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My Alerts

My Alerts. I llogja fil -webs ajt www. mygov.mt u u ż a in-numru ta’ l-e ID u il - password. Klikkja fuq My Services. Klikkja fuq My Alerts.

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My Alerts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Alerts

  2. Illogja fil-websajtwww.mygov.mt u uża in-numru ta’ l-eID u il-password. • Klikkja fuq My Services

  3. Klikkja fuq My Alerts

  4. Meta tikklikja fuq e-Service Alerts tista tara varjeta ta’ servizzi li toffri il-websajtwww.mygov.mt bħala allerti. Biex tapplika għal wieħed minnhom kemm tagħfas Apply

  5. Biex Tgħamel s-Schedule ta My Alerts • Klikka fuq Alerts Schedule

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