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The Language Portal Dutch / Frisian

The Language Portal Dutch / Frisian. What is The Language Portal?. A place on the internet where all knowledge about the grammar of Dutch and the grammar of Frisian can be found. In English. . Funding. http:// www.nwo.nl/en Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research

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The Language Portal Dutch / Frisian

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  1. The Language PortalDutch / Frisian

  2. What is The Language Portal? A place on the internet whereallknowledgeabout the grammar of Dutch and the grammar of Frisiancanbe found. In English.

  3. Funding http://www.nwo.nl/en Netherlands OrganizationforScientific Research Biggestgrant, “NWO-Groot” (NWO-Grand) € 1,7 million

  4. NWO-Grand subsidy 2nd time that the subsidy was grantedto a project from the Humanities 1st time that the subsidy was grantedto a project from the discipline of linguistics

  5. When? 2011 -2015

  6. Main partners Meertensinstitute, http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/cms/en/ Frisian Academy,http://www.fryske-akademy.nl/index.php?L=2&id=18

  7. Other partners Technical: Institutefor Dutch Lexicology,http://www.inl.nl/our-work-and-working-methods Boards of advisors for each subfield of grammar from all leading universities in the relevant fields of research.

  8. What is The Language Portal? A place on the internet whereallknowledgeabout the grammar of Dutch and the grammar of Frisiancanbe found. In English.

  9. The four West Germaniclanguages English Frisian Dutch German

  10. Historicalaffiliation

  11. Grammar of German German has the DudenGrammatik,http://www.duden.de/shop/ NB: prescriptive. Target group: national (written in German) Who? Language professionalssuch as writers, teachers, andso on.

  12. Grammar of English English has Quirk et al: “A comprehensive grammar of the English language” NB: prescriptive. Target group: national. Intendedforlanguage professionals

  13. More English Grammars RodneyHuddleston& GeoffreyPullum: The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language Douglas Biber, Stig Johansson, GeoffreyLeech, Susan Conrad, and Edward Finegan: Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English

  14. Grammar of Dutch Dutch has the Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst (ANS). Prescriptive. Target group: national(written in Dutch) http://ans.ruhosting.nl/

  15. Grammar of Frisian Frisian has … nothingthatbig. Thereare small grammarslikeTiersma (English), Popkema (Dutch).

  16. Language Portal Frisian / Dutch Chieflyconcernedwithwhat is scientifically interesting. Is targeted at the internationalscientific community of linguists. Duden, Quirk, ANS target the national community of thoseprofessionallyconcernedwithlanguage.

  17. Grammars of West Germaniclanguages

  18. Whydidn’t we develop a grammarforlanguage professionals? We appliedforit, but NWO didn’t want topayfor it.

  19. If we write a grammarforFrisianlanguage professionals, … in whatlanguageshoulditbe? Idealistic versus pragmaticarguments (Note: we have both a Frisian-Dutch dictionaryand a Frisian-Frisianone)

  20. Technicallyinnovative The Language Portal has the structure of an XML-database. The Language Portal is createdbyanenrichedversion of the software program Oxygen, anxml-editor http://www.oxygenxml.com/

  21. Language Portal http://taalportaal.org/taalportaal/topic/

  22. Otherlanguages? Afrikaans

  23. Subject architecture Dutch

  24. Modern Grammar of Frisian FrisianPhonology FrisianMorphology FrisianSyntax Willem Visser Truus de Vries Eric Hoekstra Siebren Dyk Joke Weening

  25. Historicallinguistics

  26. Grammar of MinorityLanguages Language Portal for Welsh? Basque? Scots?

  27. Thanksforyour attention! Questions?

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