati svojega imena in priimka. • Sestavek pošljite učitelju po elektronski pošti. • Rok za oddajo: April 30, 2006! Čestitke k opravljeni nalogi!

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