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華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology

華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology. 论文摘要 Abstract. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology. Abstract. Acknowledgement. Reference. 常见论文的框架结构. 每种杂志都有自己的征稿简则( Instructions for Authors) ,在投稿前应仔细阅读,严格按照要求去写. 常见论文的框架一般分为两类. Introduction. Introduction.

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華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology

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  1. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 论文摘要Abstract

  2. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Abstract Acknowledgement Reference 常见论文的框架结构 每种杂志都有自己的征稿简则(Instructions for Authors),在投稿前应仔细阅读,严格按照要求去写 常见论文的框架一般分为两类 Introduction Introduction Theory Experimental Results & Discussion Results & Discussion Experimental (有机合成、金属有机) Conclusion (分析化学、无机化学、 物理化学、化学工程)

  3. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 正规论文(Original Research Papers, Full Papers, Articles)、评论(Review Articles)、快报(Letters)、简报(Short Papers, Short Notes) 作为一篇科学论文必须要有重要的科学价值,要报道新数据、新方法、新设备、新观点,要有创新。 • 数据全且内容丰富,可投Paper • 数据不全或内容单薄,应压缩成Short Note或Letter • Review Article不接受自由投稿,一般由编辑部特约,邀请 某一领域的专家执笔。如果你在某一领域有了多年的研究, 且公开发表了许多文章,对该领域的来龙去脉了如指掌, 愿意写评论性文章,也一定要先和编辑部取得联系,得到 许可后再写

  4. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology • 摘要是论文的精华,但并不概括论文的全部,只要求简明扼要、准确无误地报道本文所获得的成果、数据或结论,比要时可以说明所采用的方法及手段。字数也有严格地限制,一般为100~200个单词。 • 摘要可分为描述性摘要和写实性摘要两种。 • 描述性摘要多用于专论、评论、综述、数学计算、理论推导等方面的文章。它所描述的是论文的性质、内容和覆盖面,而很少传递具体数据。它只告诉读者本文采用了什么方法,讨论了什么问题,得出了什么结论,也就是说,只告诉读者本文完成了什么事情,预知详情需看原文。 • 在摘要中通常不要引用文献。

  5. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex1. The progress of analytic chemistry during the period 1910~1970 is reviewed. Topics considered are: the volume of the relevant literature, the country in which the work was done, the language in which the paper were written, the literature of analytic chemistry, broad trends in the subject, methods used, and the analytical chemistry of individual elements. Some tentative conclusions are made about future short-term trends.

  6. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex2. Selecting an appropriate experimental procedure and a suitable laboratory reactor is crucial for evaluating the kinetics of a catalytic process. In this paper, practical guidelines are suggested for carrying out a kinetic study for a given reaction system. Comparison of various laboratory reactors is presented and some of the pitfalls and limitations are discussed. The influence of transport phenomena due to the flow, the catalyst and the reactor geometry is analyzed and the criteria for their absence are given in a convenient form.

  7. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex3. This paper is critical and thorough (but not exhaustive) review of the literature of catalytic hydroprocessing reactions. It includes data characterizing thermodynamics, reactivities, reaction networks, and kinetics of hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons, hydrodesulfurization, hydrodenitrogenation, and hydrodeoxygenation. The subject is organized by reaction type, and there are separate sections on competitive reaction and inhibitions effects. The results summarized are judged to be the most reliable and useful available to guide process modeling for hydroprocessing of heavy fossil fuels. The review is designed for use as a reference; most of the quantitative results are summarized in tables and figures, and a table of contents and a chart with names and structures of the organic compounds are also included.

  8. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex4. Adsorption equilibrium is calculated for slit-like pores of various sizes using lattice density functional theory (LDFT). It is shown that LDFT can predict adsorption isotherms with hysteresis loops and that different types of hysteresis loops can be obtained by varying energies of adsorbate-adsorbate and adsorbate-adsorbent interactions for different widths and lengths of slit-like pores. LDFT also predicts hysteresis loops with multiple steps. Though such behavior has not been part of the characterization of isotherms with hysteresis loops, there are experimental data that exhibit steps within hysteresis loops.

