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B O B B ringin ’ O ysters B ack

B O B B ringin ’ O ysters B ack. When John Smith traveled through the Bay in the early 1600s, the oyster reefs extended above the surface of the water. The oysters would filter all of the Bay’s water in a single day. THAT’S A CLEAN BAY! .

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B O B B ringin ’ O ysters B ack

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Presentation Transcript

  1. B O BBringin’ Oysters Back

  2. When John Smith traveled through the Bay in the early 1600s, the oyster reefs extended above the surface of the water.

  3. The oysters would filter all of the Bay’s water in a single day.THAT’S A CLEAN BAY!

  4. Now we only have ONE PERCENT of the original amount of oysters.

  5. It takes our oysters an entire year to filter the water of the Bay.

  6. The Oyster Recovery Partnership is a group working to rebuild the Chesapeake Bay’s oyster reefs.

  7. For every dollar that they receive, they can grow 100 oysters.

  8. $10 = 1000 oysters$100 = 10,000 oysters$1000 = 100,000 oysters

  9. That’s why Mount View is...Bringin’ Oysters Back !

  10. As part of Green Field Day, we are fundraising for The Oyster Recovery Partnership.

  11. The fundraiser starts TODAY and runs until May 14th.

  12. Get rewarded if your Falcon Time can collect:$50: FT picture on ticker and lollipops$150: popsicles$250: FT outside and chips$350: breakfast treats $450: fill up the bag candy bar$600: pizza picnic

  13. AND.... every dollar that you collect not only counts toward FT rewards.... it also becomes “oyster cash” that you can use to...

  14. Buy extra slime for teachers (every 10 dollars gets an extra cup of slime)Buy privileges (like a special pass to sit wherever you like in a teacher’s class)Contribute money to challenges (like if $150 oyster cash is collected in Mr. Jennifer’s “challenge jar” he’ll get a faux-hawk.

  15. A complete list of challenges and rewards is on our Green School website. Be sure to check them out!-teachers taking classes outside-teachers getting their hair dyed-teachers eating gross stuff-students becoming the teacher-students banging the cymbals in bandand MANY more!

  16. Right HERE.

  17. Let’s raise as much money as we can to put as many oysters as we can back in the Bay.

  18. Take a flyer home today. Tell your family about the project. Contact your relatives and family friends and tell them too.

  19. and... we challenge you toB O B !You saw our pictures...

  20. now it’s your turn to BOB !

  21. Take a BOB sign home today and show us where you BOB during spring break.

  22. BOB at the beach?BOB at the zoo?BOB in California?BOB in your kitchen?

  23. Send your BOB picture to Mr. Janelli by April 25th AT THE LATEST!(the Friday after spring break).

  24. Prizes will be awarded for:

  25. -most creative-farthest traveled-funniest-most artistic-best BOB with a pet

  26. BOB signs can also be downloaded from our Green School website.

  27. Right HERE.

  28. B O BBringin’ Oysters Back

  29. Please take out your agenda book and write yourself a reminder.

  30. 1. Collect funds for The Oyster Recovery Partnership (and get your FT on the path to a reward!)2.Take a BOB picture and send it to Mr. Janelli.

  31. and if you have any questions, visit our Green School website...

  32. Right HERE.

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