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The European Security and Defence College

The European Security and Defence College. ESDC Secretariat located in the premises of the EEAS, Building Ecole Royale Militaire Avenue Kortenberg 115, Brussels WebPage: http://esdc.mil-edu.be/. European Security and Defence College - main parameters -.

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The European Security and Defence College

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  1. The European Security and Defence College ESDC Secretariat located in the premises of the EEAS, Building Ecole Royale Militaire Avenue Kortenberg 115, Brussels WebPage: http://esdc.mil-edu.be/

  2. European Security and Defence College- main parameters - • network between civilian and military institutes within the EU and the EU Institute for Security Studies • trains Member States, EU institutions civilian and military personnel to work efficiently on all CSDP matters • close links with the EU institutions and relevant agencies • co-operates with and draws on the expertise of international organisations and other relevant actors • trains personnel from third states and international organisations • three-tier structure established for the functioning

  3. ESDC Network Members • Security policy institutes, diplomatic academies and other civilian institutes • Higher Defence Institutes and Universities • Defence Academies and Colleges • Other actors including different Ministries, national delegations in Brussels

  4. High-Ranking Staff and Decision-Makers CSDP High-Level Seminar Senior Staff Level CSDP High-Level Course ESDP Training deliveredbyMember States (for nationalsonly, open to participation of othernationals) ESDC Training Concept Training AudiencesESDC Training Activities Alumni Seminars Specialist and Expert Level Joint Civil and military participation ESDP Courses for Specialised Staff and Experts Courses for i.a. PPI Staff, LEGAD, POLAD, SSR and others General (mid rank) Working Level OC open to International Audiences OC for National Audiences ESDP Orientation Courses / Common CSDP Modules OC-type course with focus on thematic, regional or horizontal issues IDL Support Training material and IDL system support for all training levels, organised and co-ordinated through the ESDC

  5. ESDC activities in support of … CSDP in general leadership policy fields specialised staff EU tools / programmes CSDP High Level Course CSDP Orientation Courses “Europa Forum” CSDP Common Modules other events CSDP High Level Course Senior Mission Leaders Course POLAD Courses LEGAD Course Gender Courses Other High Level Seminars / Workshops Non- Proliferation Space Policy Cyber Security European Armaments Cooperation Anti Piracy Civilian Crisis Management Strategic Mission/ Operation Planners Security Sector Reform Press, Public Information Staff Capability Development EU Pool of SSR Experts EU Partnerships In CSDP Exchange Programmes « Erasmus militaire » Participation of diplomats, police, other civilians and military from Member States and relevant EU Institutions in almost all courses contributes to an efficient implementation of EU’s comprehensive approach

  6. ESDC Training Activities Courses providing an overview on the CSDP in a wider CFSP context Basic training activities • CSDP High Level Course (annual course with 4 modules) • CSDP Orientation Course (4-5 courses per year/~ one week) Specialised training activities • CSDP Course for PPI staff (1 to 2 courses per year/2 days) • CSDP High Level Seminar (2 days) • Common CSDP Module (one week/ “European Initiative inspired by Erasmus”) • CSDP Train-the-trainer Seminar (2 days) • EU Basic Course on Security Sector Reform (3 days) • EU Core Course on Security Sector Reform (10 days) • CSDP Mission Planning Procedures Course (3 days / two courses per year) • Course on EU Capability Development (3 days) • CMCO – Civil Military Co-ordination in CSDP Missions and Operations (10 days) • International Law for EU Military Legal Advisor (annual course with 3 modules) • Peace Building Course (Pilot Project September 2010) • Course on Non-Proliferation for senior officials • Civilian Crisis Management Course • Advanced Course for Senior Political Advisors working in the wider context of CSDP • Training of Trainers for EU SSR in Support of Training for the EU SSR Pool of Experts • Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Missions and Operations New Projects • CSDP Senior Mission Leader Course (2 weeks) • European Armaments Co-operation Training (Awareness Course and Experts Course) Other ESDC activities • Annual Networking Conference on Training in the field of CSDP • Alumni Events (former course participants) Regional focus Press, Public Information Security Sector Reform Mission Planning Capability Development Civ-Mil Co-ordination LEGAD POLAD Civilian Crisis Management Peace Building Non-proliferation Gender and Human Rights Leadership training European Armaments Co-operation

