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Citizenship in the United States of America Our Rights and Responsibilities

Citizenship in the United States of America Our Rights and Responsibilities. 7 th Grade Government and Civics Mr. Cole colea@nvnet.org. What is the definition of immigration? ***to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence

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Citizenship in the United States of America Our Rights and Responsibilities

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  1. Citizenship in the United States of America • Our Rights and Responsibilities 7th Grade Government and Civics Mr. Cole colea@nvnet.org

  2. What is the definition of immigration? ***to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence 2. What are some reasons people immigrate? ***opportunity for jobs/education, freedom of religion, family, government/conflict (war) 3. Why is America a popular destination for immigrants? ***Land of opportunity, free country (freedom of movement) , and…see above 4. Why do you think Americans have created so many of the inventions that we use today? (For example: the automobile, telephone, computer, internet, etc.)

  3. Do Now: Discuss with a neighbor what your responsibilities are as a student at the Demarest Middle School. What responsibilities are mandatory? What responsibilities are voluntary?

  4. Essential Questions: • What would happen if we didn’t follow through with our responsibilities at DMS? • What would happen if we didn’t follow through with our responsibilities as citizens?

  5. What is a citizen? • Defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary: • An inhabitant of a city or town; especially one entitled to right and privileges of a freeman • a member of a state • a native or naturalized (completed the official legal process of becoming a citizen) person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it

  6. What is a citizen? • Defined by our class:

  7. What is a citizen? • Defined by our textbook: • A person who owes loyalty to a particular nation and is entitled to all its rights and protections

  8. Becoming a citizen? • Born in the US (or at least one parent is a citizen) • Naturalized (completed the official legal process to become a citizen) • You were 18 or younger when your parents were naturalized • Immigrant needs to wait 5 years to become a citizen after becoming a resident alien or someone living in the country as a noncitizen. Need to pass citizen test, show good moral character, take interview, then take an oath of allegiance to the US

  9. Rights and responsibilities of a citizen? • Rights: • Speak freely • Worship as you choose • Vote • Serve on juries • Assemble/petition • Rights of the accused • Bear arms

  10. Rights and responsibilities of a citizen? • Responsibilities: • Vote • Obeying the laws • Defending the nation (men age 18-26 must register for the draft—if there is an active draft) • Serve on a juries • Serve the community • Being informed • Pay taxes

  11. Rights and responsibilities of a citizen? • What responsibilities of a US citizen are mandatory? • Paying taxes • Defend the nation (men 18-26 if we have draft (war)) • Obey the law • Serve on juries • What responsibilities are voluntary? • Being informed • Serve the community • Voting

  12. What would happen if we didn’t follow through on our responsibilities as citizens?

  13. Essential Questions: • In Australia, voting is compulsory (or mandatory). If you do not vote, it is a $20 fine unless you can give a valid or sufficient reason for not voting or not being able to vote. • Do you think that with voter turnout at about 50% (near 60% for presidential election years and 40% for midterm election years), the United States should have a mandatory voting rule or law like Australia? • Are their any other responsibilities that should be mandatory or should be offered with an added incentive (or attraction) in the US?

  14. Citizenship-Key Terms Citizenship (citizen): Immigration (immigrant): Native: Naturalized: Civic virtue: Patriotism: Allegiance: Natural Rights:

  15. Citizenship Educational Websites & Videos http://www.history.com/videos/what-does-it-mean-to-be-an-american-citizen#what-does-it-mean-to-be-an-american-citizen http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/socdemo/voting/ http://www.fairvote.org/

  16. Definitions the loyalty owed by a citizen to a government, group, or cause Allegiance

  17. Definitions to complete the official process for becoming a citizen Naturalize(d)

  18. Definitions Feeling of love and devotion for one’s country Patriotism

  19. Definitions Rights that belong to all people from birth Natural Rights

  20. Definitions Born in a particular place—refers to where a person was born and raised Native

  21. Definitions The willingness to work for the good of the nation or community even at great sacrifice Civic Virtue

  22. Definitions a person(s) who enters another country in order to settle there Immigrant (immigration)

  23. Definitions a person(s) who owes loyalty to a particular nation and is entitled to all of its rights and protections Citizen (citizenship)

  24. Rights and Responsibilities Paying Taxes… Responsibility Mandatory

  25. Rights and Responsibilities Being informed… Responsibility Voluntary

  26. Rights and Responsibilities Hold public office… Right Voluntary

  27. Rights and Responsibilities Assemble and petition… Right Mandatory…if needed

  28. Rights and Responsibilities Obey the law… Responsibility Mandatory

  29. Rights and Responsibilities Worship as you choose… Right Mandatory (Bill of Rights)

  30. Rights and Responsibilities Serve the community… Responsibility Voluntary

  31. Rights and Responsibilities Vote… Responsibility and right Voluntary

  32. Rights and Responsibilities Defend the nation… Responsibility Mandatory for men 18-26 during time of war when there is a draft (selective service) otherwise voluntary

  33. Rights and Responsibilities Serve on juries… Responsibility and right Mandatory

  34. Rights and Responsibilities Speak freely… Right Mandatory (Bill of Rights)

  35. Rights and Responsibilities Right to an attorney and fair trial… Right Mandatory (Bill of Rights)

  36. Citizenship • What is Citizenship? • "Citizenship is man's basic right, for it is nothing less than his right to have rights." • Chief Justice Earl Warren, 1958

  37. Citizenship • "Our Constitution is founded on the principle that all men are equal as citizens and entitled to the same rights, whether they achieved citizenship by birth, or after coming here as immigrants, seeking to find in America new freedom and new opportunities." • John F. Kennedy, 1960

  38. Citizenship • Acting Like a Citizen • "No man is above the law and no man below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.“ • Theodore Roosevelt, 1903

  39. Your Citizenship Project should focus on: 1. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens (Right to Vote, Rights of the accused, etc.) 2. Key Terms of Citizenship (Citizen, Civic Virtue, etc.) Example and Explanations: (Being a citizen is important because it gives you the right to vote and make a difference…you can assemble and petition the government…you are expected to serve on juries) Project must include sources and is due at the beginning of class on Friday May 30, 2014—when we will begin presenting

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