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London in the 18th century

London in the 18th century. The 18th century was a period of rapid growth for London,reflecting an increasing national population , the early stirrings of the Industrial Revolution , and London’s role at the center of the evolving British Empire . Image description.

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London in the 18th century

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  1. London in the 18th century The 18th century was a period of rapidgrowthforLondon,reflectinganincreasingnational population, theearlystirrings of the Industrial Revolution, and London’s role at the center of theevolving British Empire.

  2. Image description Wedon’tknowtheartist of thispicture. Thepicturetakes place in London in the 18th century, itistherepresentation of theharbour of London. In thebackground I thinkwe can see Saint Paul’sCathedral. We can seewater and I thinkitisn’tthe sea buttheThames. In theforegroundthere are a lot of boat in thewater. We can see a lot of houses in thebackground.

  3. The TriangularTrade The Triangular Tradeis a historicaltradeamongthreeportsorregions. ItcrossedtheAtlanticOcean and has a triangular shape. The triangular tradeprovided a methodforrectifyingtradeimbalancesbetweentheaboveregionstheshiptransportedslave, armsorfood, Americansbuilttheslavesforgold (money). Theshipsweretransportingarmedshipstoprotectthem of pirates.

  4. The slaves Theslavesweretransportedformoney and food.the traficants of slaveschangedtheslaves in North America,SouthAmerica and Central America. Theywerechangeforarms in Europe and food ormoney in America.

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