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Star Rating Part 2 Growth, Graduation Rates and College and Career Readiness

Star Rating Part 2 Growth, Graduation Rates and College and Career Readiness. Student Growth Model. Mathematical Model Developed by Dr. Damian Betebenner Used by over 30 States , including Idaho. Provided by the Idaho state department of education. SY1415 Growth Model Update.

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Star Rating Part 2 Growth, Graduation Rates and College and Career Readiness

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  1. Star Rating Part 2 Growth, Graduation Rates and College and Career Readiness

  2. Student Growth Model • Mathematical Model • Developed by Dr. Damian Betebenner • Used by over 30 States, including Idaho Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  3. SY1415 Growth Model Update • Biennial Student Growth will be calculated for Individual Reporting Purposes Only • ISAT Reading scores will be mapped to new ISAT (Smarter Balanced) ELA scores • Significant Correlation of 0.93 between ISAT Reading and Language Usage • Some states have always calculated biennial growth (i.e. between 8th and 10th) Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  4. Student Growth Percentile Model What is the percentile rank of a student compared to students with similar score histories? Percentile Rank = 42nd This student’s grade 4 score is at or above 42 percent of his academic peers. Percentile Rank = 75th This student’s grade 4 score is at or above 75 percent of his academic peers. Grade 5 Score Grade 5 Score Grade 3 Score

  5. To Calculate SGP • A Student must have: • SY1415 Scale Score • SY1213 Core Score • One Score per Subject • Combination of the performance task (PT) and computer adaptive test (CAT) for Math and ELA • Advanced in grade level as expected • Unduplicated EDUID Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  6. SY1415 Growth Model Update (Cont.) • Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP) cannot be calculated • In order to make growth predictions, we first need to understand the probability distribution and growth toward proficiency • Neither SGP nor AGP will be used to determine SY1516 School Improvement Status Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  7. How to Read a Student Growth Report

  8. Example Proficiency Levels ISAT New ISAT (Smarter Balanced) Grade Years Decrease in Achievement Level with Constant High Growth

  9. Data Flow

  10. Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  11. Cohort Graduation Rate • 34 C.F.R §200.19 amended on October 2008 • The regulations require a four-year cohort graduation rate, disaggregated by subgroups, to be: • Reported in Report Card; and • Used in making school determinations • SDE received an extension from US Dept. of Education to report the rate for the Class of 2013-2014. Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  12. Definition • Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate: • The number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who entered high school four years earlier • Adjusting for transfers in and out, those students who emigrate, or are deceased Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  13. To Be Regular Graduates from the SY1314 Cohort • A Student must have: • Correct Exit Date • Correct Exit Code • Initial Enrollment Date and Grade of • 9th grade in 2010/2011; • 10th grade in 2011/2012; • 11th grade in 2012/2013; or • 12th grade in 2013/2014 • Unduplicated EDUID Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  14. Data Flow

  15. Common Issues • Misreported exit reason and/or exit dates for district cohort seniors: Proper coding for cohort seniors who have graduated are 4A-Regular Graduate or 4F- Alternative Route Regular Graduate. • For Example: If cohort seniors are coded as 1A – Same School – indicating that the student will return in the fall, it will dramatically affect the district’s graduation rate • Duplicate EDUID • For Example: Students may not be counted in the current cohort’s graduation rate calculations if they have duplicate EDUIDs Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  16. Advanced Opportunities Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  17. Advanced Opportunities • Advanced Opportunities data for all juniors and seniors received from districts are populated through ISEE. • Enrollment data are populated through the May ISEE upload. • Each student is only counted once, and each student’s best score and course name/number attached are used. • Students who receive a “Pass” in a Tech Prep “Pass/Fail” course are considered to have received a “C or better.” • Non-diploma seeking foreign exchange students are exempted from Advanced Opportunities through appeals. • The order of importance once all scores have been submitted: • 1. AP (if no passing score, move to next test); • 2. Dual Credit (if no passing score, move to next test); • 3. IB (if no passing score, move to next test); • 4. Tech Prep Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  18. Data Flow

  19. College Entrance/Placement Exam Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  20. SAT Data Flow

  21. ACT, COMPASS and ACCUPLACER • ACT, COMPASS and ACCUPLACER Placement • ISEE Inclusion Options • Monthly Uploads – Test File • Accountability Appeals Window Provided by the Idaho state department of education

  22. Questions? Angela Hemingway Director, Assessment and Accountability ahemingway@sde.idaho.gov Ayaka Nukui Research Analyst, Assessment and Accountability anukui@sde.idaho.gov Nichole Hall College Placement Coordinator nhall@sde.idaho.gov

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