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GARGAMELLE. Leptonic neutral current. The beginning of the experimental studies of the electroweak theory. Now, we are talking about experimental studies to understand the processes of the EW symmetry breaking. 4 th ECFA/DESY workshop Summary of the Calorimeter studies.

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  1. GARGAMELLE Leptonic neutral current The beginningof the experimental studies of the electroweak theory Now, we are talking about experimental studies to understand the processes of the EW symmetry breaking

  2. 4th ECFA/DESY workshop Summary of theCalorimeter studies What was our view at the beginning of the 4th ECFA workshop What is the paradigm today What has been achieved in the R&D What remains to do in the short-mid term in the longer studies What could be the future goalfor the 5th ECFA studies Jean-Claude BRIENT LLR-IN2P3

  3. The main principles (can be seen as obvious today, but …) Start from the PHYSIC program change with time (i.e. recent interest for the capability to measure the tau polarization) Identify the need and how to fulfil it Make a list of requirements, like ∆Ejet, ∆Mdi-jet, photon IP, etc… Look for pseudo-realistic device What is pseudo-realistic/not realistic is relatively elastic Establish the distance between pseudo-realistic to realistic device Prototype and test beam are clearly the best way to do it

  4. Our view at the beginning of the 4th ECFA ECAL • SHASHLIK • TILE for US-LCD-LDand ACFA • W-Si for TDR and US-LCD-SD Energy resolution single particle (10%/E was a “good’’ argument) Pion/electron separation Importance of performance in multi-jet events (not quantified) HCAL • TILE for TDR, US-LD, ACFA • optimal size of tile • photodetectors • S/N at mip • Digital for TDR • is it real effect ? • shower size ? • energy resolution ? Energy resolution single particle (40%/E was a “good’’ argument) Importance of performance in multi-jet events (not quantified)

  5. The Graal is the jet business Di-jet mass resolution, lepton tagging in jet environment,etc… • Shower to shower separability • separation charged hadrons/photon and charged hadrons/neutral hadrons • Give access to the best possible Ejet and • di-jet mass resolution • Lepton identification in jet • electron, mu and tau tagging in jet • Identification of jet flavor, W vs Z, etc… • Needed to see a signal at 5 • Higgs self-coupling and ?? ttH ,…?? Dependence on the measurement precision • Higgs BR in WW • WL coupling (W+W–versus ZZ) e+e– W+W–,ZZ à s=800 GeV =0.3 =0.6 Admitted by the community, we want to be as close as possible from a ”bubble chamber” picture for each event Masse j3j4 GeV Divergence on the realization … Masse j1j2 GeV

  6. Totally segmented with fine granularity best choice would be silicon-tungsten, CALICEcollaboration US-SD detector ECAL Tungsten-silicon sampling calorimeter (20 to 40 layers) Corresponding to about 1000to3000 m2 of silicon detector The pad size would be from 0.5 to 1 cm2 (in the region of the Molière radius ) Overall it means about 30 Million channels !!!! NEW order of magnitude for calorimeter

  7. For a W-Si calorimeter ¨Number of masks (x 0.5 ) ¨Industrial Yield (x 2 ) ¨Use of 8'' wafers ? The goal is << 2 $/cm2 Silicon mini-workshop – EWHA Univ.- Seoul August 2002 ▶About1.5 $/cm2followingKorean estimation ▶ About1.0 $/cm2followingRussian estimation Silicon detector for HEP - Cost evolution Moore's Law for Silicon Strip Detectors ECAL 4” Wafer size 6” Compilation from H.Sadrozinski (UCSC) ATLAS cost/area ($/cm²) 10 Used in the TDR CMS 2 2$/cm2 Blank wafer price 6'' 1 YEAR

  8. HCAL ECAL TPC MODULE tungsten Detector slab

  9. Prototype overview Global view of the test beam setup VME/… ECAL general view HCAL 2nd structure (2×1.4mm of W plates) 3rd structure (3×1.4mm of W plates) 180 mm BEAM VFE ECAL Beam monitoring Movable table 370 mm 1st structure (1.4mm of W plates) 370 mm Detector slab Silicon wafer

  10. ECAL W-Si. prototype in test beam in 2004 ? 2005 , Where ?? Pad PCB VFE chip Wafer Transverseview Silicon wafer (0.525 mm) PCB (multi-layers) ( 2.4 mm) Al. Shielding 8.5 mm Tungsten (1.4 mm, 2×1.4 or 3×1.4 mm) Composite structure(0.15 mm / layer)

  11. Totally segmented with fine granularity best choice would be silicon-tungsten, CALICEcollaboration US-SD detector Reality of the cost evolution ? However, remember that it is possible to go down by factor 2 on the Si. Area Is it enough ?? If not enough on the cost reduction Partially segmented with fine granularity Italian choice ,LCCAL 3 silicon layers + scintillator tiles ACFA choice, 3 fiber devices + scintillator tiles ECAL

  12. PM’s LCCAL prototype Tiles surrounded by holder structure for PM Fibers inside collector In front of PMs Tiles Si planes LCCAL under test @ BTF in Frascati

  13. 6 sensors/motherboard with serial readout. Status of production: 16 sensors available 2 motherboards fully and 1 partially equipped (252 pads/board) 6 cm ~1 cm ~1 cm 7 cm Lccal: Si Pads design & production OK Mar 03 Si Pads inserted in proto 28-3-03 Sensors from IET (Warsaw)

