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Word for the Dazed

Word for the Dazed. Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”. /gônt/ adj. [<ME. gawnte ] 1. very thin and bony; haggard, as from great hunger or age. gaunt. gaunt. After three months of being imprisoned, John Proctor looked gaunt.

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Word for the Dazed

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  1. Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  2. /gônt/ adj. [<ME. gawnte] 1.very thin and bony; haggard, as from great hunger or age gaunt

  3. gaunt After three months of being imprisoned, John Proctor looked gaunt.

  4. Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  5. vindictive /vin-dik’-tiv/ adj. [<L. vis,force + dicere, say] 1.revengeful in spirit 2. said or done in revenge

  6. vindictive Ashlee Simpson’s band was not vindictive toward her for blaming them because of the lip synching mistake on Saturday Night Live.

  7. Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  8. visage /viz’-ij/ n. [<L. videre, see] • the face; countenance • aspect; look

  9. visage One glance at the gloved one’svisageis enough to cause children to run in terror. Oh, lighten up. He did.

  10. Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  11. surmise /s¶r miz’/vt,vi.[< OFr. sur-, upon + mettre, put] • to guess

  12. surmise One could reasonably surmise another terrorist attack upon us will occur.

  13. Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  14. iniquity /s¶r miz’/vt,vi.[< OFr. sur-, upon + mettre, put] • to guess

  15. surmise One could reasonably surmise another terrorist attack upon us will occur.

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