  9. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex5. A model for external wetting efficiency of the catalyst in trickle-bed reactors was developed based on 1-D force-balance equations incorporating drag forces in a three-phase system. The gas-liquid interfacial drag was considered, as well as the tortuosity effect. The overall model was tested with major experimental data of a 15.2-cm-dia. trickle-bed reactor using a radioisotope tracer technique. Five catalyst packings, different in shape and size, were used in the experiment. External wetting efficiency was calculated from the square root of the ratio of the effective diffusivities in two-shape and liquid-filled operation. The model was also compared with other experimental data available in the literature. The predictions were within an average confidence limit of ± 15 %.

  10. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex6. The paper describes the preparation and characterization of porous calcium carbonate microparticles with an average size of 5μm and their use for encapsulation of biomacro-molecules. The average pore size of about 30-50 nm enables size selective and time-dependent permeation of different macromolecules. Layer-by-Layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes into these particles followed by core dissolution leads to formation of interconnecting networks (matrix-like structure) made of polyelectrolyte complexes. The structure can be used for accumulation of biomacromolecules, mainly proteins. The adsorption of biomacromolecules inside the porous calcium carbonate particles is presumably regulated by electrostatic interactions on the microparticle surface within pores and protein-protein interactions.

  11. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 在描述性摘要中,作者仅仅告诉读者本文做了什么工作,如测定了什么,讨论了什么,评论了什么等等,也就是说只告诉读者这是一篇什么性质的论文,文章中涉及什么内容,但并没有传递具体的信息,在时态上多采用一般现在时被动语态或一般过去时被动 语态,简明扼要。 写实性摘要的着眼点放在具体条件和数据上,每句话之间没有严格的联系,只报道论文的精华,以及重要的数据。对于同行来说,读了这类文摘,基本上可以了解论文的重要结果。

  12. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex1. Mesoporous zirconia molecular sieve was synthesized successfully in a non-aqueous solvent, namely absolute ethanol, by using zirconium nitrate as zirconium source and surfactant CTAB as structural template. The effects of CTAB dosage, pH, triethanolamine dosage, precrystallizing temperature and time, crystallizing temperature and time on structure of molecular sieves were studied. Under optimal synthesis conditions: n(CTAB): n(Zr) = 0.18, pH = 9, n(TEAH): n(Zr) = 0.2, precrystallizing temperature 90 oC and time 4 h, crystallizing temperature 120 oC and time 48 h, the mesoporous zirconia molecular sieve was obtained after calcination at 450 oC. BET specific surface area, pore diameter and pore volume of the synthesized molecular sieves were 197 m2/g, about 4.8 nm and 0.23 cm3/g, respectively.

  13. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex2. The solubility and mass-transfer coefficient for hydrogen and carbon monoxide have been determined in a Fischer-Tropsch slurry with use of a modified continuously stirred tank reactor. Experiments were performed at 528 K and 1-3 MPa in n-octacosane. The solubility coefficients were found to be similar to those reported for industrial waxes. The presence of solids does not affect the solubilities. The effect of stirrer speed on the mass-transfer coefficients was found to be significant between 250 and 1750 rpm.

  14. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology Ex3. A CoMo/Al2O3 hydrotreating catalyst has been sulfided in different ways: (i) by conventional in situ sulfiding in a high-pressure reactor with a H2S/H2 or dimethyldisulfide (DMDS) /H2 mixture at 350 oC and 4 MPa; or (ii) by a preliminary presulfida-tion with di-tert-nonyl or di-tert-dodecyl pentasulfides followed by one of the above conventional in situ sulfidations. The pre-sulfidaton was performed in two steps: impregnation of the oxidic catalyst with the polysulfide and then thermal treatment under flowing nitrogen at 130 oC. The catalysts were evaluated for their catalytic properties at 280-350 oC and 4 MPa for the simultaneous hydrodesulfurization of thiophene and hydrogenation of cyclohexene. Compared to H2S/H2, in situ DMDS/H2 sulfiding of the CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst enhanced the C-S hydrogenolysis at 280 oC but not the hydrogenation; however, the apparent activation energy for hydrogenation was markedly increased. …

  15. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 写实性摘要主要报道文章的研究成果、数据和结论,对于最佳条件,成功的数据及误差范围,结论及适用范围如实给出;可用一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态来叙述,文字简明准确,很少用修饰语。句子之间没有必然的联系,一句话说明一件事。 摘要通常不包含讨论和推理,而是仅仅陈述所得结果。由于只报道文章的最新成果,因而摘要中无需引用参考文献。 会议论文集的摘要一般比较长,通常为A4纸一页或两页,可以有少量参考文献,也可以由少量图表。顺序与正常论文大体相同,先简要说明为什么要进行该项研究及有关该课题的背景材料,如果文章重点不是讨论实验方法,也可将实验部分一笔带过,重点叙述实验结果和结论。 特邀大会报告的摘要一般由会议组织者和作者直接商定,写法和字数都不受限制。

