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  1. Leonardo Da Vinci ProgrammePilot Project“Adaptation System to Multifunctionality”AGRI-MULTIFUNCTIONALITY MULTIFUNCTIONALITY EXPERIENCE “HAZA DEL RIO: A BIOMASS PROJECT”

  2. “HAZA DEL RIO: A BIOMASS PROJECT” • This is an initiative to improve the Environment. The owner of the farm, which is located on the Vega (fertile plain) of Granada and used for the production of black poplars and sweetcorn, decided to turn it into an experimental farm for research into a new fuel based on non-polluting black poplar wood with the same calorific value as other fuels. • It is therefore a farm used for the production of black poplars for fuel, but which has continued to grow the traditional crop of black poplars for harvestable wood and sweetcorn for bulk distribution.This

  3. PROFILE OF THE FARMER-PROMOTER • As the promoter of this multifunctional idea is an innovative person concerned with improving the profitability of his land, he is constantly looking for opportunities to continue his research and thus improve the profitability of his product. • NAME AND SURNAMES: Antonio Ramos Fernández • AGE: • SEX: Male • MARITAL STATUS: Married • NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 2 • EDUCATION: Senior Secondary School Certificate • YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE: 15

  4. FARM DETAILS • Name: HAZA DEL RIO • Address: Santa Fe (Granada) • Legal representative: Antonio Ramos Fernández • Activity:Black poplar production and sweetcorn crop • Start date: 1977 Farm hectares: 5,8

  5. FARM’S PRIOR SITUATION • The farm called “Haza del Río” is a set of plots spread out along the Vega (fertile plain) of the River Genil in Granada. • When the promoter in this case took over the farm in 1977, it was used for growing black poplars for the production of harvestable wood (wood that can be cut and manipulated), which is traditional in the area where it is located, as there is more than one black poplar plantation.

  6. FARM’S PRIOR SITUATION • However, in view of the fact that this crop’s profitability was not very high, he decided to change direction and use a large part of his land for growing sweetcorn (a more profitable crop), but without stopping black polar production altogether. • Nevertheless, in spite of a small increase in profits, Mr Antonio Ramos continued to look for a way to make the most of his land and therefore in 1992 he started his venture with “BIOMASS” projects.

  7. THE MULTIFUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCE: DIVERSIFICATION • The multifunctional activity in this case lies in the fact that the promoter’s land has become an experimental farm for research, in order to obtain improvements in the production of black poplars so that they can be used as a more ecological and cheaper fuel that conventional fuels. • This leads to a greater return per surface area planted and at the same time it protects the Environment and continues with a traditional crop in an area where it would disappear sooner or later as it is not very profitable.

  8. THE MULTIFUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCE: DIVERSIFICATION • The idea of being used for research in the BIOMASS sector arose as a result of the promoter’s constant wish to be up-to-date in the black poplar sector, which means that he regularly attends all the Seminars and Congresses related to it. It was at one of these Congresses organised by the FAO in 1992, which Mr Ramos attended, where he heard about the possibility of using black poplar wood as a potential alternative to other fuels. • In addition to the above, some of the most favourable conditions for carrying out this type of research can be found in the area where the “Haza del Río” plots are located, as there is a microclimate of contrasts as far as day/night temperatures, sunshine hours, humidity, etc., are concerned, which make this land one of the most fertile, with black poplar production levels that are the highest in the world, together with Chile.

  9. THE MULTIFUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCE: DIVERSIFICATION • After returning from the above-mentioned Congress, the promoter of this experience started to collect information on the subject and to request advice and grants to finance his project, although at the time he did not get any response and the first research he carried out was self-financed. • This first research lasted for a few years (4) and led onto a second project that is still ongoing (it was started in 2004) and which in this case is being subsidised by the European Union and supported by the Administration. It is a project that the University of Granada is also interested in, as it is a groundbreaking BIOMASS project in this sector.

  10. THE MULTIFUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCE: DIVERSIFICATION • The farm owner is not only in charge of the estate, but also of the research project itself, in which he is totally involved as a researcher. • It is the promoter’s own personality and his interest in progress that has led him to try other professional fields, in spite of the setbacks he originally faced when he submitted his first project, coming up against the less entrepreneurial and conservative mentality of his colleagues and the Administration, as they did not give him any support. • However, in his favour he had his in-depth knowledge and experience of this sector and the fact that he already had a black poplar plantation in operation, so he did not start from scratch.

  11. RESULTS: FARM’S SITUATION AFTER DIVERSIFICATION • The farm is currently continuing with its initial agricultural task of growing black poplars for harvestable wood, together with growing sweetcorn on fallow land. But alongside this activity, the black poplar crop also has a triple function: • Serving as the basis of research • Producing ecological fuel • Protecting the Environment

  12. RESULTS: FARM’S SITUATION AFTER DIVERSIFICATION • Given that wood production for fuel is a very recent activity, actual profit cannot be quantified, although it is possible to expect it to be more profitable than producing harvestable wood, since not as much effort, attention and time are involved and it makes better use of all the wood. • The profitability that the promoter in this case does mention is the experience and the in-depth knowledge that he has acquired and is acquiring of this field on a daily basis, experience that will no doubt have a favourable effect on his everyday work on the land and on the improvement of his farm.

  13. PROMOTER’S ADVICE He encourages the rest of black poplar producers to compare the production levels and cost of wood for fuel and its price on the market with the cost of production for harvestable wood and its price. He is convinced that when they see the profit margin, they will be in favour of this new activity.

  14. OBSERVATIONS • This research is an innovative experience. It is perhaps quite unusual, since the profit margin of this type of activity is not as immediate as in other cases. • An important aspect to highlight is the social scope of this experience, since the result not only benefits the promoter of the idea, but also the rest of the black poplar producers in his area, as it lays the foundation for the possibility of promoting and developing this rural area. • On the other hand, the benefit generated is not only financial, as there is also an ecological benefit, since the result of the research (wood for fuel) does not pollute, thus protecting the ozone layer. • The future forecast of black poplar production for fuel is also relevant, as there are plans to establish a wood processing plant in Granada to produce this product.

  15. QUESTIONS AND REFLECTIONS • If you decided to do research to improve your crops’ production and profitability, what would you do? Where would you go to ask for expert advice? • The promoter of this multifunctional activity has said that the main drawback he came across in realising his idea was the closed and conservative mentality of other farmers to such a new initiative. Do you define yourself as an innovative person or are you more traditional? Could you describe your personal profile as entrepreneurial? • Do you think this type of experience is profitable, even if it is in the medium or long term? Why?

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