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FINAL. SEISMIC JEOPARDY. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FINAL SEISMIC JEOPARDY A B C D E F G 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 700 700 700

  2. Vocab for 100 What is a “Sky-light” A hole in the top of a lava tube

  3. Vocab for 200 What is the difference between Lava and Magma Magma is liquid earth below the surface, and when it come to the surface it changes its name to lava

  4. Vocab for 300 The term used for one plate sliding under another plate Sub-duction

  5. Vocab for 400 The name of the point where the earthquake actually occurs Focus

  6. Vocab for 500 The name of the earthquake scale that measures destruction Mercalli

  7. Vocab for 600 The top 2 layers of the earth Lithosphere – crust and upper mantle Push space bar to reveal the answer

  8. Vocab for 700 The type of material that comes out of a shield volcano and produces “black sand beaches” Basalt Push space bar to reveal the answer

  9. Volcano for 100 What are the three types of Volcanoes Strato (composite), shield, and cinder cone

  10. Volcano for 200 What type of volcano is Hawaii, and how was it formed Shield Volcano, weak spot in the plate that moved over a magma chamber

  11. Volcano for 300 The name of the process of moving heat within the earth in a circular pattern Convection

  12. Volcano for 400 Strato volcanoes are explosive and produce Pyroclastic Flows. What are Pyroclastic Flows Hot gaseous avalanches containing ash, cinders, and other pieces (pyroclastic)

  13. Volcano for 500 What is the name given to the area around the Pacific where many volcanoes are located Ring of Fire

  14. Volcano for 600 The type of volcano that produces very low profile slopes to the side of the mountain Shield Push space bar to reveal the answer

  15. Volcano for 700 When new land reaches the surface in the mid Atlantic ridge, it takes on the polarity of the poles and produces “what” on the sea floor Magnetic stripes Push space bar to reveal the answer

  16. Earthquakes for 100 What is the Epicenter Surface location of an earthquake

  17. Earthquakes for 200 What are the four types of waves given off when an earthquake hits P Waves (primary) S Waves (secondary) Rayleigh Waves Love Waves

  18. Earthquakes for 300 What is the difference between a Fold and a Fault A Fold is a bend in the land and a fault is when it cracks

  19. Earthquakes for 400 The type of plate movement we experience in California Transgressional or transformational movement

  20. Earthquakes for 500 How much stronger is a 7.0 earthquake than a 4.0 1000 times stronger

  21. Earthquakes for 600 Earthquakes produce two types of Displacement, what are they Vertical and Horizontal Push space bar to reveal the answer

  22. Earthquakes for 700 What is the name of the scale that measures destruction for earthquakes Mercalli Push space bar to reveal the answer

  23. Plates for 100 What are the names of the two plates in California Pacific Plate and North American Plate

  24. Plates for 200 What is produced at the contact point between an Oceanic plate and a continental plate Trench

  25. Plates for 300 What are the three types of plate movement (3 or 4 will be accepted) Divergent, Transgression, and Convergent (subduction & over-riding)

  26. Plates for 400 What type of feature is created when two continental plates collide Very tall non-volcanic mountains -Himalayas

  27. Plates for 500 The type of movement that is located along the Mid Atlantic Ridge Divergent

  28. Plates for 600 • The name of the small plate just above the state of Washington Juan de Fuca Push space bar to reveal the answer

  29. Plates for 700 These are located a the bottom of the mid Atlantic ridge and produce a “Chimney like” product Black Smokers Push space bar to reveal the answer

  30. Misc for 100 What was Pangaea All land masses were once connected

  31. Misc for 200 What is the Richter Scale Scale used to determine earthquake force

  32. Misc for 300 Where did Volcanoes get their name Roman God – blacksmith - Vulcan

  33. Misc for 400 Who is Pelee Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes

  34. Misc for 500 What is a Lahar When Pyroclastic flows encounter water, and create a slurry of cement like gunk

  35. Misc for 600 What type of wave produces a push pull movement P waves Push space bar to reveal the answer

  36. Misc for 700 The two types of surface waves Love and Rayleigh waves Push space bar to reveal the answer

  37. F 100 a bend in the earth’s surface Fold Push space bar to reveal the answer

  38. F 200 A crack in the earth’s surface Fault Push space bar to reveal the answer

  39. F 300 The surface spot above the point of rupture of an earthquake Epicenter Push space bar to reveal the answer

  40. What is the Descending Plate Theory F 400 The sub-ducting part of the plate, is pulling the rest of the plate along, “tearing open” the Mid Atlantic Ridge Push space bar to reveal the answer

  41. F 500 This is a cauldron-like volcanic feature usually formed by the collapse of land following a volcanic eruption Caldera Push space bar to reveal the answer

  42. F 600 Seismic characteristics of a sub-duction zone Shallow and deep earthquakes along one side of the plate bound Push space bar to reveal the answer

  43. F 700 Volcanic characteristics of a subduction zone Tall narrow volcanic mountain range Push space bar to reveal the answer

  44. G 100 Seismic characteristics of a divergent zone Shallow consistent pattern of earthquakes evenly distributed between the plate boundary Push space bar to reveal the answer

  45. G 200 Lunar Pull Theory, what is it The gravitational pull of the moon is what makes the plates move Push space bar to reveal the answer

  46. G 300 How does the difference in Density of the Earth’s Plates explain how they move? The weight of the older colder part of the plate “sinks” into the mantle, pulling the newer part of the plate along with it Push space bar to reveal the answer

  47. How does Centrifugal Force Theory explain plate movement? G 400 The rotational velocity of the Earth spinning forces the plates to move Push space bar to reveal the answer

  48. G 500 What is a “Hot Spot” or Thermal Plume relatively small, long-lasting, and exceptionally hot regions -- called hotspots -- existed below the plates that would provide localized sources of high heat energy (thermal plumes) to sustain volcanism Push space bar to reveal the answer

  49. G 600 What is the theory of Magma Injection? Area’s along the Mid Atlantic Ridge where active magma is injected upward causing divergent movement Push space bar to reveal the answer

  50. G 700 Name at least two non-scientific legends regarding plate movement Catfish-Japan, Great Winds – Aristotle, Elephants – India, etc Push space bar to reveal the answer

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