  14. Calibration applied 1 e- 2 e- 11.5%E 3 e- Ebeam (MeV) Lccal: energy resolution and linearity for Tiles From BTF test EE Good linearity vs particle multiplicity • Photoelectron stat. Negligible • Sampling term 11.5% as in MC • Uniformity of light collection still at a level < 10% using all layers. Effect on resolution to be evaluated at next Cern TB (Aug 2003) From Cern TB Nphe>5.1 /layer →Cal(45 layers) ~ 250 MeV/Mip ~ 800Npe/GeV Light uniformity better than 20% OK also @ BTF (E ~500 MeV)

  15. ACFA ECALKEK, Kobe, Konan, Niigata, Shinshu and Tsukuba EMCAL design 1) Tile of 4cm x 4cm (7.1Xo) 2) Strip Arrays (x,y) of1cm-width Sub-system R&D a) SHmax:direct-attached APD and WLS-readout. b) Super-multi-channel photo -detectors. Present status and future plans 1st exp. just finished on Nov.14 for 1(partial), 2, and a. 2nd expin November 2003 with 1(full) andb. ECAL Tile/Fiber Sampling Calorimeter • Hardware Compensation • Design Flexibility • Reasonable cost • Well-established thechnology • Sufficient granularity for EMCAL ? Note the date Scintillatortile of 4 x 4 cm

  16. Totally segmented with fine granularity best choice would be gas detector + radiator CALICEcollaboration Famous Digital HCAL Energy resolution (due to trunc. Landau) Shower width (due to density) A.Sokolov (IHEP) S.Magill (ANL) Digital  Analog Slope = 23 hits/GeV HCAL

  17. Resistive Plate: Glass or Bakelite Pick-up pad(s) Mylar RPC’s design in US groups HV Gas Graphite Results from Russian groups

  18. The key point of the costing is the readout electronics The number of channels is VERY LARGE i.e. just for the prototype, it is about 200 000 to 400 000 channels Readout Board proposed by LLR (TDR 01) Readout Board proposed By JINR-DUBNA

  19. IV. Design work on the electronic readout System overview I RPC ASIC located on the chambers II Data concentrators funnels data from several FE chips III VME data collector funnels data from several data concentrators IV External timing and trigger system

  20. Reality of the simulation Energy Resolution as well as shower width Are better in GEANT4 Is it true in real world ?? If real data largely downgraded Partially segmented with medium granularity CALICEcollaboration 9 layers of projective scintillator tiles (from 5x5cm to 20x20cm) ACFA choice, 4x4 cm projective scintillator tiles Totally segmented with fine granularity best choice would be gas detector + radiator CALICEcollaboration Famous Digital HCAL HCAL

  21. Details of TFS Optimisation Studies Centre/straight WLS-fibre Diagonal/bent WLS-fibre No stress on fibre, fibre refl. =tile reflector more stress on fibre, fibre refl. =tile reflector L=7.85cm L=7,85cm L=5cm clear RO fibre to couple: 1-3.5m in detector, light attenuation <18% • Double looped fibre • strong fibre bend, • most stress on fibre, • probably ageing damages, • fibre end fibre reflector • inside tile >>> • special reflective coating • needed ? • 1.1 mmhole in center • drilled and polished? • could it be made during tile moulding? L=31,4cm

  22. Treatment direction The actual achieved LY for the TFS Scintillator BC-408, , Kuraray, WLS-fibre 3M-Super Radiant Reflector Light yield/tile • 22+/-1.5 pe (BC-408, Aug. 2002) • >> 26 (new results from ITEP) • both Russian scintillators • have ~ 2/3 of BC-408 LY • ~20% more LY can be expected • by improving polishing • of WLF-fibre end, • no gluing needed anymore All together: 100% reflectivity at fibre end

  23. ACHIEVED by the calorimeter studies in the 4th ECFA workshop test of the W-Si ECAL (CALICE) France, U.Kingdom, MSU, Prague,…. test/validation of the technical problem of integration (30 layers in 18cm) mechanical assembly , mechanical tolerance,… VFE seems in good shape, use of amorphous silicon for AC coupling, … test of the W-Si + tiles(LCCAL) Como, LNF,Padova,Trieste test of the technical feasibility… mechanical assembly , mechanical tolerance,… First results in beam test of the digital HCAL (CALICE) ANL, IHEP, JINR, NIU, SNU , UTA, … Energy measurement wit digital device (GEANT4) test with pad size, … can we do it with RPC (GEM), Geiger Chamber,…. RPC’s design, Simulation studies (energy resolution, shower width), test of the tile HCAL (CALICE) DESY,ITEP,JINR,LPI,MEPhI,Prague…, KEK,… NIU homogeneity of response how to do the tile ? fiber shape, choice of the fiber What is the smallest size with a good S/N at MIP ? 5x5cm (CALICE AHCAL) , 4x4cm(ACFA) , 9cm2(CALICE NIU) Where to do the readout ? - close (Si-pm) - far (APD multi-anode)

  24. AND NOW The road for the 5th ECFA , (2 next years) is relatively clear • Prototype in construction / test • validation of technical aspect well advanced and will continue • Prototype in test beam (2004 – 2006) • physics results (specially the hadronic shower pattern in GEANT4) • Diversity of approach interesting at this level LEVEL of SEGMENTATION for ECAL for HCAL TECHNICAL WAY to do it for ECAL for HCAL

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