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Emer g e n cy Not i f ic a t i o n

F ire/ Bu il d i ng E v ac u a t i o n. Sa f e ty E qu i pm e nt S h el t e r i n Plac e. O akl an d S ci en tific F acility ( O SF ) / 20 t h S treet B u il d i ng E m ergenc y P rocedures “ H andbook”. Emer g e n cy Not i f ic a t i o n. Bu il d i ng Cont ac ts.

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Emer g e n cy Not i f ic a t i o n

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  1. Fire/Building Evacuation Safety Equipment Shelterin Place OaklandScientificFacility(OSF)/ 20thStreetBuilding EmergencyProcedures “Handbook” Emergency Notification Building Contacts

  2. Fire/Building Evacuation UnliketheFranklinandKaiser buildings,theOSFdoesnot haveapublic address(PA) system. So… Ifanalarmsounds(notan announceddrill), you must evacuatethebuilding. Ifmobilityimpaired,stayin the“SafeZone”. Withoutfailor question, beginevacuatingthebuildingimmediately!!! Thisisthesinglemost important thingto remember!

  3. Fire/Building Evacuation Ifyoudiscoverafireofanysize, activateyournearestfirealarmpull stationanddial9-911toreportthe exactlocationandtypeof fire. Ifsafetodoso,callSecurityat 7-0020toadvisethemofthe location/severityofthefire. Warn othersintheimmediatearea. Alwaysevacuateusingstairwells only. Gotoassignedrelocation site,locatedattheparkingareaat therearofthisbuilding. TheSouthstairwell,closesttothe OSFparkinglot,is thededicated “SafeZone”forallmobility impairedstaff.

  4. Fire/Building Evacuation

  5. Fire/Building Evacuation • Mobility impairedpeople,whoneed assistanceinevacuating, shoulduse the… • Dedicated“SafeZone”--South • stairwell(closest totheOSFparkinglot) • Remaininthesmall areapast stairwelldoor,beforethestairsbegin • FloorWardenswill notifytheOSF BuildingManagerofpersonsinthe SafeZoneinneedofassistance

  6. Fire/Building Evacuation • Gather inOSFparkinglot • Groupedby floor • Floor Wardens • Verify allpersonsontheir floor haveevacuatedor are inthe SafeZone • ReporttoOSF Building Mgr anytroublesituationon their flooror iftheflooris “All Clear” • Ineventofapowerfailure • Guardwillmanuallyopen electricparkinglotgate

  7. PopQuiz#1

  8. Never use the elevator when evacuating the building.

  9. Where is the assigned relocation area? None of the above At Donut Savant on Broadway At Snow Park, 3 blocks down on 20th Street In the Union Bank parking lot across the street In the OSF parking lot at the rear of this building

  10. Where is the “Safe Zone”? None of the above At the top of the North stairwell At Donut Savant In the elevator lobby near the AED At the top of the South stairwell

  11. Cardiac“ChainofSurvival”FourLinks • Dial 9-911(AlertParamedics/EMS) • PerformCPR(buystimeuntil…) • Defibrillation(AED)–eachminutethat passes withoutdefibrillationreducesthe victim’schances ofsurvivalby10% • (10minutes)! • Advancedlifesupport(Paramediccare) Safety Equipment • AED • Electronicdevicethatdiagnoses cardiacarrhythmias • Delivers electricshockstopsthe arrhythmiaandreturnstheheart toaneffectiverhythm • AnyonecanusetheAED; no specialtrainingis necessary

  12. Safety Equipment • AEDLocationsforOSFBldg: • 2AED units • Locatedon 4th floor,leftofthe elevators • LocatedontheGroundfloorat theSecurityDesk, visiblefrom elevators • CardiacMedical Emergency • Call9-911 • NotifySecurity,7-0020 • SendrunnertoretrievenearestAED • Directnearbypersonto summonanAED- CPR trained staffmember,if possible

  13. Safety Equipment • PortableOxygenUnit • AdministerOxygenfor personshavingdifficulty breathing/shortnessof breath • Canbeusedto supplementrescue breathingforanon- breathingvictim • Locatedonthe4thFloor

  14. PopQuiz#2

  15. Match the steps in the proper order: 1 2 3 4 5 EMTs take over Perform CPR Call 9-911 Call 7-0020 Defibrillation

  16. Followingalarge earthquake,weneedto assess thesafetyofthe buildingandanyoutside hazards intheimmediate vicinitybeforereleasing stafftothestreets.Staff shouldbepreparedtostay atworkfor3days,if necessary. AroundOakland,our proceduresforcivilunrest orcriminal activity outsidein thevicinityaretogointo“lockdown”mode–this mightbe consideredaform of‘shelteringinplace’. Shelterin Place

  17. Eachdepartment storesenough3-Day UCEmergencyKits for each staffmember. Kits includedrinkingwater,2,400 calorie foodrationbar, emergencyMylar blanket,dustmask, firstaid kit, personal hygienekit, etc. Shelterin Place

  18. PopQuiz#3

  19. If necessary, for how many days should you be prepared to stay at work? 3 days

  20. EmergencymessagestoUCOPstaffaredisseminatedinorderof prioritythefollowingways: Foremergencynotifications, werelyon: 1. Broadcast emailmessagestoucop.eduemail addresses 2. UCOPAlert:emergencynotificationstoyourpersonalphones andpersonalemailaddresses(e.g.,gmail.com)outsideof normalbusinesshours. 3. PAannouncement(FranklinandKaiser)if urgent (Note:theOSFbuildingdoesnothaveaPAsystem.) 4. UCOPwebsiteandtheremote/outofarea866#messageline –typically,usedintheeventofanextendedclosureor major disaster Emergency Notification

  21. Floor Wardens 3rd Floor –LoisHansen 4thFloor–JayneDickson& MichaelThwaites OSFBuildingManager MichaelAnnas,510-987-0519 Security Guard 510-987-0020 Building Contacts

  22. PopQuiz#4

  23. IntheOSF,what’sthesinglemost importantthingtoremember? Without fail, if an alarm sounds you must begin to evacuate the building immediately!!!

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