  16. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 摘要中的第一句话常见有: A brief survey of … is given … A new approach is proposed to … A novel method was developed for … A mathematical model is derived from … A new technique is described … This paper describes … … was studied … … was prepared by … … was synthesized using … … was determined with …

  17. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 常用的谓语动词有: report, study, investigate present, develop, discuss show, evaluate, illustrate determine, examine, record describe, prepare, synthesize separate, isolate, introduce observe, obtain, exhibit explore …

  18. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 时 态 以一般现在时为主,也使用一般过去时和现在完成时 说法一:从理论上讲: 一般现在时 通过科学实验取得的研究结果、结论,揭示自然界的客观规律 一般过去时 在一定范围内所观察到的自然现象的规律性认识,这种认识也许有一定的局限性 现在完成时 表明过程的延续性,虽某事件(或过程)发生在过去,但强调对现实所产生的影响

  19. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 说法二: EI数据库建议: 用过去时态叙述作者工作; 用现在时态叙述作者结论。

  20. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 说法三: 论文是通过科学实验揭示客观真理。所取得的结果,无论是过去,还是现在或将来都是如此。故常用现在时表达。 过去时“表达一件过去发生过的事,而且现在已经完结了。”如文中指出发生的日期和时间是写文章之前,必须用过去时,例:This was first known in 1930. 许多论文,虽然是作者过去做的工作和得到的结论,然而这些工作和结论并不是达到“完结了”的阶段,而是还会有人,也可能是作者本人,继续研究下去,从而产生进一步的改进和完善。从这一角度出发,可以用现在完成时来描述已做过的工作,以表达这种延续性。例:Man has not yet discovered an effective cure for the common cold.(人类至今尚未发现一种有效治疗感冒的方法。)句中隐含着估计一段时间后也不会发现,但是将来能否会有,尚有待事实来说明。

  21. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 一般过去时及其被动语态 All kinetic parameters of the curing reaction werecalculated and reported. Dynamic and isothermal DSC yielded different results. An explanation was offered in terms of different curing mechanism which prevail under different curing conditions. A mechanism scheme was proposed to account for various possible reactions during cure.

  22. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 现在完成时及其被动语态 The partial molar enthalpies of mixing of NaHSO4 and KHSO4have been measured at 528K by dropping samples of pure compounds into molten mixtures of NaHSO4 and KHSO4 in Calvet calorimeter. From these values the molar enthalpy of mixing has been deduced. The phase diagram of this system has been confirmed by conductometric and thermal analysis methods. By an optimization method the excess entropy of the liquid mixtures was also calculated.

  23. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology • 应理解为上述时态是撰写摘要时常用的几种时态,有时很难区分它们在含义上的严格差异。 • 这只是从语法功能的角度将其概念化,实际写作英文摘要时,这几种时态并非完全不可互易。

  24. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 概括起来: • 作者告诉读者论述怎样的主题,可用现在时。 • 用过去时及其被动语态叙述实验方法与过程,表示实验前业已完成的动作(过去的过去),用过去完成时。例如: The crystallized samples had been polished before they were etched in a 0.5% HF solution at 25 ℃ for 2 s. • 对实验结果可用现在时(表示客观真理)或现在完成时(已取得的阶段性成果)。

  25. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 语 态 目前,英文摘要仍以被动语态居多,这种语态可以在主语部分集中较多的信息,起到信息前置,语义鲜明突出的效果。 主动语态也偶有出现,并有增长的趋势。主动语态表达的语句文字清晰、简捷明快,表现力强,动作的执行者和动作的承受者一目了然,往往那给人一种干净利落、泾渭分明的感觉。

  26. 華東理工大學 East China University of Science and Technology 主动语态举例 • We report rheological data on anionic polyelectrolyte solutions of variable chain length and concentration, …… • We havestudied the dehydration under atmospheric pressure for …, NiNa4(PO3)·6H2O, between 25 and 700℃ by thermal analyses (TG, DTA), infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. …… • We find that one component (polyimide) controls the permeability values and activation energies for helium permeation in the blends. ……

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