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Fear not, lit-tle flock, from the cross to the throne, From death in-to life He went for His own

Fear not, lit-tle flock, from the cross to the throne, From death in-to life He went for His own All po-wer in earth, all po-wer a-bove, Is giv-en to Him for the flock of His love. Only believe - 1/6. On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve; All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve,

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Fear not, lit-tle flock, from the cross to the throne, From death in-to life He went for His own

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fear not, lit-tle flock, from the cross to the throne, From death in-to life He went for His own All po-wer in earth, all po-wer a-bove, Is giv-en to Him for the flock of His love Only believe - 1/6

  2. On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve; All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve, On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve, All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve Only believe - 2/6

  3. Fear not, lit-tle flock, He go-eth a-head, Your Sheph-erd se-lect-eth the path you must tread; The wa-ters of Mar-ah, He’ll sweeten for thee He drank all the bit-ter in Geth-sem-a-ne Only believe - 3/6

  4. On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve; All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve, On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve, All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve Only believe - 4/6

  5. Fear not, lit-tle flock, what-ev-er your lot; He en-ters all rooms, the doors be-ing shut. He nev-er for-sakes, He nev-er is gone So count on His pres-ence in dark-ness and dawn Only believe - 5/6

  6. On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve; All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve, On-ly be-lieve, on-ly be-lieve, All things are pos-si-ble, on-ly be-lieve Only believe - 6/6

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