  7. Networking and Co-operation in the context of the IDL System every 6 -12 month content update Existing Autonomous Learning Units/AKUs • AKU 1: Historical development of CFSP and CSDP • AKU 2: European Security Strategy • AKU 3: Role of the EU Institutions involved in CFSP/CSDP • AKU 4: CSDP Structures and Decision Making • AKU 5: European Civilian and Military Capability Development • AKU 6: EU Mission Planning Procedures • AKU 7: Lisbon Treaty and its implications for CFSP/CSDP • AKU 8: Non-Proliferation • AKU 9: Climate Change • AKU 10: EU Mediation and Dialogue Capabilities (Feb 2012) • AKU 11: An introduction to gender-sensitive (peacekeeping) operations (Feb 2012) • ……… Evaluation in the light of course participants’ feedback, lessons learnt, new policies/concepts etc. Secretariat / course director configures IDL course according to the needs of the specific residential course learning unit (AKU) now available within the ESDC IDL System Content update EAB/Secretariat identify new requirement Server and LMS provider (NDU Bucharest) transforms content into SCORM format / making it a stand-alone e-learning unit Secretariat consults with potential content provider Voluntary expert (from ESDC network or external partners) develops content and provides it to the Secretariat “quality check” by the EAB / Secretariat / other experts

  8. Training Methods within the ESDC

  9. ESDC – Training Record • Since its creation in 2005, the ESDC has trained approximately 6500 civilian and military participants, coming from the 28 MS, candidate states and EU institutions • Many courses are open for participation of third states and international organisations (so far ~500 participants) • Current training capacity: to train ~ 1200 civilian and military in more than 30 training courses every year

  10. Production of Training Material IN PDF FORMAT AVAILABLE ON THE ESDC WEB PAGE www.esdc.mil-edu.be 2nd Edition available

  11. Executive Academic Boardlist of training actors involved in ESDC activities (spring 2012) Civilian institutes/actors Defence institutes/actors

  12. overall guidance and co-ordination • representatives of the Member States • convenes in Brussels Steering Committee • implements training • ensures quality and coherence of training • representatives of the network institutes Executive Academic Board (EAB) • runs the network • assists the Steering Committee and the EAB • supports conduct of training activities • supports conceptual work Permanent Secretariat (currently within EEAS/CMPD) Three-tier Structure established for the functioning of the ESDCas a network college Security Sector Report (EU Pool of SSR Experts) Project-orientated configurations of the Board Implementation Group « Erasmus Militaire » Internet-Based Distance Learning (IDL) System

  13. Co-operation between the Executive Academic Board and the EU Crisis Management Structures EAB Curricula Review and Revision (early spring) EAB Programming next Academic Year (before summer break) EAB Yearly Basic Evaluation (autumn) ESDC Network Institutes And ESDC Secretariat Conduct of Training And Evaluation (permanent) EU crisis management structures and other relevant services in the EU Institutions New policies and concepts Lessons learnt from missions and operations

  14. ESDC – New Council Decisionestablishes the ESDC • as a separate entity • with close links with the Unions institutions and relevant agencies • under the overall responsibility of the HR of the Union for CFSP • as a network college of civ & mil institutes • with the necessary legal capacity to fulfil its tasks and meet its objectives • with the Head ESDC appointed by the HR • with an annual contribution from the general budget of the Union (EUR 535.000) • with a new task, to provide support to the management of training in the field of conflict prevention and civilian crisis management

  15. runs the network • assists the Steering Committee and the EAB • Supports conceptual work • supports Brussels-based training activities Permanent Secretariat (closely linked up with EEAS/CMPD) ESDC Secretariat - strength and working relations … closely linked with and / or can rely on ….. National Network Institutes Points of contact Chairpersons EAB Course Directors Faculty members Other support Relevant EU Institutions and Agencies EEAS/CMPD (including offices) Other Services within the EEAS Services within the EP and Commission EU Institute for Security Studies in Paris European Defence Agency EU Satellite Centre External Training Actors GCSP Geneva DCAF Geneva NDC Rome internat. organisations third states institutes

  16. The European Security and Defence College ESDC Secretariat located in the premises of the EEAS, Building Ecole Royale Avenue Kortenberg 115 WebPage: http://esdc.mil-edu.be/

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